In this section:
Below is the call diagram example used as a configuration reference for the remainder of this document.
Before beginning the AD configuration, investigate and answer the following:
Does the SBC have a license for Active Directory? For details, refer to Viewing Licenses.
Active Directory is part of the SBC base license. The latest base licenses are available at Ribbon SBC Edge Download Center.
For details on configuring an entry in the Domain Controller Table, refer to Adding and Modifying Domain Controllers.
For details on configuring the Active Directory Configuration for SBC to Domain Controller interactions, refer to Configuring the SBC Edge for Active Directory.
The SBC must be configured for:
Click the Settings tab in the top nagivation, then select Domain Controllersin the left-hand navigation
Enter the AD information for your network
Click Configurationin the left-hand navigation.
Configure the Active Directory Configuration as shown. Add whatever Cache Attributesyou plan to use.
The minimum configuration for this example document should include the attributes: msRTCSIP-Line, name, displayName, mail, telephoneNumber
With the AD configuration completed, click Refresh Cache.
Click Display Statisticsand verify that the AD queries are succeeding.
In the Domain Controller configuration, check the DC Status
Select the Tasks tab in the top navigation and click Active Directory Cache Query. In the form, pick an AD attribute from the pulldown and supply a corresponding value.
Queries of the msRTCSIP-Line must match precisely what appears in the Lync Line URI for the desired user, unless Normalized Cache is configured to True. If the cache is normalized, the tel: will be removed from the Lync User Line URI.
Use the following instructions to create Call Routes and Transformation Tables that perform the call routing noted detail in the Summary section diagram.
1. Create a transformation table with an entry to search for a msRTCSIP-Line entry that matches the called number and returns the mobile number.
2. Create a new call route table, then a call route entry to the table. In the example, the Calls to Mobile transformation table (above) is added to the call route (below).
3. Create a second transformation table with an entry to search for a msRTCSIP-Line entry that matches the called number.
4. Add a second entry to your Call Route table to send the call to the Lync Server. As before, add the transformation table above to the call route below.
5. Your call route table should look like this:
The diagram below provides a pictorial representation for conceptualizing how data is processed through Transformation Table entries.