Anchor | ||||
CSS Stylesheet |
h1, h2, {font-size: 18pt !important;} h3 {font-size: 16pt !important;} h4 {font-size: 14pt !important;} h5 {font-size: 14pt !important;} |
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Info |
This configuration guide is offered as a convenience to Ribbon customers. The specifications and information regarding the product in this guide are subject to change without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this guide are believed to be accurate, but are presented without warranty of any kind, express, or implied, and are provided “AS IS”. Users must take full responsibility for the application of the specifications and information in this guide. |
The following equipment and software are used in the reference configuration:
Equipment | Software Version | ||
Ribbon Communications | Ribbon SBC 5400 | V7.1.2 | |
Third-party Equipment | DSL Line | N/A |
So far, Deutsche Telekom uses tens of registrar servers and rotates them randomly to ensure load distribution for registrations and calls.
For calls from a customer to Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Telekom requires:
Info | ||
| ||
If the SBC adds the "dtg" parameter into the Contact header of the SIP REGISTER message, Deutsche Telekom places this "dtg" parameter into the R-URI line of the incoming INVITE message from Deutsche Telekom to the SBC. Some customers use the SMM rule to strip this "dtg" parameter from the incoming INVITE message to force routing based on trunkgroup/standard route. Otherwise, SBC uses the "dtg" parameter to find the egress trunkgroup to route the call. |
The following steps provide an example of how to configure the Ribbon SBC 5000.
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
#----------IP Peer----------# set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL ipAddress <IP_v4> set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL ipPort 5060 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL defaultForIp false set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL sipResponseCodeStats disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL policy description "" set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL policy sip fqdn "" set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL policy sip fqdnPort 0 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL pathCheck hostName "" set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL pathCheck hostPort 5060 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL pathCheck state disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL pathCheck statusUpdateSupport disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration userPart <E.164 number> set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration authUserName <SIP_Trunk_username> set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration retryTimer 50 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration regAuthPassword <SIP_Trunk_password> set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration state enabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration sendCredentials challengeForAnyMessageAndInDialogRequests set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration suppressRegRetryAfterAuthFail disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration useNextSurrRegForCall disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration useUserNameAsPAI disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL surrogateRegistration hostPart "" set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL authentication intChallengeResponse disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL ipPeer INTERNAL authentication incInternalCredentials disabled #----------SIP Trunkgroup----------# set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL policy carrier 0000 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL policy country 49 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL policy sipDomain <INTERNAL_domain> set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL policy signaling ipSignalingProfile <INTERNAL_IPSP> set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile IA_INTERNAL set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile OA_INTERNAL set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration requireRegistration required-group set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration expires 3600 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration insideExpiresMinimum 3600 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration includeXOriginalAddr disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration bulkRegisterFormat disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration intRefreshFactorMin 0 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration intRefreshFactorMax 0 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration extRefreshFactorMin 0 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration extRefreshFactorMax 0 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration alwaysRandomIntExpires disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration alwaysRandomExtExpires disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling registration useRUriForRegisterRouting disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling authentication authUserPart <customer's_username> set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling authentication authPassword <customer's_password> set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling authentication intChallengeResponse enabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling authentication incInternalCredentials enabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling transportPreference preference1 tcp set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling transportPreference preference2 udp set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling transportPreference preference3 tls-tcp set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling transportPreference preference4 none set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling rel100Support enabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling relayNonInviteRequest enabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling uriPreference none set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling skipDTGLookupForRouteHdr disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services dnsSupportType a-only set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services preconditions none set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services transmitPreconditions supported set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal signalingNat disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal mediaNat disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal learnNatForRtpOnly disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal iceSupport none set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal tcpKeepaliveTimer 240 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal udpKeepaliveTimer 60 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal outboundTcpKeepaliveTimer 240 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal outboundUdpKeepaliveTimer 60 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal secureMediaNatPrefix 0 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal adaptiveLearning state disabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal adaptiveLearning maxUdpPinholeTimer 180 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal adaptiveLearning maxTcpPinholeTimer 600 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services natTraversal adaptiveLearning reLearningInterval 24 set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL services dnsNaptrAlways disabled set addressContext default zone ZONE_INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL media lateMediaSupport convert #----------Authentication flag on INTERNAL TG----------# set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling authentication intChallengeResponse enabled set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INTERNAL signaling authentication incInternalCredentials enabled #----------IP Signaling Profile----------# set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags noPortNumber5060 enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags insertPeerAddressAsTopRouteHeader enable <-- enabled due to specific issue with Avaya (see "Issues hit during testing with ITK partner" section below) set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile DEFAULT_IP set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters destinationTrunkGroupOptions includeNone set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters originatingTrunkGroupOptions includeNone set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tcp set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type2 none set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type3 none set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type4 none set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile INTERNAL_IPSP egressIpAttributes flags useCalledPartyInRequestUri disable #----------IP Peer Telekom----------# set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM ipPort 0 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM defaultForIp false set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM sipResponseCodeStats disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM policy description "" set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM policy sip fqdn set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM policy sip fqdnPort 0 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM pathCheck profile OPTIONS_PING set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM pathCheck hostName "" set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM pathCheck hostPort 5060 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM pathCheck state disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM pathCheck statusUpdateSupport disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM surrogateRegistration retryTimer 900000 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM surrogateRegistration state disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM surrogateRegistration sendCredentials challengeForRegister set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM surrogateRegistration suppressRegRetryAfterAuthFail disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM surrogateRegistration useNextSurrRegForCall disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM surrogateRegistration useUserNameAsPAI disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM surrogateRegistration hostPart "" set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM authentication intChallengeResponse disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM ipPeer TELEKOM authentication incTELEKOMCredentials disabled #----------SIP Trunkgroup Telekom----------# set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM policy signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile IA_TELEKOM set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile OA_TELEKOM set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration requireRegistration none set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration expires 3600 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration insideExpiresMinimum 3600 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration includeXOriginalAddr disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration bulkRegisterFormat disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration intRefreshFactorMin 0 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration intRefreshFactorMax 0 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration extRefreshFactorMin 0 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration extRefreshFactorMax 0 set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration alwaysRandomIntExpires disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration alwaysRandomExtExpires disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling registration useRUriForRegisterRouting disabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling authentication authUserPart <SIP_Trunk_Username> set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling authentication authPassword <SIP_Trunk_Password> set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling authentication intChallengeResponse enabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling authentication incInternalCredentials enabled set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling transportPreference preference1 tcp set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling transportPreference preference2 none set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling transportPreference preference3 none set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM signaling transportPreference preference4 none set addressContext default zone TELEKOM sipTrunkGroup TELEKOM services dnsSupportType a-srv-naptr #----------IP Signaling Profile Telekom----------# set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags noPortNumber5060 enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile DEFAULT_IP set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters destinationTrunkGroupOptions includeNone set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters originatingTrunkGroupOptions includeNone set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tcp set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type2 none set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type3 none set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type4 none set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM IPSP egressIpAttributes flags useCalledPartyInRequestUri disable ################################# SMM Rules ##################################### #----------Internal Input Adapter Profile----------# set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL state enabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL advancedSMM disabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL profileType messageManipulation set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header name p-asserted-identity set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 from value +493030323280 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set addressContext default zone INTERNAL messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile IA_INTERNAL #----------Internal Output Adapter Profile----------# set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL profileType messageManipulation set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header name from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 from value <custoemr_domain> set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 1 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 header name to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 from value <custoemr_domain> set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 2 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 from value <custoemr_domain> set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 3 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 header name p-asserted-identity set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 from value <custoemr_domain> set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 4 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 header name to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 3 token condition regex-match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 3 token regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 3 token regexp string "\+.*" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 criterion 3 token regexp numMatch match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 from value 00 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 regexp string "\+" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 operation store set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 from type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 from tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 to type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 to variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 to variableScopeValue local set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 5 action 2 to offset whole set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 4 type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 4 variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 4 variable condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 4 variable variableID var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 4 variable value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 criterion 4 variable otherVariableID undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 from type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 from variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 from offset whole set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 from length all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 6 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 header name p-asserted-identity set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 3 token condition regex-match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 3 token regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 3 token regexp string "\+.*" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 criterion 3 token regexp numMatch match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 from value 00 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 regexp string "\+" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 7 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 header name from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 3 token condition regex-match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 3 token regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 3 token regexp string "\+.*" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 criterion 3 token regexp numMatch match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 from value 00 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 regexp string "\+" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 8 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 3 token condition regex-match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 3 token regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 3 token regexp string 00490.* set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 criterion 3 token regexp numMatch match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 from value 0049 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 regexp string 00490 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 9 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 header name to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 3 token condition regex-match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 3 token regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 3 token regexp string 00490.* set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 criterion 3 token regexp numMatch match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 from value 0049 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 regexp string 00490 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 10 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 header name diversion set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 3 token condition regex-match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 3 token regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 3 token regexp string "\+.*" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 criterion 3 token regexp numMatch match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 from value 00 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 regexp string "\+" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 11 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 header name diversion set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 3 token condition regex-match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 3 token regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 3 token regexp string 00490.* set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 criterion 3 token regexp numMatch match set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 from value 0049 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 regexp string 00490 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 12 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 header name diversion set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 action 1 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 action 1 operation delete set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 action 1 to type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_INTERNAL rule 13 action 1 to value diversion set addressContext default zone INTERNAL messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile OA_INTERNAL #----------Telekom Input Adapter Profile----------# set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM state enabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM advancedSMM disabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM profileType messageManipulation set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 parameter set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 parameter condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 parameter paramType uri set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 parameter name dtg set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 parameter value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 type parameter set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 operation delete set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 paramType uri set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 to type parameter set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 to value dtg set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 type parameter set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 parameter set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 parameter condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 parameter paramType uri set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 parameter name reg-info set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 parameter value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 type parameter set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 operation delete set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 paramType uri set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 to type parameter set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 to value reg-info set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header name P-Called-Party-ID set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 operation store set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 from type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 from tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 to type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 to variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 to variableScopeValue local set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 to offset whole set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header name To set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 from type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 from variableValue var1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 from offset whole set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 from length all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile IA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set addressContext default zone TELEKOM messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile IA_TELEKOM #----------Telekom Output Adapter Profile----------# set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM state enabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM advancedSMM disabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM profileType messageManipulation set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header name from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 from value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 1 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header name to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 from value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 2 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 token condition not-equal-to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 criterion 3 token value th1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 from value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 3 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 message methodTypes register set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 from value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 4 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 header name from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 3 token tokenType uridisplayname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 action 1 operation delete set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 5 action 1 to tokenValue uridisplayname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 header name contact set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 3 token tokenType uridisplayname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 action 1 operation delete set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 6 action 1 to tokenValue uridisplayname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 header name p-asserted-identity set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 3 token tokenType uridisplayname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 action 1 operation delete set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 7 action 1 to tokenValue uridisplayname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 1 message methodTypes undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 header name p-asserted-identity set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 from value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 8 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 header name diversion set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 operation store set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 from type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 from tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 to type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 to variableValue var10 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 to variableScopeValue local set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 9 action 1 to offset whole set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 header name p-asserted-identity set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 4 type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 4 variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 4 variable condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 4 variable variableID var10 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 4 variable value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 criterion 4 variable otherVariableID undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 from type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 from variableValue var10 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 from offset whole set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 from length all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 10 action 1 to tokenValue uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 1 message methodTypes ack set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 header name Route set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 3 type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 3 variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 3 variable condition absent set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 3 variable variableID var7 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 3 variable value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 criterion 3 variable otherVariableID undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 operation store set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 from value th1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 to type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 to variableValue var7 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 to variableScopeValue local set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 11 action 1 to offset whole set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 1 message methodTypes ack set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 3 token condition not-equal-to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 3 token tokenType urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 3 token value th1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 4 type variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 4 variable set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 4 variable condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 4 variable variableID var7 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 4 variable value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 criterion 4 variable otherVariableID undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 operation modify set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 from value th1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 12 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 applyMatchHdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 1 message methodTypes invite set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 1 message condition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 header name diversion set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 header value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 header hdrInstance all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 header hdrRange undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 0 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 3 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 3 token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 3 token condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 3 token tokenType uriusername set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 criterion 3 token value "" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 action 1 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 action 1 operation delete set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 action 1 headerInfo undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 action 1 headerPosition undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 action 1 paramType undefined set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 action 1 to type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile OA_TELEKOM rule 13 action 1 to value diversion set addressContext default zone TELEKOM messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile OA_INTERNAL |
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Successful NAPTR/SRV/A DNS lookups are necessary for successful calls from customer to Deutsche Telekom.
There are several issues in this area:
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set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile TELEKOM_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags noPortNumber5060 enabled set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM type ip set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM transport udp set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM interface QSC_212.IPIG set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM useConfiguredDnsServer enabled set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM ednsSupport enabled set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM server state enabled set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM server recursionDesired true set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM server ipAddress set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM server transportProtocol udp set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM server tcpFallback enabled set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM server priority 5 set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM server weight 0 set addressContext default dnsGroup TELEKOM server recordOrder priority |
These Application Notes describe the configuration steps required for Ribbon SBC 5400 to successfully interoperate with Deutsche Telekom. The test cases were completed and passed.