Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

An SBC can be configured using the provided REST interface.

Copy the JSON files mentioned after the "@" in the cURL commands and run these cURL commands in the same folder as the JSON files or mention the complete path for the JSON files.

If you saved the JSON files on the SBC, replace to <SBC_MGT_IP> with local address

  1. Creating codec entry :-

Code Block

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @codecEntryJson "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/profiles/media"

2. Creating Packet service profiles :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat packetServiceProfile
    "sonusPacketServiceProfile:packetServiceProfile": [
        "name": "PSP3",
        "codec": {
          "codecEntry1": "G711-DEFAULT"

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @packetServiceProfile "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/profiles/media"

3.Creating Address contexts :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat ADDR_CNTXT
        "sonusAddressContext:addressContext": [{
                "name": "ADDR_CONTEXT"

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @ADDR_CNTXT "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config"

4.Creating Zones :-

Code Block
"sonusZone:zone": [
"name": "ZONE7",
"id": "104"

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @ZONE1 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT"

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat ZONE2
"sonusZone:zone": [
"name": "ZONE8",
"id": "105"

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @ZONE2 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT"

5.Creating IP interface groups :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat ipInterfaceGroup_1
    "sonusIpInterface:ipInterfaceGroup": [
        "name": "INGRESS_LIG"

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @ipInterfaceGroup_1 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT"

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat ipInterfaceGroup_2
    "sonusIpInterface:ipInterfaceGroup": [
        "name": "EGRESS_LIG"

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @ipInterfaceGroup_2 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT"

6. Creating IP interface :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat ipInterface_IN
    "sonusIpInterface:ipInterface": [
        "name": "LIF_IN",


To configure the public or EIP to the interfaces , add the "ipPublicVarV4": <MetaVariable> in the JSON file

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @ipInterface_IN "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/ipInterfaceGroup/INGRESS_LIG"

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat ipInterface_OUT
    "sonusIpInterface:ipInterface": [
        "name": "LIF_OUT",

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @ipInterface_OUT "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/ipInterfaceGroup/EGRESS_LIG"


To configure the public or EIP to the interfaces , add the "ipPublicVarV4": <MetaVariable> in the JSON file

7. Creating Static routes :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat staticRoute_2
"sonusIpInterface:staticRoute": [

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @staticRoute_2 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT"

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat staticRoute_1
"sonusIpInterface:staticRoute": [

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @staticRoute_1 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT"

8. Creating IP Peer :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat ipPeer_2
"sonusIpPeer:ipPeer": [

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @ipPeer_2 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE8"

9. Creating SIP Trunk groups :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat sipTrunkGroup_1
  "sonusSipTrunkGroup:sipTrunkGroup": {
    "name": "INGRESS_TRGP",
    "state": "enabled",
    "mode": "inService",
    "policy": {
      "media": {
        "packetServiceProfile": "PSP3"
      "signaling": {
        "ipSignalingProfile": "DEFAULT_SIP"
    "media": {
      "mediaIpInterfaceGroupName": "INGRESS_LIG"
    "ingressIpPrefix": [
        "ipAddress": "",
        "prefixLength": 32

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @sipTrunkGroup_1 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE7"

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat sipTrunkGroup_2
  "sonusSipTrunkGroup:sipTrunkGroup": {
    "name": "EGRESS_TRGP",
    "state": "enabled",
    "mode": "inService",
    "policy": {
      "media": {
        "packetServiceProfile": "PSP3"
      "signaling": {
        "ipSignalingProfile": "DEFAULT_SIP"
    "media": {
      "mediaIpInterfaceGroupName": "EGRESS_LIG"

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @sipTrunkGroup_2 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE8"

10. Creating SIP Signalling Ports :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat sipSigPort_1
    "sonusSipSigPort:sipSigPort": [
        "index": 7,
        "ipInterfaceGroupName": "INGRESS_LIG",
        "portNumber": 5060,
        "mode": "inService",
        "state": "enabled",
        "transportProtocolsAllowed": "sip-udp sip-tcp sip-tls-tcp sip-sctp",
        "ipVarV4": "IF2.IPV4"


To configure the public or EIP to the interfaces , add the "ipPublicVarV4": <MetaVariable> in the JSON file

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @sipSigPort_1 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE7"

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat sipSigPort_2
    "sonusSipSigPort:sipSigPort": [
        "index": 8,
        "ipInterfaceGroupName": "EGRESS_LIG",
        "portNumber": 5060,
        "mode": "inService",
        "state": "enabled",
        "transportProtocolsAllowed": "sip-udp sip-tcp sip-tls-tcp sip-sctp",
        "ipVarV4": "IF3.IPV4"


To configure the public or EIP to the interfaces , add the "ipPublicVarV4": <MetaVariable> in the JSON file

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @sipSigPort_2 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE8"

11. Creating Standars Routes and Routing Labels :-

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat routingLabel_1
  "sonusRoutingLabel:routingLabel": {
    "name": "VRF_RL_EG"

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123'  -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @routingLabel_1  "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/global/callRouting"

Code Block
    "routingLabelRoute": [
        "sequence": "0",

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123' -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -X POST -d @routingLabelRoute_1 "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/global/callRouting/routingLabel/VRF_RL_EG"

Code Block
[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat route_1
    "sonusRoute:route": [
        "elementType": "none",
        "elementId1": "Sonus_NULL",
        "elementId2": "Sonus_NULL",
        "routingType": "standard",
        "destinationNational": "98402",
        "destinationCountry": "1",
        "callType": "all",
        "digitType": "all",
        "timeRangeProfile": "ALL",
        "callParameterFilterProfile": "none",
        "domainName": "Sonus_NULL",

curl -kisu 'admin:Sonus@123'  -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d @route_1  "https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/global/callRouting/"

Here I have configured the Standard route for Number based routing with called number being "98402".


You can also have Trunk group based routing in case You don't want to use Number based routing

[root@ip-172-31-10-46 ARJUN_REST_JSON]# cat route_1_TG
    "sonusRoute:route": [
"elementType": "trunkGroup",
"elementId1": "INGRESS_TRGP",
"elementId2": "VSBCSYSTEM",
"routingType": "standard",
"destinationNational": "Sonus_NULL",
"destinationCountry": "1",
"callType": "all",
"digitType": "all",
"timeRangeProfile": "ALL",
"callParameterFilterProfile": "none",
"domainName": "Sonus_NULL",

Configuring an SBC using REST with XML payload

Copy the XML files mentioned after the "@" in the cURL commands and run these cURL commands in the same folder as the XML files or mention the complete path for the XML files.

If you saved the XML files on the SBC, replace to <SBC_MGT_IP> with local address.

Given below are the configurations to configure SBC for a basic A-B call using Rest API.

  1. Creating codec entry :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat codecEntry

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @codecEntry -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/profiles/media
2. Creating Packet service profiles :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat packetServiceProfile

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @packetServiceProfile -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/profiles/media

3.Creating Address contexts :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat addressContext

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @addressContext -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config
4.Creating IP interface groups :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat ipInterfaceGroup_1


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @ipInterfaceGroup_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat ipInterfaceGroup_2


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @ipInterfaceGroup_2 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT
5.Creating Zones :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat zones_1

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @zones_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat zones_2

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @zones_2 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT

6.Creating ip interfaces :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat ipInterface_1


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @ipInterface_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/ipInterfaceGroup/LIG7


to configure the public or EIP to the interfaces , add the <ipPublicVarV4>MetaVariable</ipPublicVarV4> in the XML file

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat ipInterface_2


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @ipInterface_2 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/ipInterfaceGroup/LIG8
7.Creating static Routes :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat staticRoute_1


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @staticRoute_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat staticRoute_2


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @staticRoute_2 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT

8.Creating IP peers :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat ipPeer_1


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @ipPeer_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE7

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat ipPeer_2


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @ipPeer_2 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE8

9.Creating SIP Sig ports :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat sipSigPort_1

<transportProtocolsAllowed>sip-udp sip-tcp sip-tls-tcp sip-sctp</transportProtocolsAllowed>

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @sipSigPort_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE7


to configure the public or EIP to the SIP Signalling port , add the <ipPublicVarV4>MetaVariable</ipPublicVarV4> in the XML file

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat sipSigPort_2

<transportProtocolsAllowed>sip-udp sip-tcp sip-tls-tcp sip-sctp</transportProtocolsAllowed>

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @sipSigPort_2 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE8

10.creating SIP trunk groups :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat sipTrunkGroup_1


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @sipTrunkGroup_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE7

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat sipTrunkGroup_2

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @sipTrunkGroup_2 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/addressContext/ADDR_CONTEXT/zone/ZONE8

11.creating Standard route and routing Label :-

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat routingLabel_1

curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @routingLabel_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/global/callRouting/

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat routingLabelRoute_1


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @routingLabelRoute_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/global/callRouting/routingLabel/VRF_RL_EG

Code Block
wfats1:~/REST_API> cat route_1


curl -kisu 'admin:<Password>' -X POST -d @route_1 -H 'Content-Type: application/' https://<SBC_MGT_IP>/api/config/global/callRouting/
The call can be made successfully from Ingress to egress.
