How to Use This Guide
This guide lists the minimum number of tasks recommended to maintain an in-service
systemservice SBC 5400/7000 system. This guide is not intended to explain diagnostics, repair specific faults, nor is it intended to optimize performance. File locations and system settings may vary, mainly due to customer-specific configurations and requirements.
Warning |
Some procedures in this guide will interrupt/halt/prevent call processing and/or call accounting data collection. Do not perform any procedure if you do not know or understand the implications of performing that procedure. |
This guide does not cover the following topics. Refer to the specified documents for more information on them.
- Troubleshooting—When the system generates alarms or traps indicating trouble, see the SBC Core Alarms Guide to determine the cause and course of action. Other pages you may find useful when troubleshooting are FAQs and Tips and Using SSReq.
- hardware replacement—When replacing customer replaceable units (CRUs), refer to the relevant CRU page:
Info |
As a routine maintenance best practice, recommends the following: Build a template and create a daily/weekly record log, spreadsheet, or database that you can use to record the observed results and notes.
Identify what tasks in the Routine Maintenance Guide you intend to run and set a schedule. Include fields against each task such as run date, run time, results, and comments.
Plan your day to run the checks. If a day or task is omitted, make sure you annotate that the task was not run.
Look for trends.
If there is an anomaly in a result, pass the event or incident on for triage. Contact Customer Support.
SBC Access Methods
See How to Access the SBC for guidance with accessing the SBC EMA, EMA (Platform Mode), CLI, and BMC interfaces.
Anchor |
| RoutineDailyMaintenance |
| RoutineDailyMaintenance |
Routine Daily Maintenance
daily maintenance tasks include the following activities:
Backing Up SBC Configuration
This section includes the following methods for backing up the
Info |
Telecommunications laws may require that call records be stored for a specific amount of time both on and off site. Check for compliance. |
Anchor |
| BackUpSBCConfigurationUsingEMA |
| BackUpSBCConfigurationUsingEMA |
Back Up SBC Configuration Using EMA
Perform the following procedure to back up the current configuration using EMA:
- Backup your configuration using the procedure on the page System Administration - Backup and Restore.
- Copy your configuration to a remote location using the procedure on the page System Administration - Backup and Restore.
Anchor |
| BackUpSBCConfigurationUsingCLI |
| BackUpSBCConfigurationUsingCLI |
Back Up SBC Configuration Using CLI
Perform the following procedure to back up the current configuration with the CLI:
From the top-level CLI mode, enter the command:
Code Block |
request system admin <SBC_system_name> saveConfig fileNameSuffix <filename.suffix> |
- When prompted to continue, enter '
'. A message displays indicating the configuration was saved to a tar.gz file. - Copy the latest
file from the /var/log/sonus/sbx/config
directory to a remote location using FileZilla or some other software utility.
Info |
The SBC stores up to 10 manual and 7 automatic backup files. |
Monitoring SBC Status
This section includes the following methods for monitoring
various status indications:
Anchor |
| MonitorEMAAlarms |
| MonitorEMAAlarms |
Monitoring EMA Alarms
To monitor outstanding alarms across all managed objects from the EMA, see Dashboard - Alarms page.
Anchor |
| MonitorSystemStatusFromEMA |
| MonitorSystemStatusFromEMA |
Monitoring System Status From EMA
To monitor the status of the following entities from the EMA, see Dashboard - System Status page.
- Server Status—status of the system including the name, hardware and software versions system up-time.
- Fan Status—current fan speeds.
- Hard Disk Status—hardware information about the on-board disks along with total capacity and status.
- Hard Disk Usage—disk status and usage.
- Power Supply Status—status of the power supply including any failures.
- Daughter Board Status—list of daughter boards present on the system.
- Policy Server Status—statistics of the routing database and application (local or external).
Anchor |
| MonitorStatusFromCLI |
| MonitorStatusFromCLI |
Monitoring Status From CLI
To monitor system status from CLI top-level mode, the following commands are available. For additional commands and command details, see Show Status System and Show Table System pages.
Code Block |
show status global callCountStatus all
show status system daughterBoardStatus
show status system ethernetPort mgmtPortStatus / packetPortStatus
show status system fanStatus
show status system hardDiskStatus
show status system hardDiskUsage
show status system powerSupplyStatus
show status system serverStatus
show status system syncStatus
show status system systemCongestionStatus |
Monitoring SBC Performance
Use one or more of the following methods below to monitor
Anchor |
| MonitorPerformanceFromEMA |
| MonitorPerformanceFromEMA |
Monitoring Performance From EMA
To monitor the following critical system statistics from the EMA, see Dashboard - System Statistics page.
- Call Count Statistics
- TCP General Group Statistics
- UDP General Group Statistics
- System Congestion Statistics
- DSP Call Statistics
- DSP Usage Statistics
- DSP Utilization
To perform policy analysis from the EMA using SSReq tool, see Troubleshooting Tools - Policy Analysis - SSREQ page.
To monitor the following statistics from the EMA (Platform Mode), see Monitoring - Dashboard page.
- Alarms
- CAC Offenders Status
- Disk Usage
- Hardware Inventory
- IP Interface Status
- Live Monitor
- Memory Usage
- Ports
- System Statistics
- System Status
- System and Software Info
- Task Usage
Anchor |
| MonitorPerformanceFromCLI |
| MonitorPerformanceFromCLI |
Monitoring Performance From CLI
To monitor
performance data from CLI top-level mode, the following commands are available. For additional commands and command details, see
Show Status Command Details - CLI and
Show Table System pages.
Code Block |
show status alarms historyStatus
show status system dspRes dspCallCurrentStatistics
show status system dspRes dspUsageCurrentStatistics
show status global tcpGeneralGroupStatistics
show status system dspStatus dspUsage
show status system ethernetPort mgmtStatistics
show status system ethernetPort packetStatistics
show status system systemCongestionCurrentStatistics
show status global udpGeneralGroupStatistics |
Anchor |
| RoutineWeeklyMaintenance |
| RoutineWeeklyMaintenance |
Routine Weekly Maintenance
Perform the following
routine maintenance tasks on a weekly basis:
General Maintenance
- Wipe the outer case clean with a slightly moist (not wet), lint-free cloth.
- Inspect air filters, and clean or replace if needed. To replace an air filter, see the applicable page:
- Check external fan covers or grills for excessive dust buildup or obstructions; clean, if necessary, by gently wiping with a clean, lint-free cloth, making sure not to penetrate the protective cover or grill.
- Check fans to ensure they are operating and not generating any unusual noises. Make certain the fan is operating by holding your hand next to the intake vent to be sure air is flowing into the unit. If a fan is not running or unusual noises are present, contact Customer Support.
Backing Up SBC Logs
The Logs Management window (EMA - Platform Mode) allows you to manage the following logs. For details, refer to Log Management.
- Core Dumps
- Event Logs
- Message Logs
- System Dump
- Back Trace
- Apache
- Netconf
- User Activity
- Install Logs
- Upgrade Logs
Include Page |
| _Netconf_security_protection |
| _Netconf_security_protection |
Deleting Old SBC Logs
Delete unneeded files, such as old core dump files, on a regular basis. To manage and remove log files from the EMA (Platform Mode), see Log Management page.
Viewing SBC Log Files and Status From CLI
To view the configured parameters for all SBC event types from the CLI, use the command:
Code Block |
show configuration oam eventLog typeAdmin |
To view the event log status for all event types, use the command:
Code Block |
show status oam eventLog typeStatus |
Anchor |
| SBCUpgradeGuidelines |
| SBCUpgradeGuidelines |
SBC Upgrade Guidelines
Perform the following activities prior to upgrading the
Perform pre-upgrade checks and system baselining, plus gather any requisite upgrade information.
- Read all release notes for any pertinent upgrade instructions, applicable patches and announcements. See Production Releases page for available release notes.
Download the software in advance.
- Verify network is healthy and in a condition to accept an upgrade.
- Familiarize yourself with the upgrade and roll-back procedures.
- Select a period of low traffic to perform the upgrade. Inform end users.
- Contact Customer Support to schedule on-call support.
Back-up the system in the unlikely event that a required.
Follow the prescribed
upgrade SBC 5400/7000 upgrade procedures. Refer to
Upgrading SBC Application page and the latest release notes from
Production Releases page for upgrade details.
Decision Point
Execute your tests to verify the system is fully operational.
- Ensure the upgraded software release and data migration has no detrimental impact on existing functionality.
- Test interoperability with existing third-party applications, OSS, OA&M, BSS, and so on.
- Focus on customer-sensitive aspects.
Failure Recovery
If problems are detected that cannot be resolved, consider backing out of the software update.
Post-Upgrade Monitoring
Verify following:
1. No new fault/alarm conditions
2. No errors in system logs
3. No call failure ratio increases (for example, decreased ASR)
Commit Software
Once you are satisfied with the update, commit to the upgrade when applicable (for example, Live Software Upgrade using CLI).
Anchor |
| ShutdownandStartupProcedures |
| ShutdownandStartupProcedures |
Shutdown and Startup Procedures
The following procedures are included in this section:
Powering Off the SBC
To power off the
, perform the following steps:
- Enter the BMC management IP address into a web browser.
- Login to the BMC as user root.
Click the Remote Control tab to open the Remote Control screen.
Figure 1: Remote Control Tab

Click Power Control (or click Server Power Control from the left tree menu) to open the "Power Control and Status" screen.
Figure 2: Select" Power Control" Button

Select Power Off Server - Orderly Shutdown option and click Perform Action.
Figure 3: Choose Orderly Shutdown

Powering On the SBC
To power on the
, perform the following steps:
- Enter the BMC management IP address into a web browser.
- Login to the BMC as user root.
- Click the Remote Control tab to open the Remote Control screen.
- Click Power Control (or click Server Power Control from the left tree menu) to open the "Power Control and Status" screen (see screenshot above for example).
Select Power On Server option and click Perform Action.
Figure 4: Choose option to Power On Server

Stopping/Starting/Restarting/ Rebooting the SBC
Stop the SBC Application
To stop the SBC Application, perform the following steps:
Login to the EMA (Platform Mode) and navigate to Administration > System Administration > Platform Management.
The Platform and SBC Application Controls window appears.
Click Stop SBC Application.
Start the SBC Application
To start the SBC Application, perform the following steps:
Login to the EMA (Platform Mode) and navigate to Administration > System Administration > Platform Management.
The Platform and SBC Application Controls window appears.
Click Start SBC Application.
Restart the SBC Application
To restart the SBC Application, perform the following steps:
Login to the EMA (Platform Mode) and navigate to Administration > System Administration > Platform Management.
The Platform and SBC Application Controls window appears.
Click Restart SBC Application.
Reboot the SBC Application
To reboot the SBC Application, perform the following steps:
Login to the EMA (Platform Mode) and navigate to Administration > System Administration > Platform Management.
The Platform and SBC Application Controls window appears.
Click Reboot Platform.
For detailed information on different SBC application, refer to System Administration - Platform Management.
Monitor the Platform and SBC Application Controls window to observe the various processes.
Figure 5: Platform and SBC Application Controls window