In this section:
QoS-based routing towards a terminating gateway/subscriber is configurable from both a signaling and a media perspective. For Media QoS KPI Profile, see "Media QoS KPI Profile".
The Signaling Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Profile provides a mechanism to calculate the various signaling KPIs to measure signaling QoS-related routing parameters, and use the results to make informed decisions when routing calls.
Since these constraints are very dynamic, a utilization factor for each route is configurable on PSX/ERE for the route. This utilization factor is then provided to
CLI syntax to configure a Signaling QoS KPI Profile:
% set profiles signaling signalingQosKpiProfile <profile_name> asr <disable|enable> asrThreshold <0-100> clu <disable|enable> cluThreshold <0-100> kpiExpression <0-255 characters> pgrd <disable|enable> pgrdThreshold <50-10000> profileActive <disable|enable> scru <disable|enable> scruThreshold <0-100>
CLI syntax to assign Signaling QoS KPI Profile to IP Signaling Profile:
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile_name> egressIpAttributes signalingQosKpiProfile <signalingQosKpiProfile_name> % set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile_name> egressIpAttributes flags qosBasedRouting enable
The Signaling Qos KPI Profile Parameters are shown below:
This example creates and enables a QoS KPI profile named "MyQosProfile", and enables ASR and CLI KPIs. The ASR threshold is set to "55" while CLU thresholds is left at default value of "70". With the next two commands, "MyQosProfile" is associated with "DEFAULT_SIP" IP Signaling Profile and QoS-based routing is enabled.
% set profiles signaling signalingQosKpiProfile MyQosProfile asr enable asrThreshold 55 clu enable profileActive enable % show profiles signaling signalingQosKpiProfile MyQosProfile profileActive enable; asr enable; asrThreshold 55; clu enable; % set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes signalingQosKpiProfile MyQosProfile % set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes flags qosBasedRouting enable