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New CLI in 10.1.0R0

SBX-65791 Sonus and Genband SBC CAC Gaps

Command Syntax

The updated CLI syntax for the Internal SIP Cause Map Profile is depicted below.

% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <profile name> causeMap
    causeTextInSIPResposeTitle <disable | enable>
    includeReasonHeader <None | Q850 | SIP> 
    internalCause <cause map enuneration>
    sipCause <sip response code>
    sipCauseText  <text>   
    Q850Code <number> 

Command Parameters

The new causeMap parameters are described below.







Enable this flag to insert user-provided reason text as the SIP response's title.

  • disable <default>
  • enable



Specify the action for the SBC to take when a CAC failure occurs.

  • None – Take no action
  • Q850 – Insert Reason header in the SIP response using cause type 'Q850'
  • SIP – Insert Reason header in the SIP response using cause type 'SIP'

Q850Code <#>0 - 255

Specify the Q850 code to insert in the Reason header and include in the CDR.

Default value is "0".


SBX-70699 Multiple audio m-line support

This feature introduces the IP Signaling Profile flags selectCoreStreamForMultiStreamAudioOrImageCall and disableNonCoreAudioAndImageStreams. The flag selectCoreStreamForMultiStreamAudioOrImageCall supersedes the flag multipleAudioStreamsSupport.

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile_name> commonIpAttributes flags
selectCoreStreamForMultiStreamAudioOrImageCall <disabled | enabled>
disableNonCoreAudioAndImageStreams <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters




When enabled, the SBC selects the core stream based on the Route PSP from multiple audio or image streams received in the incoming offer. The dependent flag disableNonCoreAudioAndImageStreams is visible for configuration only when this flag is enabled.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

This flag is visible only when the flag selectCoreStreamForMultiStreamAudioOrImageCall is enabled. Use this option to disable all non-core audio and image streams by setting the port to "0" irrespective of codecs allowed by the Route PSP and T.38 configuration. If enabled, the SBC relays all non-core audio and image streams with port set to "0".

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Configuration Example

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes flags selectCoreStreamForMultiStreamAudioOrImageCall enabled disableNonCoreAudioAndImageStreams enabled 

For more information, refer to Flags - CLI.

SBX-91700 Emergency call disconnection behavior enhancement

Command Syntax

set addressContext <AC Name> zone  <Zone Name>  sipTrunkGroup  <Sip Trunk Group Name> signaling emgCallByeHandlelegHoldTime <Hold Time>

Command Parameters







Specify the Emergency Call BYE Handling duration, in seconds, to ensure the call remains active while the ECS obtains the location information for the at the calling carrier.

  • 0 (Default) – Emergency Call BYE Handling feature is not applied.
  • non zero – Emergency Call BYE Handling feature is applied for the configured leg hold duration.


Configuration Example

set addressContext AC1 zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup TG1 signaling emgCallByeHandlelegHoldTime 10

SBX-92729 Direction attribute behavior

This feature introduces an IP Signaling profile configuration flag "mapDpmToSendrecvForInitialDialog" under Common IP Attributes: Common IP attributes > Flags >  mapDpmToSendrecvForInitialDialog (disabled/enabled).

Command Syntax

mapDpmToSendrecvForInitialDialog flag CLI
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile_name> commonIpAttributes flags 
	mapDpmToSendrecvForInitialDialog <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters




When this parameter is enabled, direction attribute a=sendrecv is sent in the outgoing initial invite when a=inactive is received in the Invite from other side, or a=sendrecv is sent in responses to initial invite when the response from other side is received with a=inactive.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Configuration Example

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes flags mapDpmToSendrecvForInitialDialog enabled

For more information, refer to Flags - CLI.

SBX-101143 Switchover SBC when it receives the signal Ctrl Alt Del x N times

This feature adds the ctrlAltDelete object to the System Admin CLI. When enabled, it manages when to switch over the SBC SWe node when "Ctrl+Alt+Del" is pressed N times within T seconds.

Command Syntax

% set system admin <system_Name> ctrlAltDelete 
	ctrlAltDeleteMode <disabled | enabled>
	ctrAltDelCount <3-6>
	ctrAltDelCountPerSec <1-6>

Command Parameters




Set this parameter to "enabled" to perform an SBC SWe node switchover when the admin presses the keyboard command "Ctrl+Alt+Del" N (ctrAltDelCount) times within T (ctrAltDelCount) number of seconds.

Note: When enabled, the default values are set upon initial use of this feature. Otherwise, the parameters will equal the values previously configured.

When "Ctrl+Alt+Del" is pressed on either the active or standby SBC SWe node, the application restarts without checking the current role of that node.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled
ctrAltDelCount 3-65

Specify the number of Ctrl+Alt+Del keyboard entries to perform within (ctrAltDelCountPerSec) number of seconds  to start an SBC switchover for the node of interest.

If the system does not receive (ctrAltDelCount) number of keyboard entries within the set (ctrAltDelCountPerSec) timeframe, this feature is ignored.

ctrAltDelCountPerSec 1-6 seconds1

Specify time window (number of seconds) to enter (ctrAltDelCount) number of Ctrl+Alt+Del keyboard commands to activate this feature. Once activated, an SBC SWe switchover occurs for the node of interest (active or standby).

If the system does not receive (ctrAltDelCount) number of keyboard entries within the set (ctrAltDelCountPerSec) timeframe, this feature is ignored.

Configuration Example

The following example depicts how to enable and configure the ctrlAltDelete object to start a switchover of an active SBC SWe when "Ctrl+Alt+Del"  is entered 4 times within 5 seconds..

set system admin vsbcSystem ctrlAltDelete ctrlAltDeleteMode enabled ctrAltDelCount 4 ctrAltDelCountPerSec 5
For more information, refer to Ctrl-Alt-Delete Switchover - CLI.

SBX-101980 SBC Support SFTP of Compressed CDR Files

You can configure the SBC to transfer CDRs to a remote server as compressed or uncompressed. Currently, if one or more CDR servers are configured, only uncompressed billing files are allowed to be transferred. This feature will allow transferring compressed CDR files through SFTP

Command Syntax

% set oam eventLog typeAdmin acct cdrFileTransferType < compressed | uncompressed >

Command Parameters









Use this flag to instruct the SBC to write CDRs as compressed, or uncompressed.

  • compressed
  • uncompressed

Configuration Examples

% set oam eventLog typeAdmin acct cdrFileTransferType compressed

SBX-55153 Compute R-Factor and populate in CDR even when QOS routing is disabled

This feature adds the parameter "rFactorComputation" in the Global system level configuration CLI. If enabled, the SBC computes a call's R-Factor and adds it to the STOP CDR even if the QoS routing is not enabled.

The R-factor is populated in the STOP CDR in the following fields:

  • Ingress Inbound R-Factor
  • Ingress Outbound R-Factor
  • Egress Inbound R-Factor
  • Egress Outbound R-Factor

Command Syntax

% set global system
rFactorComputation <disabled | enabled> 

Command Parameters




Enable this parameter, to compute the R-Factor and add it to the STOP CDR even if the QoS routing is not enabled. Since R-Factor computations are CPU-intensive, this parameter limits the computations to applicable call flows only. The default setting is "disabled".

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Configuration Example

set global system rFactorComputation enabled

For more information, refer to System (Global) - CLI.

SBX-92560 Suppress CDR fields in all record types

This feature adds support in the SBC to suppress the CDR fields added in the specific CAM versions while upgrading to a new release. This control is provided by a configurable CDR Admin parameter. The SBC provides a configuration option for the user to specify the SBC version on which the CDRs must remain formatted, even after the SBC software is upgraded.

Command Syntax

% set oam accounting admin
 cdrVerToGenerate <0 | 10.1>

Command Parameters



0 (disabled)

The SBC version on which the CDRs must remain formatted even after the SBC software is upgraded. The valid values for the configuration option are 0 or 10.1 for the SBC 10.1 release. The default value for the configuration is 0 (disabled). If the option is disabled, the CDRs are formatted according to the CAM version of the software release loaded on the SBC.

The valid values list will change over time to support future releases.

  • 0 - disabled(default)
  • 10.1

Configuration Example

set oam accounting admin cdrVerToGenerate 10.1

SBX-67558 The SBC Certificate Request Generates 4096 Bit Key

This feature enables the SBC to generate a 4096-bit key when a CSR is created. The 4096-bit keys are required when more systems use higher levels of cryptography.

Command Syntax

request system security pki certificate <certificate name> generateCSR keySize keySize4K

Command Parameters

keySize4K4096Allows the creation of local internal certificate CSRs with a size of 4096 bit keys.O

Configuration Examples

request system security pki certificate new4k generateCSR keySize keySize4K csrSub "/CN=TESTCERT/"

SBX-101954/SBX-106802 - SIPREC: Capture the Specific Header/Call Conference Enhancement

The SBC formerly captured Header information which is defined on "sipRecMetaDataProfile" and adds it onto SIPREC Metadata XML. The SIP Initial INVITE is the only message that is supported for building SIPREC Meta Data XML in the earlier versions.

This feature implementation ensures, during the occurrence of the SIP REFER message, the SBC triggers SIPREC Re-INVITE on all the recorded legs based on recording criteria. The recorded call leg that received the SIP REFER message contains the headers values of REFER in the SIPREC Metadata XML update.

Command Syntax

In order to maintain the backward compatibility use the below command with metadataSource set to "fromInvite":

set profiles service sipRecMetadataProfile <name> state <enabled/disabled> metadataSource<fromInvite/fromLatest> version<0/1> sipHeader <headerName> sipToXmlTagName <corresponding xml tag Name>

To enable this feature set metadataSource to "fromLatest":

set profiles service sipRecMetadataProfile <name> state <enabled/disabled> metadataSource<fromLatest> version<1> sipHeader <headerName> sipToXmlTagName <corresponding xml tag Name>

To trigger the SIPREC metadata XML update in case of early media:

set profiles service sipRecMetadataProfile <name> state <enabled/disabled> metadataSource<fromLatest> version<1> metaDataUpdateForEarlyMedia<Enabled/Disabled> sipHeader <headerName> sipToXmlTagName <corresponding xml tag Name>

To trigger the SIPREC metadata XML update in case of refer:

set profiles service sipRecMetadataProfile <name> state <enabled/disabled> metadataSource<fromLatest>  version<1> triggerMetadataUpdateForRefer<Enabled/Disabled> sipHeader <headerName> sipToXmlTagName <corresponding xml tag Name>

Command Parameters


INITIAL_INVITE:  Indicates to send header values from Initial INVITE Message.

LATEST: Indicates to send the most recent headers value/information beginning from SIP INVITE Message till the most recent SIP Request/Response Message on that particular call leg until the SBC triggers SIPREC INVITE towards the SRS.


For the early media scenario, the SIPREC is initiated already. On reception of SIP 200 OK, The SBC triggers the "SIPREC Re-INVITE" with the updated metadata in SIPREC Metadata XML using the headers from the SIP 200 OK message based on the configuration. The CLI configuration "MetaDataUpdateForEarlyMedia" under "sipRecMetaDataProfile" is used to control this behavior.

Disabled: To maintain the backward compatibility.

Enabled: Only for "metaDataSource" set to "LATEST". SBC triggers SIPREC Re-INVITE towards the SRS.


Disabled: To maintain backward compatibility.

Enabled: The SBC triggers "SIPREC Re-INVITE" towards the SRS on the occurrence of SIP REFER Message (The header values are taken from REFER message) to update the metadata in SIPREC Metadata XML based on the configuration in sipRecMetadataProfile.


Configuration Examples

In order to maintain the backward compatibility use the below command with metadataSource set to "fromInvite":

In order to maintain the backward compatibility use the below command with metadataSource set to "fromInvite":

set profiles service sipRecMetadataProfile profile1 state enabled metadataSource fromInvite version 1 sipHeader from sipToXmlTagName xfrom

To enable this feature set metadataSource to "fromLatest":

set profiles service sipRecMetadataProfile profile2 state enabled metadataSource fromLatest version 1 sipHeader to sipToXmlTagName xto

To trigger the SIPREC metadata XML update in case of early media:

set profiles service sipRecMetadataProfile profile3 state enabled metadataSource fromLatest version 1 metaDataUpdateForEarlyMedia Enabled sipHeader contact sipToXmlTagName xcontact

To trigger the SIPREC metadata XML update in case of refer:

set profiles service sipRecMetadataProfile profile4 state enabled metadataSource fromLatest version 1 triggerMetadataUpdateForRefer Enabled sipHeader refer-to sipToXmlTagName xrefer-to

SBX-76219 - REFER Conditional Relay Enhancement

This feature implementation ensures the SBC does not relay the REFER message on the other TG if the new flag in the IPSP is enabled, even when the REFER_RELAY flag is enabled in the IPSP. In the earlier versions, the SBC relayed the In-Dialog REFER message when the REFER_RELAY flag is enabled in the IPSP during the Call Transfer scenario.

Added the suppressReferRelayFromOtherLeg flag.

Command Syntax 

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profName> commonIpAttributes flags  suppressReferRelayFromOtherLeg enabled/disabled (default: disabled)

Command Parameter


This flag is significant only when the REFER_RELAY flag is enabled in the peer IPSP. 
When this flag is enabled, relaying of REFER is stopped and the REFER is locally processed. Hence, SBC transfers the call.

The options are:

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Configuration Example 

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ipsp1 commonIpAttributes flags  suppressReferRelayFromOtherLeg enabled

SBX-106068 - Add Per Node CAC Setting to the SBC

This feature implementation limits the number of total sessions used on the SBC through a CAC setting. In the earlier versions, limiting the number of sessions was achieved by licensing.

Added a configuration to control node level CAC to limit the number of call sessions supported on the node.

Command Syntax

set global cac nodeCac callLimit <Call limit value>

Command Parameters


0 to 999999


Use this parameter to limit the number of node-level active sessions.

This call limit configuration is applicable only when the NWDL license used.

The call limit value "0" represents "Unlimited".

Note: This parameter is applicable only for the I-SBC and D-SBC deployment types.


Configuration Examples

show global cac

Possible completions:
displaylevel - Depth to show
mtrgClient - Object representing Master Trunk Group client instance
mtrgServer - Object representing Master Trunk Group server instance
nodeCac - Allows per node CAC configurations.
sharedCacLimitsPool - Object containing CAC-limits that apply to a set of trunk groups.

show global cac nodeCac

Possible completions:
callLimit - Specifies per node concurrent sessions limit when NWDL license is present.
displaylevel - Depth to show

show global cac nodeCac callLimit

callLimit 10000;

Set command

callLimit 10000;

Use the nodeCac object as a container for callLimit.

SBX-106907 ERE Enhancement to Include all Existing PSX LI Support

This feature implementation enables the SBC to process all 10 targets for PC2.0 and process only the targets for which there is a match for dfGroupName in the CDC configuration. The earlier version of the ERE contains gaps with the existing support of LI in the ERE such as encryption of data, Tap ID support for IMS LI, Wildcard target interception, and support for PC2.0 LI. The earlier version of the SBC does not support multiple warrants with overlapping targets but different Tap IDs.

Added a command to create the Master key to use in the encryption of Lawful interception information.

Command Syntax

% set profiles keyManagementProfile <profile name>
     encryptionKey <hex key>
     type type1
% request system admin <SYSTEM NAME> saveLIGenericKey hexEncryptionKey <hex key>

Command Parameters

keyManagementProfile1-23 characters<Profile Name> – Enter the Key Management Profile name.M
encryptionKey16 character hex value<hexadecimal value> – Specify the master encryption key for encrypting the LI data.M
typeN/A <metadata type> – Specify the encryption metadata type. Default is "type1"O
hexEncryptionKey16 charactersThe generic key for encrypting the LI Master Key.M

Configuration Examples

% set profiles keyManagementProfile DEFAULT 
     encryptionKey A1234567890123$% 
     type type1

request system admin PLUM saveLIGenericKey hexEncryptionKey A1234567890123$%

On cloud and SWe N:1 on upgrade, this key is not retained in the file. In all other scenarios (hardware/SWe 1:1), it is retained during the upgrade.
In cloud and SWe N:1, you need to configure the same generic key after an upgrade or need to delete All LI Data and perform reconfiguration.

SBX-94493 JJ-90.30 Interworking Enhancements

The SIP JJ90.30 Interworking Profile defines the interworking behavior between JJ90.30 and various SIP flavors. The SBC Core is enhanced with the addition of a new SIP Flavor to the interworking profile, which enables the desired interworking between JJ90.30 and the proprietary X-Headers. 

This feature includes the following updates:

  • The value "X-Header" is added to the SIP Flavor parameter of the SIP JJ90.30 Interworking Profile.
  • The parameter "X Aut" is added to the Ioi To Carrier Code Mapping Profile, which can contain a string of up to 16 characters to include in the X-AUT header.

The xAut parameter is added to the ioiToCarrierCodeMappingProfile signaling profile to allow the inclusion of a string of up to 16 characters in the h X-AUT header.

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling ioiToCarrierCodeMappingProfile <Profile Name> xAut <value: 0 to 9, and a to f >

Command Parameters

ioiToCarrierCodeMappingProfile xAut


Note: Accepted lengths are 4, 8, 12, and 16.

Not Set

Specify the value to include in the X-AUT header when interworking between sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile flavors JJ9030 and X-Header.

xAut supports characters from 0 to 9, and a to f.


Configuration Examples

set profiles signaling ioiToCarrierCodeProfile test_ioi carrierCode 9999 xAut fd02fb05fdfc

Updated the existing profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile sipFlavor parameter with the addition of a new enumeration value "X-Header".

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile <Profile Name> sipFlavor X-Header

Command Parameters

sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile sipFlavor



The flavor of SIP parameters and procedures to use.


  • JJ9030
  • SIP-T
  • SIP-ttc-charging-params
  • X-Header

Configuration Examples

set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_sip_JJ9030 sipFlavor X-Header origIoi test_origIoi termIoi test_termIoi originatingCarrierCode 9999 chargeAreaInformation 56789 

SBX-97198 BFD support on active packet port instead of ICMP

BFD (Bidirectional Forwarding Detection) provides a fast link failure detection mechanism for upper-layer applications. The BFD feature detects failures on any bidirectional forwarding path, such as direct physical link, and between network devices. The BFD feature is used by remote end points or routers to continuously monitor availability of the SBC interfaces. BFD functionality is defined in RFCs 5880, 5881.

Command Syntax

The BFD profile is added to the CLI. Use the following command to create a BFD Profile.

BFD Profile
% set profiles bfdProfile <BFD Profile Name>
defaultDetectionTimeout <value, in seconds>
detectionMultiplier <value>
dscpValue <DSCP value>
isMultiHop <false | true>
minTxInterval <value, as milliseconds>
minRxInterval <value, as milliseconds>
remoteIP <remoteIP address>
state <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

BFD Profile Parameters






BFDProfile1-23 charactersN/A<BFD Profile name> – Enter the name of this BFD profile.M
defaultDetectionTimeout5-6020Specify the default Detection timeout, in seconds, for establishing a BFD session.O

Specify the detection multiplier used to negotiate with the peer. It indicates to the peer the number of packets that are consecutively lost to determine a link is down.


Specify the optional DSCP value to point to a DSCP Profile. The value is used for the BFD packets transmitted. 


In order for the BFD profile to work as as a link monitoring protocol, Ribbon recommends to use a DSCP value of 48.


Use this flag to indicate whether the remote peer is a neighbor, or instead is multiple hops away. 

  • false (default) – The SBC uses a single-hop BFD session.
  • true – The SBC establishes a multi-hop BFD session.
minRxInterval100-500001000Specify the minimum receive interval for the BFD, in milliseconds.O
minTxInterval100-500001000Specify the minimum transmit interval for the BFD, in milliseconds.O
remoteIPIPv4 or IPv4 addressN/AEnter the remote IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) for this BFD session.O

The administrative state of this profile.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

LinkMonitors using a BFD Profile are activated/enabled only when the BFD Profile state is enabled.


The Link Detection Group "Link Monitor" object to include a 'BFD Profile' option to specify the BFD Profile to use by the Link Monitors under this Link Detection Group in order to monitor links on the active ports.

Command Syntax

Link Monitor: BFD Profile
% set addressContext <addressContext Name> linkDetectionGroup <LDG Name> linkMonitor <link monitor name> bfdProfile <BFD Profile Name>

Command Parameter

Link Monitor - BFD Profile




<BFD Profile name> – The name of the BFD profile to associate with this Link Monitor configuration.

Refer to pages BFD Profile - CLI and Link Detection Group - CLI.

SBX-105144 Anonymize DTMF data from SBC SWe logs, CDRs, TRC, etc.

The SBC SWe is enhanced with a configurable global system flag to anonymize DTMF information, which can be present in TRC, log and accounting files, by removing the DTMF digits for customers who deploy PCI (Payment Card Industry) solutions. This is to ensure the DTMF digits don't contain personal information such as credit card and personal identification details. File anonymization applies to all TRC log levels down to, and including, log level 4. This feature does not support anonymizing DTMF data below log level 4.

When the flag is enabled, a copy of each existing TRC file is generated in the evlog directory using the file extenstion ".TRC.ANN". The copied files are then anonymized, while the original files remain intact. In HA mode, the active and standby SBCs maintain their own references for the last processed TRC file in the evlog directory (TRC files are not synced in HA mode). As such, data loss may occur for this last TRC file.

If you disable this feature, the copied ".TRC.ANN" files are not deleted in case different log streamers/collectors require them.

A configurable global system flag is added to anonymize logs by removing DTMF digits from TRC files for customers who deploy PCI (Payment Card Industry) solutions.

Command Syntax

% set global system anonymizeDtmfLogging <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters




Enable this flag to anonymize DTMF digits from the TRC file. This is to ensure the DTMF digits don't contain personal information such as credit card and personal identification details. A new file with extenstion ".TRC.ANN" is generated under the evlog directory, and the original file remains unchanged

File anonymization applies to TRC log level 4 only. This feature does not support anonymizing DTMF data below log level 4.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


Configuration Examples

set global system anonymizeDtmfLogging enabled

SBX-110015/SBX-69938 Notruf Emergency call support

In Germany, a government regulation mandates location support for fixed line emergency calls, such as 110 (Police) and 112 (Fire/Ambulance). When an emergency call is made, the calling number is looked up in a database to find the address information of the subscriber, which needs to be written into the User-to-User Info (UUI) parameter of ISUP messaging as the call is sent over the PSTN to the PSAP.

Notruf is an single emergency line for German networks that uses geolocation to collect and store a caller's information. The information collected includes party location and call center location/numbers. The Notruf for the SBC Core use Ribbon SBC call processing to collect information from the caller. 

Within this context, the primary objectives of this feature is to insert calling party location information, and to provide a dialed emergency number translation (if needed) for emergency calls within German networks.

Command Syntax - configure psapProfile

% set profiles psapProfile <agsN> <gf> <Dialed Digits> psapNumber <Emergency Center>

Command Syntax - configure locationData

% set global subscriber <SubscriberId> <Country> <Owning Carrier> locationData agsN <agsN> gf <gf> HouseNumber <HouseNo> postalCode <PostalCode> streetName <StreetName>

Command Parameters (all are mandatory) 




The name of the administrative area (agsN and gf)

dialedEmergencyNumber23The dialed digit for dialedEmergencyNumber
gf23The name of the administrative area (agsN and gf)
houseNumber23The subscriber location info house number
postalCode10The subscriber location info postal code
psapNumber31The PSAP Centre number
streetName23The subscriber location info street name

Configuration Examples

Creation of Notruf Profile:
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name>
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name> state <enabled/Disabled>
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name> notrufProviderDetails providerid <providerid>
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name> notrufProviderDetails data-provider <data-provider>
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name> notrufProviderDetails provider-id-series <provider-id-series>
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name> notrufProviderDetails provider-contact-uri <provider-contact-uri>
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name> notrufProviderDetails provider-reference <provider-reference>
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name> notrufProviderDetails type-of-provider-data <type-of-provider-data>
set profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name> notrufProviderDetails customer-domain <customer-domain>
show profiles services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name>
Setting of userToUserHdrSupport in trunkgroup
set addressContext default zone <zone_id> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup> signaling userToUserHdrSupport
Possible completions:
disabled recv send sendrecv
show addressContext default zone <zone_id> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup> signaling userToUserHdrSupport
Attaching the profile to trunkgroup
set addressContext default zone <zone_id> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup> services sipNotrufProfile <profile_name>
show addressContext default zone <zone_id> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup> services sipNotrufProfile

SBX-106069 Capability to shut off call when there is no License Manager refresh in 90 days

The SBC SWe is enhanced with the capability to shut off the calls when there is no License Manager refresh in the last 90 days. The NWDL architecture requires the user to have the node/instance register with the license manager to report the usage, and then refresh the registration periodically. This functionality is enabled by the LACK of a CAPACITY license. If the SBC instance is not successfully registered with the license manager in 90 days, the SBC stops processing calls after sending warning alarms to the user.

Command Syntax

% set system licenseManager licenseServer <name of the license server>
	priority <server selection priority for this server>
 	serverAddress <IPv4 or IPv6 ipaddress of the server>
	userName <username used to access the license manager>
	password <password used to access the license manager>
	connectionTimeout <time to wait for a response from the license manager>

Command Parameters



Default Value






Name of the license server.

Priority1, 2None

The priority for the license server.

Note: The server with priority 1 is attempted first.


The license server address.

Note: The possible addresses are FQDN/IPv4/IPv6 address.

user1-255NoneThe username used to access the license server.M
password1-255NoneThe password used to access the license server.M
timeout1-15 Seconds5The timeout in milliseconds to wait for a response from the license server.M

Configuration Examples

 set system licenseManager licenseServer LM1
	priority 1
	userName restuser
	password sonus123
	connectionTimeout 5000

To test the License Manager settings, or to trigger a new License Manager registration after a previous registration request fails:

request system licenseManager register

SBX-108941 FCC Mandate Phase 2 - SIP Status 607/608 response code support

The SBC SWe is enhanced with the capability to shut off the calls when there is no License Manager refresh in the last 90 days. The NWDL architecture requires the user to have the node/instance register with the license manager to report the usage, and then refresh the registration periodically. This functionality is enabled by the LACK of a CAPACITY license. If the SBC instance is not successfully registered with the license manager in 90 days, the SBC stops processing calls after sending warning alarms to the user.

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <PROFILE_NAME> commonIpAttributes flags supportCallInfoWithSipCause608Rfc8688 <disable | enable>

Command Parameters



Default Value






Enable this flag to process the Call-Info in a 608 SIP response code from the PSX, and then set the value in to the outgoing SIP response message (in support of RFC 8688).

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Configuration Examples

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes flags supportCallInfoWithSipCause608Rfc8688 enable

SBX-106615 SIP Interface support for Identity Hub Service query - DSD

The SBC is enhanced to handle multiple identity headers in embedded contact header parameters for STIR/SHAKEN Service and also support over GW-GW.

Command Syntax

Syntax for skipDTGLookupFor3xxContact

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IPSP> egressIpAttributes redirect flags skipDTGLookupFor3xxContact < disable | enable >

Syntax for support3xxEmbeddedHdrOverGWGW

% set set addressContext default zone <ZONE> sipTrunkGroup <TG> signaling support3xxEmbeddedHdrOverGWGW < notSupported | redirectParamSize1024 | redirectParamSize2048 >

Command Parameters

For skipDTGLookupFor3xxContact



Default Value

Optional or Required?






Skip destination trunk group lookup when routing calls using contact received in a 3xx.

For support3xxEmbeddedHdrOverGWGW



Default Value

Optional or Required?







Enables 3xx with Embedded Header support over GW-GW Protocol.

N/AGW-GW with embedded header support disable - backward compatiblity.
N/ATo support 3xx Embedded header over GW if remote GW runs on older GSX version that has CPC_OP_REDIRECTION_CONTACT_DATA_STR struct of size 1024.



N/ATo support 3xx Embedded header over GW if the remote GW runs GSX version that has CPC_OP_REDIRECTION_CONTACT_DATA_STR struct of size 2048.

Modified: for 10.1.1

SBX-104965 Media over IPsec

The SBC now secures (encrypts and authenticates) RTP media streams using IPsec tunnels. Previously, this was accomplished with Secure RTP (sRTP), with symmetric keys exchanged on a per RTP stream basis through a secure signaling channel over TLS or IPsec. The SBC uses a single IPsec tunnel to secure the media for all calls between the SBC and a remote SBC/router using one set of keys.

Command Syntax

ipInterfaceGroup - ipsecForMedia - CLI
% set addressContext <addressContext_name> ipInterfaceGroup <ipInterfacegroup_name> ipsecForMedia <disable | enable>

Command Parameter




The parameter ipsecForMedia in the ipInterfaceGroup CLI supports media over IPsec. The ipsecForMedia parameter works in conjunction with the ipsec state parameter already available in the same CLI. The ipsec Admin State field enables or disables IPsec on the LIF Group as a whole. Prior to the SBC 10.1.1 release, the ipsec parameter was only applicable to signaling and Lawful Intercept (LI) traffic - whichever the LIF Group was used for. Starting with the SBC 10.1.1, it also applies to media, but only if the ipsecForMedia parameter is also enabled.

  • You must enable the existing ipsec parameter for any use of IPsec.

  • You must also enable the ipsecForMedia parameter to support media over IPsec


To support media over IPsec, you must enable both the ipsec and ipsecForMedia parameters. Calls using this IP Interface Group will only succeed if the media packets match a media SPD entry.

Whenever ipsecForMedia state is disabled, only media SAs are deleted. If only ipsec state is disabled, then only the signaling/LI SAs are deleted.

Currently, whenever ipsec state is disabled on a LIF group, isakmp ports on the interfaces belonging to the LIF group are closed. If ipsec state is disabled on LIF group but ipsecForMedia state is enabled, then isakmp ports are not closed, and vice-a-versa.

To establish IPsec SAs for media traffic, enable "ipsecForMedia" state of a media ipInterfaceGroup as well as the  administrative "state" of media IPsec SPD.  

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Configuration Example

set addressContext AC1 ipInterfaceGroup IG1 ipsecForMedia enable

Command Syntax

IPSec SPD - Media - CLI
% set addressContext <addressContext name> ipsec spd <spd_name> media <disable | enable>

Command Parameter




Enable this flag while configuring media SPD entries to identify media IPSec SAs. Whenever media IPsec SPD administrative "state" is enabled, and if "ipsecForMedia" state is enabled on media ipInterfaceGroup, IkeProcess starts IKE negotiation with the IPsec peer and IPsec SAs are established.

The media flag is further passed down to IkeProcess and stored in spd/selector data structures to identify media IPsec SAs. 

If media SPD states are enabled before ipsecForMedia state is enabled for media LIFGroup then, IkeProcess starts IKE negotiation for all the media SPD entries as soon as "ipsecForMedia" state is enabled on the corresponding LIFGroup.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Configuration Example

ipsecForMedia and media configuration
set addressContext AC1 ipsec spd SPD1 media enable

SBX-71851 New Private Header for ISDN 64K Unrestricted

The SBC supports the ISUP signal transfer using the Japanese unique private header "P-N-ISUP-R" between the NNI-GWs. The private header "P-N-ISUP-R" carries the ISUP message-specific information in the SIP message. "P-N-ISUP-R" is required for 64K unrestricted and voice calls. The SBC converts P-N-ISUP-R header contents to ISUP parameters in the SIP-T MIME. Additionally, the SBC creates P-N-ISUP-R header based on the ISUP parameter received in the SIP-T MIME. The SBC uses the following configuration for SIP-T to SIP (JJ-90.30) calls during interworking with the P-N-ISUP-R header.

The SBC adds the parameter pnisuprHeaderInterworking inside the SIP-JJ-90-30 Interworking profile. This parameter is used only if sipFlavor is JJ9030".

The SBC adds the parameter siptOriginatingCarrierCodesForPniusprIwk inside the SIP-JJ-90-30 Interworking profile to configure multiple originating carrier codes.

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile <SIP JJ9030 Profile Name> pnisuprHeaderInterworking <disabled | enabled>
% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile <SIP JJ9030 Profile Name> siptOriginatingCarrierCodesForPnisuprIwk <list of 4-digit carrier codes>

Command Parameters





Enable this flag on SIP JJ9030 leg to support P-N-ISUP-R header interworking in SIP-T to SIP JJ90.30 and SIP JJ90.30 to SIP-T calls.

  • disabled
  • enabled


A list of 4-digit carrier codes,
up to 50 elements


List of supported originating carrier codes on the SIP-T leg for the P-N-ISUP-R header interworking in a SIP-T to SIP JJ9030 call.


Configuration Examples

To attach a configured SIP JJ9030 Interworking Profile with a SIP Trunk Group, use the following example:

set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup test_sip signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_sip_jj9030

To detach an attached SIP JJ9030 Interworking Profile from a SIP Trunk Group, use the following example:

delete addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup test_sip signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile
set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile jj9030 pnisuprHeaderInterworking enabled
show profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile jj9030
sipFlavor JJ9030;
pnisuprHeaderInterworking enabled;
set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile sipt siptOriginatingCarrierCodesForPnisuprIwk [ 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 ]
show profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile sipt
sipFlavor SIP-T;
siptOriginatingCarrierCodesForPnisuprIwk [ 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 ];
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