Use the Call Count Current Statistics window to view the high-water mark (peak number) for different types of calls occurring during the current time interval for statistics. To set the call-count time interval, refer to System - Interval Statistics.

On the SBC main screen, go to All > Global > Call Count Current Statistics. The Call Count Current Statistics window opens.

Call Count Current Statistics


The following parameters are displayed:

Call Count Current Statistics Parameters

NameSpecifies a dummy key to be added to non-config scalar element container (even when only one row is allowed in the container).
Call CountSpecifies the the high-water mark for the total number of active calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
Encrypt CountSpecifies the high-water mark for encrypted calls occurring during the current statistics interval.

Srtp Count

Specifies the high-water mark for SRTP calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
Enhanced Video CountSpecifies the high-water mark for enhanced video calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
Amrnb Leg CountSpecifies the high-water mark for AMR-NB call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.
Amrwb Leg CountSpecifies the high-water mark for AMR-WB call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.
Evrc Leg CountSpecifies the high-water mark for EVRC call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.
Nice Rec CountSpecifies the high-water mark for NICE recorded calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
Mrf Sessions CountSpecifies the high-water mark for MRF sessions occurring during the current statistics interval.
SIP Rec CountSpecifies the high-water mark for SIP Recording calls occurring during the current statistics interval.
Transcode CountSpecifies the high-water mark for transcoded sessions occurring during the current statistics interval.
Pdcs CountSpecifies the high-water mark for P-DCS-LAES header-based call interception sessions occurring during the current statistics interval.
Evs Leg CountSpecifies the high-water mark for EVS call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.
Silk Leg CountSpecifies the high-water mark for SILK call legs occurring during the current statistics interval.