The SIPREC protocol defines the interaction between a Session Recording Client (SRC) and a Session Recording Server (SRS), and controls the recording of media transmitted in the context of a communications session (CS) between multiple user agents.

The SBC Core supports the following SIP recording (SIPREC) interfaces:

  • SIPREC SIP-based session recording
  • Call monitoring MCT
  • NICE session recording

A basic call, or communication session (CS), is established between SIP phone 1 and SIP phone 2 through the SBC. The SBC establishes a Recording session (RS) for the CS based on configuration towards SRS.

The SRC and SRS act as SIP User Agents (UAs) whereby the SRC provides additional information (called metadata) to the SRS recording session to describe the communication sessions, participants and media streams to facilitate archival and retrieval of the recorded information.

The SBC determines if a call is configured to be recorded, and if SIPREC is to be used.


The SIPREC feature is controlled by a system-wide SBC license (SBC-SIPREC). If the license is not available, any SIPREC recording returned by a PSX is ignored.


 When SIPREC is selected as the Recorder Type, and Recording Type is selected as “both legs” and “all legs”, the SBC by default records the ingress leg.


NICE and Media Packet Capture cannot be used simultaneously because the Splitter resource can only be configured for one feature.

For more information on SIPREC functionality and feature interaction, refer to Session Recording Support.

SIPrec Commands

This option provides start recording and stop recording using SIPREC protocol.

Siprec Commands

The following options are displayed:

SipRec Command Parameters




Initiates the SIPREC SIP-based session recording.


Terminates the SIPREC SIP-based session recording.

Select the required command and click Select.

To start recording

Select the Start Record command and click Select.

A dialog-box is displayed:

Siprec - Start Recording

  • For SIPREC SIP-based session recording, the SBC as SRC sends the INVITE to the SRS over User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The SBC also supports SIPREC INVITE to the SRS over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
  • To support SIPREC INVITE over TCP, the Sip Sig Port, which is configured in the zone for SIPREC, must have Transport Protocols Allowed as sip-tcp.


The following fields are displayed.

Siprec - Start Recording Parameters




Specifies the GCID of call to start recording.

Call Leg

Call leg associated with this recording session.

The options are:

  • Egress
  • Ingress (default)
Num of StreamsSpecifies the number (1 or 2) of simultaneous streaming to different SRS IP addresses. By default, the value is 1.
Srs IP AddressSpecifies the IP address of the Recording Server.
Srs PortSpecifies the UDP Port of the Recording Server.
Srs IP Address2

Specifies the IP address of the secondary recording server to which the media stream is forked.

NOTE: This parameter is mandatory if the parameter Num Of Streams is set to 2.

Srs Port2

Specifies the IP port of the secondary recording server to which the media stream is forked.

NOTE: This parameter is mandatory if the parameter Num Of Streams is set to 2.

Trunk GroupSpecifies the name of the SIPREC trunk group associated with this recording session.

Select the transport protocol over which you want to send the SIPREC INVITE.

The options are:

  • UDP (default)
  • TCP
Trunk Group2

Specifies the name (maximum 24 characters) of the SIPREC trunk group towards second SRS IP with which the calls have to be recorded.

NOTE: This parameter is mandatory if the parameter Num Of Streams is set to 2.


Specifies the type of transport to be used for recording session on the secondary SRS IP.

The options are:

  • UDP (default)
  • TCP

NOTE: This parameter is mandatory if the parameter Num Of Streams is set to 2.

Make the required changes and click startRecord to initiate the SIP-based session recording. Click the "Command Name" button to implement the option. The result of the action is displayed.

Global - Siprec - StartRecord - Result


If the parameter Num of Streams is set to "1", and secondary SRS details are provided for the parameters Srs Ip Address2, Srs Port2, and Trunk Group2, then the information about the secondary SRS information is used for redundancy when the  primary SRS goes down.


To stop recording

Select the Stop Record command and click Select.

A dialog-box is displayed:

Global - Siprec - StopRecord

 The following fields are displayed.

Siprec - Start Recording Parameters




Specifies the GCID of call to stop recording.

Recorder AddressSpecifies the IP address of the recorder to stop the recording of a GCID value.
Recorder PortSpecifies the port number of the recorder to stop the recording of a GCID value.

Make the required changes and click stopRecord to stop the SIP-based session recording. The result of the action is displayed.


For the stopRecord command, if only the GCID value is mentioned, all recordings for that GCID are stopped at once.