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Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

New CLI in 7.0.0R0

SBX-35800 GPU Transcoding

New CLI commands have been introduced, all except gpuStatus are available only on SWe except ssbc SWe.

  • show table system gpuTranscodeStatus – Shows codec channel capacities on a per GPU device basis. 
  • show table system cpuTranscodeStatus – Shows codec channel capacities specifically for CPU UXPADs. This command is applicable for instances that support hybrid transcoding, in which both CPU UXPADs and GPU UXPADs are used.
  • show table system transcodeInfo transcodeType – Shows type of transcoding used: GPU, CPU or Mix of CPU + GPU. This is system level information and we show only 1 entry in case of HA system.

  • show table system transcodeInfo cpu – Shows CPU cores used for transcoding. This is system level information and we show only 1 entry in case of HA system.


  • show table system transcodeInfo gpu – Shows type of GPU, XPADs/CPU used with this GPU, name of GPU, GPU allocation ratio.
  • show table system gpuStatus – Shows data per node for each GPU (attached to the node). Prints server name and GPU number.


> show table system gpuTranscodeStatus
> show table system cpuTranscodeStatus
> show table system transcodeInfo transcodeType
> show table system transcodeInfo cpu
> show table system transcodeInfo gpu
> show table system gpuStatus


SBX-23176/25431/41572/45241/47630 Licensing Features

Beginning with SBC Core release 7.0, the SBC is configured in legacy license mode by default. The “local” and “network” options for license mode that were supported on SBC SWe in prior releases are being phased out. Options to change license mode through the CLI are no longer available as of release 7.0. Although some references to local license mode remain in documentation, the CLI, or the EMA UI, local license mode is not supported.

If your SBC SWe deployment was configured to use network license mode in a prior release, the tools to monitor and configure network-mode licensing remain available in release 7.0, but will be phased out in the future. Information needed to maintain network license mode is still provided. Contact your Ribbon Sales Representative for more information and assistance in updating your license.

This release provides visibility in the license utilization within the SBC. SBC provides new statistical information on the types of call traffic occurring on the SBC. Current and interval call counts are provide for a range of session types such as SRTP, NICE, enhanced video, transcoding, and SIPREC.

This release also provides information on license status on a per feature basis through both the CLI and through the EMA user interface.  For more details and an example of the output, see the description of the show table system licenseFeatureStatus command on the Show Table System page in the CLI Reference Guide or the System - License Feature Status page in the EMA User Guide.


License-related CLI Changes

Command / CLI Object ImpactedChanges
show status system licenseFeatureStatusadded new features and status details
show status system licenseInfoadded new features and status details
show table system licenseFeatureStatusadded new features and status details
show table system licenseInfoadded new features and status details
show table global callCountCurrentStatisticsnew parameters and descriptions
show table global callCountIntervalStatisticsnew parameters and descriptions
show table global serviceAuthorisedCurStatsnew parameters and descriptions
show table global serviceAuthorisedIntStatsnew parameters and descriptions
show status global callCountCurrentStatisticsnew parameters and descriptions
show status global callCountIntervalStatisticsnew parameters and descriptions
show status global serviceAuthorisedCurStatsnew parameters and descriptions
show status global serviceAuthorisedIntStatsnew parameters and descriptions
show table global licensenew parameters and descriptions

SBX-46075 Support for Multiple m-lines in SDP

The following flag is added to media parameters within SIP trunk groups to control whether the SBC processes multiple audio m-lines, or a combination of audio and image m-lines, in SDP:

  • multipleAudioStreamsSupport

After you enable the multipleAudioStreamsSupport option, then you have the option to enable the following media parameter within SIP trunk groups to disallow SRTP streams when they are present in incoming SDP:

  • disallowSrtpStream


% set addressContext <address context name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <TRUNKGROUP NAME> media multipleAudioStreamsSupport <disabled | enabled>
% set addressContext <address context name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <TRUNKGROUP NAME> media disallowSrtpStream <disabled | enabled>


SBX-48862 Send All Supported Codecs as OFFER in 200 OK to Late Media Re-INVITE for Pass-Through/Transcoded Calls

The following flag is added to IP Signaling profiles to configure the SBC to respond with an offer in SDP that includes the full set of codec possibilities based on the ingress and egress PSPs, including those enabled by transcoding, when it receives a late media Re-INVITE request.

  • sendSBCSupportedCodecsForLateMediaReInvite 

This flag takes precedence over the sendAllAllowedCodecsForLateMediaInviteOrReInvite flag and the sendOnlyPreferredCodec flag in the IP Signaling profile. The SIP trunk group media flag lateMediaSupport must be set to convert for the behavior enabled by the sendSBCSupportedCodecsForLateMediaReInvite  flag to apply.


set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IPSP profile name> commonIpAttributes flags sendSBCSupportedCodecsForLateMediaReInvite <disable | enable>


SBX-51006 IP Peer Statistics Enhancement

The following parameters are added to the zone to provide the current and interval statistics for each IP peer:

  • ipPeerCurrentStatistics
  • ipPeerIntervalStatistics


> show status addressContext <addressContext> zone <zone> ipPeerCurrentStatistics 
> show table addressContext <addressContext> zone <zone> ipPeerCurrentStatistics
> show table addressContext <addressContext> zone <zone> ipPeerIntervalStatistics 
> show status addressContext <addressContext> zone <zone> ipPeerIntervalStatistics


SBX-53582 SMM Action to Tear Down Call

The teardown parameter is added to message type of the sipAdapterProfile.

% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <sipAdapterProfile> rule <rule index> action <action index> type message operation teardown message teardown responseCode <100 | 699>


SBX-54026 Improved Congestion Debugging

A new command helps to tweak the sensitivity of the triggering conditions and the frequency of audits.

 request sbx nrm debug command "setirttaudit [dumpraw enable|disable] [repeat n] [sensit off|mc1|mc2|mc3|badirtt|unconditional]"


SBX-54537/54735 Call Forking and Simultaneous Ringing Support on the SBC

The SBC is enhanced to support Application Layer Forking feature and establish different SIP dialogs to multiple destinations. With this feature, the SBC receives a single initial INVITE for a target and create multiple initial INVITEs with different call-Ids to different targets. These call-Ids are associated with the received target through configuration and the same or the different targets are used for these calls. The first answered call is considered as “active” and other calls are terminated gracefully.

The Address of Record (AoR) group is created for different AoRs for each VOIP subscriber devices. For example, if a subscriber has three end devices, three AoRs are created respectively, and grouped them under an AoR group to fork call to all the AoR devices. To support call forking feature, the aorGroupProfile parameter is added to profiles configuration.

AOR Group Profile

% set profiles aorGroupProfile <aorGroupProfile>
   aorDataList <Aor Data>
   aorDialogAttribute <useFirst18x | useLast18x>
   preferredIdentity <Input PreferredIdentity (urischeme:user@host) for AoRs Group>
   waitForAnswer <0 to 300000>


VOIP Subscriber

% set profiles voipSubscriber <Input Voip Subscriber(uri-scheme:user@host)>
   aorGroupProfile <AoRGroup ProfileId>
   egressRURIAttribute <aorEgress | calledURI>


Preferred Identity

% set addressContext <addressContext> zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup> policy preferredIdentity <disable | enable>


SBX-55466/SBX-63681/SBX-62949 P-Early Media to Alert-Info Header Interworking

The SBC supports interworking between a network supporting P-Early Media (PEM) header to a network supporting Alert-Info (AI) header. To support this functionality, the flag aiToPemInterworking is used in the IP Signaling Profile. 

The following flags are added:

  • monitorRTP
  •  earlyMediaMethod  

    • withOrWithOutSDP

  • monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate

The following flags are modified:

  • aiToPemInterworking 
  • defaultGatingMethod

Monitor RTP

set addressContext <addressContext> zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup> media earlyMedia method pEarlyMedia monitorRtp <disabled | enabled>


 Early Media Method and With Or WithOut SDP

% set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile <toneAndAnnouncementProfile> localRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable flags useThisLrbtForIngress enable
  earlyMediaMethod <none | pEarlyMedia>
       withOrWithOutSDP <disable | enable>


Monitor RTP on Egress Update

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <ipSignalingProfile> egressIpAttributes flags monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate <disable | enable>


AI to PEM Interworking

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <ipSignalingProfile> DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes flags aiToPemInterworking <enable | disable>


Default Gating Method

set addressContext default zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup> media earlyMedia method pEarlyMedia defaultGatingMethod <inactive | none | recvonly | sendonly | sendrecv>


SBX-56801 Charge Rate Information in J-ISUP to Non-Japanese ISUP Call Scenarios

The following flag is added to the isupSignalingProfile.

  • chargeRateInfoForCpcApc

The chargeRateInfoForCpcApc parameter is added to the ISUP Signaling Profile (isupSignalingProfile) to determine whether the SBC checks for specific payphone-related characteristics in J-ISUP to non-Japanese ISUP calls to trigger using different charge rate information (CRI).

set profiles signaling isupSignalingProfile <profile_name> chargerateinfoForCpcApc <unsupported | supported>


SBX-56956 Convert ANM to CPG

The control parameter cpgReleaseTimer is added to the isupSignalingProfile configuration. 

  • The cpgReleaseTimer control can have a value of 0 - 300 (seconds)
  • Default value for the cpgReleaseTimer  parameter is 0
  • Values greater than 0 can be configured only on JAPAN based profiles with revision of nttfcc or nttcom, for other revisions, attempting to set the value to greater than 0 shall give an error message.


set profiles signaling isupSignalingProfile <profile_name> [ cpgReleaseTimer  <0-300>]
show profiles signaling isupSignalingProfile <profile_name> cpgReleaseTimer


SBX-57496 Signaling Only SBC - Phase 1

The following global parameter controls whether the SBC is in signaling-only mode:

  • sigOnlyModeValue  <global | off>

set global signaling sigOnlyMode sigOnlyModeValue <global | off>


SBX-58959 Displaying, exporting, and importing configuration committed by users

Three commands have been added to the CLI toolbox in order to:

  1. Address the need for users to isolate the user configuration by removing the Sonus-seeded configuration from the display.
  2. Manage the configuration as plain XML files.









   <optional argument XPath>


SBX-60032 NNI-SBC Supports Ping and Traceroute on CLI

The SBC is enhanced to include the native Linux commands ping and traceroute (and their IPv6 variants) from the SBC command line interface. To use the commands at the SBC application level, log on to the SBC as an application administrator.



    [-c <count>]
    [-i <interval>]
    [-w <deadline>]
    [-p <pattern>]
    [-s <packetsize>]
    [-t <ttl>]
    [-I <interface>]
    [-M <pmtudisc-hint>]
    [-m <mark>]
    [-S <sndbuf>]
    [-T <tstamp-options>]
    [-Q <tos>]
    [hop1 ...]
    <destination_IPv4_or IPv6 address>



    [ -46dFITnreAUV ]
    [ -f <first_ttl> ]
    [ -g gate,... ]
    [ -i <device> ]
    [ -m <max_ttl> ]
    [ -N <squeries> ]
    [ -p <port> ]
    [ -t <tos> ]
    [ -l <flow_label> ]
    [ -w <waittime> ]
    [ -q <nqueries> ]
    [ -s <src_addr> ]
    [ -z <sendwait> ]
    [ --fwmark=<num> ]
    [ <packetlen> ]


SBX-60475 Align access to Amazon Web Services Marketplace

Earlier versions of the SBC were shipped with a hard-coded CLI admin user password. Initial passwords are now changed: 

  • The SBC's Linuxadmin has keypair-based ssh access on Port 2024
  • In an HA pair, the CLI Admin's default password is the name of the  eth0 interface ID of the instance, as assigned by the template. This password must be changed on first use.


In this version, the default CLI admin password is the value of the active role assigned instance's primary interface-id (Mgt0InterfaceIDActive). The active role of the instance is assigned in the cloud formation template (CFT). You can find the active role assigned instance's primary interface-id (Mgt0InterfaceIDActive) on the AWS stack output.


SBX-61252 IPSec/IKE supported on X2 interface when the variant Legacy LI is used

Lawful Intercept is a security process in which the service provider provides law enforcement entities access to communications of individuals or organizations. For details on SBC Core implementation of this process, see Lawful Intercept. The SBC Core platforms now support IPsec/IKE on the X2 interface when the variant "Legacy LI" is used. 


Configure the ipSec Peer

set addressContext <addressContext name> ipsec peer <peer name>
   ipAddress <ipAddress>
   localIdentity <fqdn | ipV4Addr | ipV6Addr>    
   preSharedKey <DES3 encrypted string>


Configure the ipSec SPD

set addressContext <addressContext name> ipsec spd <spd_name>
    action <bypass | discard | protect>
    localIpAddr <ipAddress>
    localIpPrefixLen <0-128>
    localPort <0-65535>
    mode <transport | tunnel>
    precedence <0-65535>
    protocol <0-255>
    remoteIpAddr <ipAddress>
    remoteIpPrefixLen <0-128>
    remotePort <0-65535>
    state <disabled | enabled>


SBX-61693 Additional SIP and RTP Statistics for Ribbon Protect

The SBC is enhanced with additional statistics and alarms for detected signaling and security events. These enhancements are designed to improve Ribbon Protect and SBC security reporting and analysis. Potential SIP and RTP flooding, footprinting, and authentication attacks are reported through new statistics, CDR enhancements, and the introduction of offenders lists that can be configured to report at desired intervals.


In previous versions of the SBC, the IPSecDecryptOffendersList contained both IPsec and SRTP offenders. They are now split up and reported in separate lists.

  • The SRTP Decrypt Offenders list contains SRTP packets which failed authentication or were flagged as replay packets. This could indicate malicious media packet attacks or it can be used to troubleshoot "no audio" calls using SRTP. The SRTP Decrypt offenders data is added to existing traps, alarms, interval statistics and interval statistics file.
  • The offenders list for the existing policerType, IPSec Decrypt, contains offenders reported for bad IPsec packets, authentication errors, invalid SSIDs, IPsec protocol == AH, and other violations.

A new policerType, SRTP Decrypt, is added to the existing trap of sonusSbxNodePolicerMajorAlarmNotification, sonusSbxNodePolicerMinorAlarmNotification, sonusSbxNodePolicerClearAlarmNotification.



 show table system ipPolicing srtpDecryptOffendersList



show table system ipPolicing srtpDecryptOffendersIntStats


SBX-62096/SBX-62245: Simultaneous Session Recording of SIP Ingress and Egress Call Legs

SRS Group Cluster added to the Global - Servers object.

The Length/Range parameters for srsGroupProfile and startRecord are changed to account for four recordable streams versus the previous two.

  • You can provision up to 256 SRS Group Profiles
  • You can provision up to 256 SRS Cluster Profiles
  • You can set up 128 Call Recording Criteria



set global servers srsGroupProfile <srs_group_id>
loadDistribution <roundRobin | sequence>
numSimultaneousStream <range 1..2> srsGroupData <Priority range 0..7>
ipAddress <signaling ipv4/ipv6 address of the SRS> ipPort <signaling port of the SRS>
ipTGId <Ip Trunkgroup Id> transport <udp/tcp/tls>




request global siprec startRecord numOfStreams <range 1..4> trunkGroup <SIPREC_TrunkGroup_Name>
srsIpAddress <RecordingServerIP> srsPort <RecordingServerPort>
srsIpAddrress2 <SecondaryRecordingServerIP> srsPort2 <SecondaryRecordingPort>
trunkGroup2 <SIPREC_TrunkGroup2_Name> gcid <gcid_value>
callLeg <Ingress|Egress> transport <udp | tcp | tls> transport2 <udp | tcp |tls>


SBX-65229 Add DNS Crankback Details to Documentation

Documentation now includes configuration notes to allow the SBC to use crankback for DNS.

  • dnsCrankback needs to be enabled on the egress sipTrunkGroup, and 
  • crankbackProfile assigned to the egress sipTrunkGroup is used for DNS crankback, and
  • The SBC maps the received SIP response from the egress call leg using the sipToCpcCauseMapProfile from the egress sipTrunkGroup. The CPC cause is then looked up in the egress sipTrunkGroup's crankbackProfile. If a match is found, the SBC attempts a new target. If a match is not found, the SBC skips the DNS crankback and proceeds with the "normal" crankback at CC level using the ingress siptrunkGroup's crankback profile.


SBX-67416 Limit default admin to local auth only / show radius user details

The following flag is added to the system admin table to specify whether the default admin user must be authenticated using local authentication.

  • defaultAccountLocalOnly

For this flag to be set to true, the system admin options localAuthenticationEnabled and externalAuthenticationEnabled must also be set to true to enable the use of local authentication on the SBC.


set system admin <system name> defaultAccountLocalOnly < false | true >
show table system admin <system name> defaultAccountLocalOnly


SBX-67602 Remove Unhide System From the SBC

The parameter deviceSmartAttrib is added to system serverAdmin <server name>.


set system serverAdmin <name> deviceSmartAttrib <integer>


Deprecated CLI


Deprecated CLI

Command / CLI Object ImpactedDeprecated CLIEffective Release
show table systemCongestionStatussystemCongestionMemLevel4.2.6R0
set system congestion"static" option4.2.6R0
set system congestion adaptive MCLevel"mc0" level4.2.6R0
set profiles system overloadProfilestaticMode parameter4.2.6R0
set profiles system overloadProfile "memory" option for setDuration, clearDuration, setThreshold, clearThreshold configurations4.2.6R0
set system adminmanagementIpVersion5.0.0R0
request system admin commandcommitSoftwareUpgrade5.0.0R0
show status system serverSoftwareUpgradeStatus
"committed" option5.0.0R0
show status addressContext <addressContext name> sipSubCountStatistics sipSubCountTotal5.0.5R0
H.323 IP Signaling Profile commonIpAttributes flags
  • addPChargingFuncAddr
  • disableMediaLockDown
  • fromHeaderAnonymisation
  • sendRTCPBandwidthInfo
  • sendRtcpPortInSdp
  • terminalPortabilityInterworking
  • usePsxRouteforRegisteredInvite
Packet Service ProfilemediaLockDownForPassThrough5.1.0R0
  • primaryTcpChannelStatus.
  • secondaryTcpChannnelStatus.
  • DSRSuccess
  • DSRFailures
show table global siprecStatussiprecStatus6.2.0R0
show status system
  • licenseLocalBundleInfo
  • licenseMode
show table system
  • licenseLocalBundleInfo
  • licenseMode
set system
  • licenseMode

  • No labels