
Beginning with SBC Core release 7.0, the SBC is configured in legacy license mode by default. The “local” and “network” options for license mode that were supported for SBC SWe in prior releases are being phased out. Options to change license mode through the CLI or EMA are no longer available as of release 7.0. Although some references to local license mode remain in documentation, the CLI, or the EMA UI, local license mode is not supported.

Some license alarms are specific to a particular license mode and are not triggered unless the SBC is configured to use the corresponding license mode.

If your SBC SWe deployment was configured to use network license mode in a prior release, the tools to monitor and configure network-mode licensing remain available in release 7.0, but will be phased out in the future. Information needed to maintain network license mode is still provided. Contact your Ribbon Sales Representative for more information and assistance in updating your license.

This section describes licensing alarms applicable to SBC SWe Cloud deployments.

Table of Contents

sonusCpLicenseAcquireFailed - CRITICAL
sonusCpLicenseAcquireSucceeded - INFORMATIONAL
sonusCpLicenseExpireSoonWarningNotification - MAJOR
sonusCpLicenseExpireWarningNotification - CRITICAL
sonusCpLicenseFingerprintMismatch - CRITICAL
sonusCpLicenseGraceExpired - CRITICAL
sonusCpLicenseGraceExpiring - CRITICAL
sonusCpLicenseGraceModeCleared - INFORMATIONAL
sonusCpLicenseGraceMode - MAJOR
sonusCpLicenseReleased - INFORMATIONAL
sonusCpLicenseServerNameResolutionError - CRITICAL
sonusCpLicenseServerReachable - INFORMATIONAL
sonusCpLicenseServerUnreachable - MAJOR
sonusInvalidFingerPrintNotification - MAJOR
sonusSbxCallRejectsDueToSessionLicenseClearNotification - CRITICAL
sonusSbxCallRejectsDueToSessionLicenseNotification - CRITICAL
sonusSbxClearMaximumLicenseCountThresholdExceeded - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxClearMinimumLicenseCountThresholdNotReached - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxLicensedAmrNbSessionsThresholdReachedNotification - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxLicensedAmrWbSessionsThresholdReachedNotification - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxLicensedEvrcSessionsThresholdReachedNotification - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxLicensedMrfSessionsThresholdReachedNotification - CRITICAL
sonusSbxLicensedNiceRecThresholdReachedNotification - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxLicensedServiceDeniedDueToLicenseLimit - CRITICAL
sonusSbxLicensedSrtpSessionsThresholdReachedNotification - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxLicensedVideoSessionsThresholdReachedNotification - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxMandatoryLicenseAvailable - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxMandatoryLicenseUnavailable - CRITICAL
sonusSbxMaximumLicenseCountThresholdExceeded - CRITICAL
sonusSbxMinimumLicenseCountThresholdNotReached - CRITICAL
sonusSbxServiceLicenseAvailable - INFORMATIONAL
sonusSbxServiceLicenseUnavailable - MAJOR
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