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To import a template and fill the tokens generated for data files to create configuration:

  1. On SBC main screen, go to Administration > System Administration > Configuration Import/Export. The Configurations window is displayed.

    Configuration Window

  2. Click Import Template on the Configurations panel.

    Configuration ImportExport - Import Template Button

  3. The Import Template window appears.

    Configuration - Import Template Window

  4. Click Browse.. to select the desired template file from your local system which need to be uploaded to SBC.
  5. Once the template file is selected, the Import Template window appears with the details of all the parameters mentioned in the Template file.

    Configuration Import/Export - Import Template File

    The values or the default values of the parameters mentioned in the Template file is displayed. However, for some of the parameters, you will have to add the values manually.

    For example: For a basic call setup template as displayed above, the values of the parameters, IP_Interface_IP_Address, IP_Interface_IP_Address_Prefix, SIP_Sig_Port_ID_IP_Address, Ingress_IP_Prefix_IP_Address, Ingress_IP_Prefix_Length, IP_Peer_IP_Address should be added manually.

    Once all the required values are added, you can choose how you want the file name to appear. Choose the option Use Default File Name to let SBC choose the file name.

    Configuration - ImportExport - Template File Name

    Choose Enter custom file name to add you own file name to the template.

    Configuration ImportExport - Template File Name Custom

    you can either save the configuration for future implementation or save and install the configuration immediately. Use the following buttons to perform the tasks.

    Configuration ImportExport - Template File Save

    Once the template is saved, the newly added configuration will be displayed in the list of saved templates.

    Configuration ImportExport - Created New Template

    The following additional options are provided for all the templates imported:

    Click Import Tokens From File to import any saved tokens to be added to the template. Click Browse to select the token file from your local drive.

    Configuration ImportExport - Template Options

    Click Save Token Value to File to save all the available tokens from the template on your local drive. You can either open and view the Token file or save the same to your desired location on your local drive.

    Configuration ImportExport - Save Tokens

    Click View CLI Configuration to view the template information in CLI format. A pop up window appears with the template information in CLI format. For example:

    Configuration ImportExport - View CLI

    Click Undo Edits to remove all the changes made to the template file. A confirmation window appears seeking your permission to proceed. Click OK to remove all the edits.

    Configuration ImportExport - Undo Edits Confirmation

    And finally you can view the complete template information in CLI format using View Template option. Once all the required information is filled in the template, click View Template on the Import Template panel. A pop up window appears with complete template information in the CLI format. For example:

    Configuration ImportExport - View Template


The Configuration Import tool do have some limitations:

  • If you load a CLI script onto the SBC and if it encounters an error, the line number where the error is reported is not always accurate.
  • If you load a CLI script onto the SBC and if it encounters an error, the part of the script up to the error would have been loaded but the part including and after the error would not be loaded. It is sometimes necessary to undo the configuration that has already been loaded, so that it can be reloaded once the error is corrected. There is no easy way to do this: you either need to delete the objects one by one, or restore the SBC configuration from a backup. For this reason, it's strongly recommended that you backup the current configuration before using the Template Import tool.
  • The tool has no validation on field input, so, for example, it is possible to use too many characters for an object name, or put in a value that is out of range. These errors would not get caught until the script is loaded onto the SBC.


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