This section describes the procedure to create SBC configurator instance using the configurator heat template.

  • Create a SBC Configurator cluster in the EMS before instantiating the SBC Configurator. For information on creating a SBC configurator cluster, refer to Creating a Configurator Cluster.
  • For cloud deployments, Sonus does not recommend performing configuration changes directly on the SBC through the SBC Configuration Manager from the EMS or directly through the EMA. The recommended approach is to use the SBC configurator instance and perform the SBC configuration changes.
  • Download the required heat template and the environment file (heatConfiguratorTemplate.yaml) from the Salesforce Customer Portal. Edit the template with the required SBC instance information using the instructions included in the heat template.

To instantiate the SBC Configurator on OpenStack using Orchestration heat template file:

  1. Log on to the OpenStack.

  2. On navigation pane, click Project > Orchestration Stacks.
    The Stacks page displays:

    Stacks Page

  3. Click + Launch Stack to view the Select Template dialog.

  4. In the Select Template screen:
    1. From the Template Source drop-down list, select File.
    2. Under Template File, click Browse.

    3. Select the .yaml file saved on the computer.

    4. Click Next.

      Select Template

    5. From the Launch Stack dialog, enter the required values for the fields. The following table describes the Launch Stack fields:


      FieldDescriptionExample or Recommendation
      Stack Name *A unique name of the stack to create.SBCConfig
      Creation Timeout (minutes) *Stack creation time-out in minutes. The default value is 60 minutes.60
      Rollback on FailureThis enables the rollback on create/update failure. 
      Password for user*This is required for operations to be performed throughout the life cycle of the stack.admin
      Image Name *The image to be used to launch the SBC SWe configurator instance.SBCSWe6.1R000
      Flavor*The flavor to be used to launch the instance. For more information see, SBC SWe Requirements.m1.large
      Security Group*Name of the security group associated with the instance. For more information see, Understanding Security Group Rules.vsbc_security_group name
      SBC System NameSBC system name or Redundancy Group name. For more information see, System and Instance Name Convention.vsbcSystem
      Management Port Public Network Name or ID
      Public network with floating IP addresses for mgt0 (used only if "Floating IP Count" is non-zero for mgt0).ext-net
      Number of Floating IPs on mgt0 Number of public IPs on mgt0. 0 or 1. The default value is 0.
      Management Port Private Network Name or ID Name or ID of private network for mgt0.mgt-net
      HA Port Private Network Name or ID Name or ID of private network for ha0.ha0-net
      Packet Port 0 Private Network Name or ID Name or ID of private network for pkt0.pkt0-net
      Packet Port 1 Private Network Name or ID Name or ID of private network for pkt1.pkt1-net
      Is DHCP enabled on Mgt0 Subnet? This verifies whether DHCP is enabled on Mgt0 subnet.True or False
      Management Port  Private Subnet Name or ID  Name or ID of private subnet for mgt0.mgt0_subnet
      Is DHCP enabled on Ha0 Subnet? This verifies whether DHCP is enabled on ha0 subnet.True or False
      HA Port  Private Subnet Name or ID  Name or ID of private subnet for ha0.ha0_subnet
      Is DHCP enabled on Pkt0 Subnet? This verifies whether DHCP is enabled on pkt0 subnet.True or False
      Packet Port 0  Private Subnet Name or ID Name or ID of private subnet for pkt0.pkt0_subnet
      Is DHCP enabled on Pkt1 Subnet?  This verifies whether DHCP is enabled on pkt1 subnet.True or False
      Packet Port 1  Private Subnet Name or ID Name or ID of private subnet for pkt1.pkt1_subnet
      SBC (Assigned) Active Instance NamePreferred name for SBC active instance.vsbc1
      EMS User NameEMS user name to communicate with the APIs.restuser
      EMS PasswordEMS user password which is required to perform operations throughout the life cycle of the stack.sonus123
      EMS IP 1

      The standalone EMS IP address to manage SBC instances. For Geographical Redundancy (GR) EMS deployment, this IP address denotes as EMS source IP address.

      For Example:

      For IPv6,

      • Standalone EMS IP address as fd00:10:6b50:4060::8e
      • Geographical Redundancy EMS IP address as fd00:10:6b50:4060::8e and fd00:10:6b50:4060::8f

      For IPv4,

      • Standalone EMS IP address as
      • Geographical Redundancy EMS IP address as and or fd00:10:6b50:4060::8e
      EMS IP 2For GR EMS deployment, this IP address denotes as EMS target IP address. or fd00:10:6b50:4060::8f
      Cluster IDThe cluster ID of SBC Configurator cluster.SBC-Configurator


      If the SBC SWe is not integrated with the EMS, the corresponding EMS fields must be set to "None".

      Launch Stack

  5. Click Launch.
    The new stack is listed in a table.

    Stacks Page

    Do not click Check Stack after instantiating SBC SWe as it leads to unexpected behavior.

  6. On the navigation pane, click Project Compute > Instances to view the newly-created instances.

    Instances Page

  7. Perform the following sub-steps to view the registered instance in the EMS:
    1. Log on to the EMS SWe.
    2. Click Network Management > Cluster / VNF Management.
      The Cluster/VNF Management window displays.
    3. Click View Cluster/VNF Node Status tab.
    4. Navigate through the list to view the registered SBC Configurator instance.

      Registered SBC Configurator Instance in EMS

      When making any changes to configuration, you must apply the same changes on all the instances of Redundancy Group. When using Configurator and EMS, this is taken care automatically through partial updates.

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