This procedure applies to deploying an SBC SWe Lite via Marketplace; this procedure does not apply to deploying an SBC SWe Lite via Azure Launch Wizard.
In this section:
PowerShell is an alternate option in Azure to execute commands, such as creating a resource group or virtual network. Powershell is required if you plan to create a resource group, virtual networks and virtual subnetworks via Powershell. These commands are not required if you are using Azure Portal to execute these commands. For details on PowerShell, refer to the PowerShell documentation. For executing comments via Azure Portal, refer to Deploying a SBC SWe Lite via Azure Marketplace.
PowerShell is an option used to execute various commands when deploying SBC SWe Lite via Azure. Use Azure CLI PowerShell module or Azure RM PowerShell module to login into PowerShell as follows:
Login to Azure with PowerShell:
### Azure CLI ### az login ### Azure RM ### Connect-AzureRmAccount
Create a Resource Group via PowerShell as follows:
Run one of the following commands (per Azure CLI PowerShell module or Azure RM PowerShell module):
### Azure CLI ### az group create -l "westus2" -n "SWeLite-RG" ### Azure RM ### New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "SWeLite-RG" -Location westus2
Run one of the following commands (per Azure CLI Powershell module or Azure RM PowerShell module):
### Azure CLI ### az network vnet create -g "SWeLite-RG" -n "SWeLite-Network" --address-prefix --subnet-name MySubnet1 --subnet-prefix ### Azure RM ### $Subnets = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "MySubnet1" -AddressPrefix "" New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName "SWeLite-RG" -Name "SWeLite-Network" -Location westus2 -Subnet $Subnets
Run one of the following commands (per Azure CLI or Azure RM):
### Azure CLI ### az network vnet subnet create -g "SWeLite-RG" --vnet-name "SWeLite-Network" -n "MySubnet2" --address-prefix ### Azure RM ### $Subnets = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "MySubnet2" -AddressPrefix "" Set-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName "SWeLite-RG" -Name "SWeLite-Network" -Location westus2 -Subnet $Subnets
Perform these steps via PowerShell:
Run the following commands (per Azure CLI PowerShell module):
$ResourceGroup = "SWeLite-RG" $VirtualNetwork = "SWeLite-Network" $Image = "ribboncommunications:ribbon_sbc_swe-lite:ribbon_sbc_swe-lite:8.0.0" ### Azure CLI ### az network nic create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name "swelite800-1-1" --vnet-name $VirtualNetwork --subnet MySubnet1 az network nic create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name "swelite800-1-2" --vnet-name $VirtualNetwork --subnet MySubnet2 az vm create -g $ResourceGroup -n "swelite800-1" --image $Image --size "Standard_B1ms" --generate-ssh-keys --nics "swelite800-1-1" "swelite800-1-2"
Perform these steps via PowerShell:
Run the following commands (per Azure CLI PowerShell module):
$ResourceGroup = "SWeLite-RG" $VirtualNetwork = "SWeLite-Network" ### Azure CLI ### az network nic create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name "swelite-2" --vnet-name $VirtualNetwork --subnet pkt0 az vm nic add -g $ResourceGroup --vm-name "swelite" --nics "swelite-2"