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AUTH1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c85b2726c2015b58aa779d0003, userName='null'}
REV5UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c85b2726c2015b58aa779d0003, userName='null'}
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REV4UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c856ed5c6701572cb23680000b, userName='null'}
REV1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cef20cbf, userName='null'}

Overview - What is SIP Recording (SIPREC)?

SIP Recording (SIPREC) supports the IETF standard for a SIP recording interface. Per SIPREC architecture, the SBC SWe Lite acts as Session Recording Client (SRC) and an RTP translator. To support SIPREC, the SBC SWe Lite acts as a Session Recording Client (SRC) initiating a Recording Session (RS) towards a Session Recording Server (SRS). The SBC SWe Lite initiates a recording session for all the Communication Sessions (CS) to be recorded. The CS output is based on the SBC SWe Lite's WebUI configuration for enabling recording.

This Best Practice details the steps for configuring SIPREC via the following SBC SWe Lite WebUI options:  SIP Recorder Table, SIP Server Table (acting as a SIP Recorder), and a Signaling Group.





Communication Session


Recording Session


Session Recording Client


Session Recording Server

1SIP Recording - Network Topology

Step 1: Review Prerequisites

SBC SWe Lite is Installed and Running

These instructions assume the SBC SWe Lite is installed and running. If the product is not installed, refer to the links below. 

1Installation Instructions

ProductInstallation Instructions
SBC SWe Lite

On KVM: Installing SBC SWe Lite on KVM Hypervisor

On VMware ESXi: Installing SBC SWe Lite on VMware ESXi

On Hyper-V: Installing SBC SWe Lite on Microsoft Hyper-V

On Azure (Quick Launch): Deploying an SBC SWe Lite with Quick Launch for Azure

On Azure (on Marketplace): Running a SWe Lite via Microsoft Azure Marketplace

On AWS: Deploying an SBC SWe Lite via Amazon Web Services - AWS

Step 2: Configure a SIP Server Table as a SIP Recorder

This step configures the SIP Server Table to be used for SIP Recording. A SIP Server Table acting as a SIP Recorder contains information about the SIP devices connected to the SBC Edge for SIP Recording. To support SIPREC, the SBC SWe Lite acts as a Session Recording Client (SRC) initiating a Recording Session (RS) towards a Session Recording Server (SRS).  Through the SIP Server Table option, you select SIP Recorder.

  1. In the left navigation pane, go to SIP > SIP Server Tables.
  2. Click the Create ( ) icon.
  3. In the Description field, enter a descriptive name for the SIP Server Table.
  4. From the Type drop down box, select SIP Recorder.

  5. Click OK.

    1Create SIP Server Table

  6. Click OK.
  7. In the left navigation pane, go to SIP > SIP Server Tables. Click on the desired SIP Server Table just created.
  8. From the Create SIP Server drop down list, select IP/FQDN or DNS-SRV. The associated configuration screen is displayed.

  9. Configure the options. Refer to Creating and Modifying Entries in the SIP Recorder Table.

  10. Click OK.

Step 3: Create an entry in the SIP Recorder Table

A SIP Recorder Table contains information a Signaling Group used to start a SIP Recording (SIPREC) session. Through the configuration options, you select the Recording Server (SIP Server) as well as the SIP channels, routing, and media, All of this information directs the SBC on how to communicate with the Session Recording Server (SRS). 

Create an Entry in the SIP Recorder Table as follows:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, SIP > SIP Recording.

  3. Click the Create ( ) icon. The Create SIP Recorder window is displayed.

    1Create SIP Recorder

  4. Configure the fields. For details on field configuration, refer to Creating and Modifying Entries in the SIP Recorder Table.
  5. Click OK.

Step 4: Edit a Signaling Group and Enable SIP Recording

A signaling group is required to enable SIP Recording. You can either select an existing signaling group or create a new one.

Add a signaling group as follows:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to Signaling Groups.
  3. Click the expand () Icon next to the entry you wish to modify.
  4. From SIP Recording Status, select Enabled.
  5. From the SIP Recorder drop down list,select SIP Recorder. The SIP Recorder available entries are populated from the Recording Server Table created above.
  6. Configure the remaining properties as required. For details refer to Creating and Modifying SIP Signaling Groups.

    1Create/Edit Signaling Group - SIPREC Options

  7. Click OK.

Step 5: Confirm SIP Recording

Confirm SIP Recording calls as follows:

  1. Access the WebUI. Refer to Logging into the SBC Edge.

  2. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.

  3. In the left navigation pane, click SIP > SIP Recording.

  4. Select the desired SIP Recording Table entry (the example below is SRS).

    1Confirm SIP Recording

  5. Click on Counters. The current call counter displays the current outgoing call recordings.

    1Call Counters