The SBC uses the Test Call Number Profile to verify PSX test data access. The SBC uses this profile to determine whether to send a PSX query to a test PSX or to the production PSX. When the SBC receives a call from one of the configured numbers in the Test Call Number Profile, the SBC sends the PSX query to the test PSX, if available.

When the SBC receives a call from a number not included in the Test Call Number Profile, the SBC sends the PSX query to the production PSX.

Command Syntax

The Test Call Number Profile CLI syntax is provided below.

% set profiles services testCallNumberProfile <name of profile> testCallNumber <test number>


Use the following CLI syntax to associated a testCallNumberProfile with a trunk group:

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <SIP TG name> services testCallNumberProfile <testCallNumberProfile name>


Command Parameters

testCallNumberProfile 1-23 characters

<profile name> – The name of the Test Call Number Profile.

testCallNumber1-24 digits

<digits> – The test call number to include in the Test Call Number Profile. The test call number can include a + (plus) sign.  

NOTE: The SBC supports up to 16 test call numbers per Test Call Number Profile. The process to identify a test call number is accomplished by using exact match.