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Use this section to specify the IP interfaces that the

 will utilize for telephony, management, and system debugging traffic.

To View IP Interface

On the

 main screen, go to Configuration > System ProvisioningCategory: Base Provisioning >IP Interface Group > IP Interface. The IP Interface window displays.

1IP Interface
3IP Interface

This window can display a listing of IP Interfaces for each Address Context, for each IP Interface Group or for all existing Address Contexts and IP Interface Groups. Use the drop-down menus at the top of the page to select the Address Contexts and/or IP Interface Groups of interest.

1IP Interface Main Fields

To Edit IP Interface

To edit an IP Interface in the list, click the radio button next to the IP Interface name of interest.

1IP Interface Highlight

The Edit Selected IP Interface window is displayed below.

1IP Interface Edit Window

Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.

To Create IP Interface

To create a new IP Interface, click New IP Interface tab on the IP Interface List panel.

1New IP Interface Button

The Create New IP Interface window is displayed.

1IP Interface Create Window

The following fields are displayed:

1IP Interface Parameters




The IP interface name.


The operational state of the IP Interface:

  • Out of Service—Set this state before changing admin-state to disabled.
  • In Service-— (default) This state is set by default when admin-state is enabled.

When setting Mode to 'Out of Service', be sure to also set State to 'disabled'.

StateThe administrative state of the IP Interface:
  • disabled (default)—in this state the IP Interface is inactive, it does not respond to a ping.
  • enabled —in this state the IP Interface is active and it responds to a ping if the  Ethernet cable is plugged in.

CE Name

The name of the computing element (1 - 255 characters) that hosts the port used by the IP interface.

Port Name

The physical port name (example: pkt0, ..., pkt3) used by this IP interface.

IP Address

The IP address of the Interface.

IPv4—This is V4 IP address in dotted decimal form (for example
IPv6—This is V6 IP address in hexadecimal/colon form (for example, 1280:1276:3350:2224:2222:3333:8888:1245 or fd00:21:445:128::7880).


The IP subnet prefix of this Interface.

Alt IP Address

Specifies alternative (secondary) IP address for the configured packet IP interface. The alternative IP address is optional.

The following IP address types are supported:

  • IPv4—This is V4 IP address in dotted decimal form (for example
  • IPv6—This is V6 IP address in hexadecimal/colon form (for example, 1280:1276:3350:2224:2222:3333:8888:1245 or fd00:21:445:128::7880).

Modify an alternative IP address only after changing the Packet IP interface to disabled state.

Alt Media IP Address

Use this parameter to specify up to 14 additional IPv4 and/or IPv6 media IP addresses on this IP interface. Any combination of IPv4 and IPv6 is allowed. The following rules apply when configuring alternate media IP addresses:

  • An IPv4/IPv6 alternate media IP address is only allowed if an IPv4/IPv6 address is defined in the primary or alternate (main) address.
  • An alternate media IP address must be in the same network as the primary media address (of the same IP version). Hence, CPX needs to determine the subnet based on the primary/alt IP address and primary/alt prefix, and then verify that the given alternate media address is on the same subnet.
  • An alternate media IP address may be added while the IP interface is enabled and in-service. However, the IP can only be deleted when the IP interface state is set to "disabled".

Alt Prefix

The alternative IP subnet prefix of this Interface. It should be between 0-128.


The method by which calls are torn down when operational state goes to out of service:

  • dryup (default)—calls remain active until the tear downtime interval expires.
  • force—calls are dropped immediately.

Dryup Timeout

The dry-up timeout in minutes (e.g. the number of minutes to wait before taking the interface out of service). This is started at the point where the command to make the interface out of service is issued. This is only applicable for Media traffic. If there is no media traffic on the interface, then the interface is immediately taken out of service.

Range: 0-1440 (minutes). Default = 60.


To do a dry-up for an interface used only for Signaling, perform a dry-up procedure of the SIP Sig Port associated to the interface.

Bw Contingency

The percentage of maximum bandwidth that is reserved for contingency (that is, non-media). Value must be 0-100 percent.

The maximum bandwidth is the bandwidth normally available for media on the interface. (This is based on the configured bandwidth limit or the physical port bandwidth limit minus approximately 5% for signaling traffic.) The contingency factor effectively reserves a portion of this bandwidth for non-media.

Vlan Tag

Assign a VLAN ID to each IP Interface which will include one or more SUBINTERFACEs. When the parent IP Interface is created, this parameter is assigned the NULL (0) tag. When the IP Interface is enabled for VLAN TAG STATE, in order to provision a SUBINTERFACE, this parameter must already be set to a value in the 2-4094 range or the enable command will fail.

The parent IP Interface will receive non-tagged or NULL (0) tagged frames. A VLAN ID in the range cited above must also be assigned to each IP Interface when it is configured. This value must be unique on a physical port.

Include Page


Specifies the maximum amount of bandwidth allowed in units of bytes per second. Must be 0-118750000 as follows:

0—Allow bandwidth subscriptions up to the maximum supported on the physical port.
non-zero—Allow up to the specified number of bytes per second on this IP interface. The aggregate of this number and all previously provisioned IP interfaces must not exceed the physical port bandwidth.

Enter all the required fields.


Click Show only required fields at the bottom left-hand portion of the panel to view and enter only the required fields to create a IP Interface.

To Delete IP Interface

To delete any of the created IP Interface, click the radio button next to the specific IP Interface which you want to delete.

1IP Interface Highlight

Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

1IP Interface Delete Confirmation

Click Yes to remove the specific IP Interface from the list.pagebreak