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This section lists the CLI to configure the following SIP egress IP attributes involved in sending a call in the forward direction to the peer.
Panel | ||||||
SIP egress IP attributes:
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
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% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes bci bciInterworkEncountered <disable | enable> bciIsdnAddess <disable | enable> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description |
| Use this object to configure Backward Call Indicator (BCI) for Egress IP attributes.
Domain Name
Use this object to specify use of domain names.
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes domainName useIpSignalingPeerDomainInRequestUri <disable | enable> useSipDomainInPAIHeader <disable | enable> useSipDomainNameInFromField <disable | enable> preserveIngressFromDomainName <disable | enable> useLowerCaseDomainNames <disable | enable> useSipDomainNameInRequestUri <disable | enable> preserveIngressRUriDomainName <disable | enable> useLowerCaseDomainNames <disable | enable> useZoneLevelDomainNameInContact <disable | enable> useZoneLevelDomainNameInPathHdr <disable | enable> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||
useIpSignalingPeerDomainInRequestUri | Enable this flag to use IP Signaling Peer Domain in Request URI.
| ||||||||||||
| Enable this flag to set the value of the host port of the PAI URI equivalent to the value of the SIP domain name configured on the ingress trunk group of the Policy Exchange Server (PSX).
| ||||||||||||
useSipDomainNameInFromField | By default, the
NOTE: The above two flags only apply when a Domain Name is configured for this zone (refer to Zone - CLI). | ||||||||||||
useSipDomainNameInRequestUri | Use this flag to indicate how to treat SIP Domain name in outgoing SIP INVITE.
| ||||||||||||
| Enable this flag to use Zone level domain name in the Contact header.
| ||||||||||||
useZoneLevelDomainNameInPathHdr | Enable this flag to send the Domain Name configured at the Zone level in the Path Header of the outgoing REGISTER message.
Use this object to set egress IP attribute flags.
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes flags addLoopBackRouteHeader <disable | enable> bgcfTargetSchemeTransparency <disable | enable> convertInactiveToSendrecv <disable | enable> disable2806Compliance <disable | enable> disableOptionalRegisterParameters <disable | enable> ignoreSdpAfterOfferAnswerCompleted <disable | enable> includeEnumParameters <disable | enable> map3xxContactUrlToRouteHeader <disable | enable> map181Or182MessageTo183 <disable | enable> mapContractorNumberInPSigInfoHeader <disable | enable> monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate <disable | enable> qosBasedRouting <disable | enable> sameCallIdForRequiredAuthorization <disable | enable> suppressUnregister <disable | enable> transitPAIFromUnregisteredPeer <disable | enable> ttcIsupMapping <disable | enable> useCalledPartyInRequestUri <disable | enable> useColonInSdpMediaTypeParameter <disable | enable> validateIsubAddress <disable | enable> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||
addLoopBackRouteHeader | Enable flag to add the SBC URI as the second top-most Route header in the INVITE towards EATF.
| ||||||||||||
bgcfTargetSchemeTransparency | Enable flag to preserve the scheme used by the SIP INVITE Request-URI when the INVITE is routed by the
| ||||||||||||
convertInactiveToSendrecv | Enable flag to control the a-line in the SDP of an egress SIP INVITE message by converting a=inactive to a=sendrecv. When disabled, the
| ||||||||||||
disable2806Compliance | If enabled, the 2806 Compliance Code is disabled and no phone context or user=phone parameters are signaled in egress messages.
| ||||||||||||
disableOptionalRegisterParameters | Enable flag to prevent
| ||||||||||||
ignoreSdpAfterOfferAnswerCompleted | Enable flag to allow the SBC to ignore the new SDP at the egress leg in subsequent 1xx-rel or final 200 OK messages after the Offer Answer for the initial Invite dialog was completed by an earlier 1xx-rel (and does not trigger a new offer or answer).
| ||||||||||||
includeEnumParameters | Use this flag to specify how to handle ENUM parameters in outgoing INVITE.
| ||||||||||||
map3xxContactUrlToRouteHeader | When map3xxContactUrlToRouteHeader flag is enabled, SBX adds 3XX contact header as second route header in the outgoing INVITE message. This flag is enabled on a IBCF TG because when a call is routed by ECSCF to IBCF, the 3xx contact URI need to be added as second route header for subsequent routing to IP-PSAP.
| ||||||||||||
map181Or182MessageTo183 | Enable flag to allow
| ||||||||||||
mapContractorNumberInPSigInfoHeader | Enable flag to map the Contractor Number parameter into the outgoing SIP P-Sig-Info header. The P-Sig-Info header is a customer-specific SIP header used to convey ISUP information in SIP messages.
| ||||||||||||
monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate | This flag is used to decide whether to start tone and monitor RTP or not.
| ||||||||||||
qosBasedRouting | Enable flag to allow QoS-based routing.
| ||||||||||||
sameCallIdForRequiredAuthorization | Enable this flag to support sending an INVITE with credentials on receiving a 401 (Unauthorized) or 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) response to initial INVITE with the same call ID as in the original INVITE.
NOTE: To view and configure this flag, you must first enable both 'authCodeHeaders' transparency flag and 'statusCode4xx6xx' relay flag. Refer to Transparency Flags - CLI and Relay Flags - CLI for additional details. | ||||||||||||
suppressUnregister | Enable flag to prevent
| ||||||||||||
| Enable flag to transparently pass the received PAI to the INVITE if the default PUI procedure cannot add a PAI header.
NOTE: To use this flag, you must enable the enableDefaultPUIProcedures flag and disable the 'privacy transparency' flag (See Privacy section below). | ||||||||||||
ttcIsupMapping | When enabled, and when the IP protocol type of the IP signaling profile entry is SIP or SIP-I, the application that receives the
| ||||||||||||
useCalledPartyInRequestUri | When enabled, the
| ||||||||||||
useColonInSdpMediaTypeParameter | When enabled, a colon (:) is used as the separator between the SDP Media Type parameter key and value. When disabled, an equal sign (=) is used as the separator between the SDP Media Type parameter key and value.
| ||||||||||||
validateIsubAddress | When enabled, the
Use this object to configure ISDN Calling Party Subaddress (ISUB) parameters:
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes isub allowNsapIsub <disable | enable> allowUserSpecifiedIsub <disable | enable> includeCalledPartyIsub <disable | enable> includeCallingPartyIsub <disable | enable> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description |
allowNsapIsub | Enable to allow NSAP ISUB parameter.
allowUserSpecifiedIsub | Allow user-specified ISUB.
includeCalledPartyIsub | Include called party ISUB.
includeCallingPartyIsub | Include calling party ISUB.
Media QOS KPI Profile
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes mediaQosKpiProfile <profile_name> |
Command Parameter
Parameter | Description |
| The Media QoS KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Profile name. |
Number Globalization Profile
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile <profile_name> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description |
| The Number Globalize Profile name. This profile converts numbers to SIP global number format. |
Number Portability Attributes
Number portability attributes configuration.
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes numberPortabilityAttributes disableRn <disable | enable> npdiOptions <doNotIncludeNpdi | includeNpdi | includeNpdiYes> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description | ||||||||
disableRn | Enable flag to prevent the
| ||||||||
npdiOptions | Use the following options to specify whether the
P-Charge Info
Use this parameter to configure egress P-Charge-Info header in INVITE message behavior.
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
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% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes pChargeInfo includeNOA <disable | enable> includeNPI <disable | enable> pChargeInfoTransparency <disable | enable> pChargeInfoType <headerParameter | uriParameter | userParameter> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description |
includeNOA | Enable flag to include Nature of Address Indicator in egress P-Charge-Info header in INVITE message.
includeNPI | Enable flag to include Number Plan Indicator in egress P-Charge-Info header in INVITE message.
pChargeInfoTransparency | Enable flag to transparently pass egress P-Charge-Info header in INVITE message.
pChargeInfoType | The format types for which NPI/NOA are encoded in P-Charge-Info header. Options include:
Phone Context Parameter Length
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes phoneContextParameterLength (0-31) |
Command Parameter
Parameter | Length/Range | Description | ||||||||
phoneContextParameterLength | 0-31 | Use this attribute to specify the length of phone-context parameter sent in RURI and To headers of the egress message (default = 0). When a value greater than "0" is configured, and the called number is globalized using the existing globalization profile, the PSX sends the configured value in a policy response to the
Use this object to specify Privacy parameters.
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
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% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes privacy anonymizeHostIpPortion <disable | enable> flags includeEmbeddedPAIheaderInRedirectedInvite <disable | enable> includePrivacy <disable | enable> msLyncPrivacySupport <disable | enable> privacyRequiredByProxy <disable | enable> privacyInformation <pAssertedId | pPreferredId | remotePartyId> transparency <disable | enable> |
Command Parameters
Caption | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use this object to configure Redirect parameters.
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
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% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes redirect contactHandling <mergeReceivedContacts | purgeExistingContacts> flags forceRequeryForRedirection <disable | enable> honorEmbeddedHeadersin3xx <disable | enable> relayUnusedContactParams <disable | enable> skipCrankbackProfileAndAlwaysCrankback <disable | enable> mode <acceptRedirection | allowSingleRedirectAttempt | rejectRedirection | stopHunt> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description | |||||||||||
contactHandling | Select one of the following to control processing of contacts received in SIP Redirects:
| |||||||||||
flags | Redirect flags:
| |||||||||||
| Use this object to control SIP redirection:
Info | ||||
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Parameters consumed/processed locally by the
relayUnusedContactParams command include:
Signaling QOS KPI Profile
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes signalingQosKpiProfile <profile_name> |
Command Parameter
Parameter | Description |
| The Signaling QoS KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Profile name. |
SIP Cause Mapping
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IPSP name> egressIpAttributes sipCauseMapping sipToInternalCauseMappingProfileName <sipToInternalProfile_Name> internalToSipCauseMappingProfileName <internalToSIPProfile_Name> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description |
sipCauseMapping | Use this object in a SBC ERE configuration to create Internal-to-SIP and SIP-to-Internal SIP Cause Mapping Profile names for this IP Signaling Profile.
Info |
To create a profile to map CPC and SIP, refer to CPC to SIP Cause Map Profile - CLI and SIP CPC Cause Code Mapping Profiles - CLI. To associated these profiles with Ingress/Egress trunk groups, refer to SIP Trunk Group - Signaling - CLI. For configuration examples and external PSX considerations, refer to Configuring SIP Cause Code Mapping. |
SIP Headers and Parameters
Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters callForwarding dataMapping <diversion | none | pkHeader> diversionHeaderTransparency <disable | enable> diversionHistoryInfoInterworking <disable | enable> historyInformation includeHistoryInformation <disable | enable> causeParameterInRFC4458 <disable | enable> reasonWithCauseValueAsPerRFC4244 <disable | enable> destinationTrunkGroupOptions <includeDtg | includeNone | includeTgrpWithDomainName | includeTgrpWithIpAddress> flags endToEndAck <disable | enable> includeCic <disable | enable> includeCpcInformation <disable | enable> includeNpi <disable | enable> includeOlip <disable | enable> includePKAdn <disable | enable> includePstnParameters <disable | enable> includeQvalue <disable | enable> skipCSeqCheckInEarlyDialog <disable | enable> transparencyForDestinationTrunkGroupParameter <disable | enable> generateCallIdUsing <doNotUseIngressCallId | useIngressCallIdByAddingStaticString | useIngressCallIdByPrepending> includeChargeInformation <includeNone | includePChargeInfo> originatingTrunkGroupOptions <includeNone | includeOtg | includeTgrpWithDomainName | includeTgrpWithIpAddress> sessionExpiresRefresher <notSend | uac | uas> sipToHeaderMapping <calledNumber | gapDialedNumber | none | originalCalledNumberOcn> |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Description | ||||
callForwarding | This parameter is used to control the call forwarding data mapping method in egress SIP signaling.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
destinationTrunkGroupOptions | Use this parameter to specify destination trunk group options.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
flags | Use this object to configure the SIP Headers and Parameters flags.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
generateCallIdUsing | Use this parameter to control ingress and egress Call-ID behavior.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
includeChargeInformation | Select the
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
originatingTrunkGroupOptions | Use this parameter to specify originating trunk group options.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sessionExpiresRefresher | Controls whether the refresher parameter is sent in the Session-Expires header and is enabled when the Customized Session Timer Behavior flag is selected. Options include:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| This parameter indicates which number is mapped and returned in the outgoing SIP To header. Options include:
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Command Syntax
Code Block | ||
| ||
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> egressIpAttributes transport type1...type4 none sctp tcp tlsOverTcp udp |
Command Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description |
| N/A | Use this object to set up to four transport parameter types:
Each transport type above can be set to any one of the following transport protocols: