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Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> ipPeer <peer name>
	intChallengeResponse <disabled | enabled> 
	incInternalCredentials <disabled | enabled> 
defaultForIp <false | true>
ipAddress <IP address>
ipPort <0-65535>
	hostName <peer FQDN>
	hostPort <0-65535>
	profile <Path Check Profile name>
	state <disabled | enabled>
	statusUpdateSupport <disabled | enabled>
	description <description>
	ipSignalingProfile <profile name>
	packetServiceProfile <profile name>
		fqdn <fqdn> 
		fqdnPort <0-65535>
sip cacProfile <profile name>
	authUserName <user name [string up to 127 characters]>
	hostPart <1-63 characters>
	regAuthPassword <DES3 encrypted string>
	retryTimer <50-10000000 milliseconds>
	sendCredentials <challengeForAnyMessage | challengeForAnyMessageAndInDialogRequests | challengeForRegister>
	state <disabled | enabled>
	suppressRegRetryAfterAuthFail <disabled | enabled>
	surrRegProfile <profile name>
	useNextSurrRegForCall <disabled | enabled>
	useUserNameAsPAI <disabled | enabled>
	userPart <user part for surrogate registration>

// Mandatory parameters:

<peer name> 

// Non-mandatory parameters:

defaultForIp <false | true>
ipAddress <ip address>
ipPort <0-65535>

Command Parameters

Zone IP Peer Parameters






Use this object to support local authentication autonomously on a per-IP trunk group basis in situations where an IP-PBX does not perform a registration and the service provider does not require/want registrations (see IP Trunk Group Authentication additional feature functionality).

  • intChallengeResponse – Enable this flag on the ingress IP Peer to allow the SBC to reply to local authentication challenges autonomously. If this flag is disabled, the SBC will not reply to authentication challenges locally even if credentials are configured on the egress IP Trunk Group (IPTG).
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  • incInternalCredentials– Enable this flag on the ingress IP Peer to allow egress IPTG authentication to be internally created using the authorization information in mid-dialogue without being challenged.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled

NOTE: If intChallengeResponse is disabled, incInternalCredentials is not used.

NOTE: If IPTG authentication is configured for both ingress IPTG and IP Peer, the IP Peer configuration takes precedence. If you wish to use the flags configured on IPTG, the IP Peer must not be present in the configurations. Otherwise, the IP Peer flags default to 'disabled' state and take precedence over IPTG flags.


Set flag to “true” to use this peer for the ipAddress and ephemeral port on ingress.

  • false (default)
  • true
ipAddressIPv4/IPv6 formatThe IPv4 or IPv6 address of the Peer.
ipPort0-65535The TCP/UDP port for this peer. (default = 0)

Options ping settings:

  • hostName –  FQDN of the peer. This is resolved using DNS, and resulting servers are pinged using SIP OPTIONS requests (range: 1-63 characters).
  • hostPort – TCP/UDP port number of the peer. The peer's servers are pinged using SIP OPTIONS requests at this port. (range: 0-65535 / default = 5060).
    When the pathCheck profile is attached to an FQDN-based IP peer with hostPort set to 0, the pathCheck task performs SRV lookup to resolve the port numbers. The resolved port numbers are used to send OPTIONS ping to the IP peer. If FQDN-based IP peer is configured with a hostPort set to a value other than 0. the pathCheck task does not perform SRV lookups. It instead uses the configured port to send OPTIONS ping to the IP peer.
  • profile – Path check profile name used when pinging this peer (OPTONS ping).
  • state– Use this flag to enable/disable active pinging.
    • disabled (default)`
    • enabled
  • statusUpdateSupport– Enable this flag to provide Options-based status update support.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled

NOTE: If ipAddress/ipPort is configured and pathCheck needs to be enabled for that ipAddress/ipPort, ensure hostName/hostPort is not configured.

NOTE: Status updates only apply when new calls are sent to a peer. They do not impact messages belonging to existing calls or new calls received from the peer.

Status updates are sent/received under the following conditions:

Status Update
is sent by:
PeerPeer restarts
PeerPeer is manually blocked
PeerPeer's congestion state changes (this update is ignored by SBC)
SBCPeer has restarted indicating it is ready to receive calls
SBCPeer is manually blocked in SBC

Use this parameter to specify policy parameters and profiles associated with this IP peer.

  • description – IP peer policy description.
  • ipSignalingProfile – The IP signaling profile name.
  • packetServiceProfile – Packet service profile name. 
  • sip– Use this parameter to specify SIP FQDN and FQDN port for IP peer policy.
    • fqdn <string> – The FQDN used to send egress calls or requests to this peer. (range: 1-63 characters).
    • fqdnPort – Specify the FQDN port. (range: 0-65535).

Use this parameter to specify the SIP endpoint CAC profile for the IP peer using .

  • cacProfile – SIP endpoint CAC profile for the IP peer.

Use this parameter to configure the SBC to act as a surrogate registration entity between a non-registering IP PBX or SIP UA and REGISTRAR (which mandates registration) for this IP Peer. Do not use FQDN format when configuring a Surrogate Peer.

When configuring surrogate registration, be sure to set the expires value of ingress trunk group toward IAD to the maximum default value of “3600”. For additional surrogate registration details, please see NOTE1 through NOTE10 below.

  • authUserName – Authorization User Name for surrogate registration (string of up to 127 characters).
  • hostPart <host name> – This assigned name is used as a hostname of RURI, FROM, TO headers of all outgoing calls. (range: 1-63 characters)
  • regAuthPassword <string> – DES3 (triple Digital Encryption Standard) encrypted string authentication password for surrogate registration. All ASCII characters from 33 to 126 (except 34 - double quotes) are allowed. SBC users "Admin" and "Operator" have full access to surrogate registration passwords. 

NOTE:  If regAuthPassword contains ASCII characters, enclose the entire password string with " " (double quotes).

% set addressContext default zone ZONE1 ipPeer basu surrogateRegistration userPart 452613 regAuthPassword "1234567890123456789012340\!$$@#$!@#!@#!@#" 

NOTE: "Field Service" and "Guest" users do not have access to regAuthPassword field.

  • retryTimer <#> – The time, in milliseconds, after which the REGISTRATION is retried after a failure. When a Registration or Refresh-Registration for a peer fails (except 403 message – see NOTE below), the retry timer is initiated. Upon expiry, a new Registration for the peer is attempted. (range: 50-10000000 milliseconds / default = 900000 ms, which equates to 15 minutes).

  • sendCredentials– Use this parameter to control how credentials are sent on receiving a challenge from AS for methods REGISTER, INVITE,PRACK, REINVITE, UPDATE and BYE.
    • challengeForAnyMessage – The SBC sends credentials for REGISTER, INVITE, PRACK, UPDATE, REINVITE and BYE when these messages are challenged.
    • challengeForAnyMessageAndInDialogRequests – The SBC sends credentials for REGISTER, INVITE, PRACK, UPDATE, REINVITE and BYE when these messages are challenged. The SBC also sends credentials by default as per last challenge in the in-dialog requests such as PRACK, UPDATE, REINVITE and BYE when any one of these methods is challenged earlier in the call.
    • challengeForRegister  (default) – The SBC sends credentials only for REGISTER when challenged. Challenges for any other messages are returned to the IP-PBX.

  • state – Disables/enables surrogate registration on IP peer. 
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled

  • suppressRegRetryAfterAuthFail – Use this flag to control sending registration retries when a REGISTER with credentials is challenged (with stale ≠ true and realm is identical to previous realm received). When stale = true or realm is not identical to previous realm received, the SBC immediately sends REGISTER.

    • disabled – (default) Send REGISTER when a 401 or 407 in response to REGISTER with credentials is received.
    • enabled – Do not attempt to send REGISTER after receiving a 401 or 407 response.
  • surrRegProfile – Surrogate registration profile name. To establish a Surrogate Registration Profile, see Surrogate Registration Profile - CLI page.
  • useNextSurrRegForCall – Enable flag to use the next available pilot number to resend the INVITE.

    • disabled (default)

    • enabled
      NOTE: If using this flag, be sure to configure Crankback profile for 4xx (403) response (see Crankback Profile - CLI page for details). 

  • useUserNameAsPAI – Enable flag to use the configured userName in surrogateRegistraion as userName in the outgoing INVITE.

    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
      NOTE: Because this flag sends PAI in outgoing INVITE, includePrivacy flag must be disabled (see Egress IP Attributes - SIP - CLI page to disable flag).

  • userPart <userpart identity> – User part name for the IP-PBX/SIP UA for which surrogate registration is being enabled. This is a mandatory parameter. Any character in ABNF format is allowed except semi-colon “;”. (length: up to 127 characters).

NOTE: Refresh REGISTER and De-REGISTER are always sent without credentials. If such a REGISTER is challenged, then SBC responds with a new REGISTER with credentials.

NOTE: The SBC mirrors the credentials to the standby of an HA System. If the sendCredentials is set to 'challengeForAnyMessageAndInDialogRequests', upon a switchover the SBC can send in-dialog requests such as REINVITE/UPDATE/BYE with credentials.

  1. If "surrogateRegistration" is enabled, you must first disable it before modifying regAuthPassword, retryTimer, userPart, authUserName, surrRegProfile, sendCredentials or suppressRegRetryAfterAuthFail parameters.
  2. The "requireRegistration" flag must be set to ‘supported-group’ for the IP Peer on which surrogate registration functionality is being enabled (see SIP Trunk Group - Signaling - CLI).
  3. If a 403 Forbidden error response is received in response to Registration/Re-registration for a surrogate IP peer, SBC generates an alarm (listed below) and halts further registration for this particular IP Peer. The operator must disable/enable the surrogate registration flag to generate surrogate registration for this IP Peer. The alarm raised is “sonusSbxSurrRegRegistrationFailedNotification”
  4. If Pass-through registration exists for an IP peer on which surrogate registration is being enabled, the surrogate registration fails and the above alarm is generated. Once Pass-through registration expires, the operator must disable/enable the surrogate registration flag to generate surrogate registration for this IP Peer. Likewise, if surrogate registration exists and Pass-through register is received for the same IP peer, then Pass-through register is rejected (no alarm is generated - check 403 response for reason). The operator must disable surrogate registration to allow Pass-through registration to be successful.
  5. If RAC limit is set on the trunk group associated with the IP Peer configured for surrogate registration, you must configure the SIP cause map ‘regTGLimit’ to point to 503 error instead of 403.
  6. On enabling surrogateRegistration state of a Peer/Peer's a random timer between 1 sec to 60 sec is started and Register request will be sent between this timer and not immediately. This is done to avoid Register avalanche.
  7. SIP Signaling Port must allow transport protocol UDP in order to use surrogate registration. Surrogate task communicates on UDP with other internal SBC tasks.
  8. Following a switchover in a redundant system, SBC sends a new surrogate REGISTER for all IP Peers which are reachable and have surrogate registration enabled
  9. A request from a surrogate peer with a TCP ephemeral (short-lived) port is not supported.
  10. To allow originating calls from non-pilot numbers behind IP-PBX, set "validateAor" flag to "disabled". If enabled, only calls from the AOR configured as surrogate registration username are allowed (see SIP Trunk Group - Signaling - CLI).

Command Examples

The following examples demonstrate how to configure, enable and disable surrogate registration.


Be sure to issue the ‘commit’ command after configuring surrogate peer and before enabling surrogate registration. Otherwise, an error will occur.

Configure Peer for surrogate registration:

% set addressContext PKT0_ADDR_CONTEXT_1 zone PKT0_TG1 ipPeer SURR_PEER1 ipAddress ipPort 12020 surrogateRegistration userPart SURR_REG_PEER1 retryTimer 5 regAuthPassword 123456789012345678901234567890
% commit

Enable surrogate registration:

% set addressContext PKT0_ADDR_CONTEXT_1 zone PKT0_TG1 ipPeer SURR_PEER1 surrogateRegistration state enabled
% commit

Disable surrogate registration:

% set addressContext PKT0_ADDR_CONTEXT_1 zone PKT0_TG1 ipPeer SURR_PEER1 surrogateRegistration state disabled
% commit
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