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AUTH1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c85b2726c2015b58aa779d0003, userName='null'}
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REV1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cabc04c3, userName='null'}



In this section:

Table of Contents


Before deploying an SBC SWe Lite instance in Azure, follow the instructions in Preparing Microsoft Azure to Host SWe Lite.



The SBC SWe Lite is a Microsoft-certified virtualized Session Border Controller (SBC) designed to provide small and mid-sized businesses interworking, security, and survivability for unified communications. The SWe Lite is available for deployment in Azure Marketplace as a BYOL (Bring Your Own License); it will be created as a virtual machine (VM) hosted in Azure. 

These instructions include how to configure and deploy the SBC SWe Lite in Microsoft Azure cloud. All configuration commands are via Azure Portal; the equivalent Powershell configuration comments are referenced here: Using Powershell Commands to Add Resource Groups and Virtual Networks in Azure.









SWe Lite




in Azure - Network Topology

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Step 1: Review Prerequisites

This section details the Microsoft Azure cloud computing requirements for hosting the SWe Lite VM and SWe Lite related resources.

Microsoft Azure Subscription

A Microsoft Azure subscription (with credit) is required. Refer to Microsoft Azure.

Azure Requirements for SWe Lite Virtual Machine

1PrerequisitesAzure Requirements for SWe Lite Virtual Machines
An option used to create an SBC SWe Lite VM. Refer to PowerShell documentation
Resource group

Required by Azure to host the SWe Lite VM and SWe Lite related resource. Resource types are assigned into a resource group.

Configuring a resource group is included in the instructions below.

Virtual network

Interconnects SWe Lite with other equipment, inside and outside Azure.

Minimum of 1 Virtual Network(s) required. Instructions for adding a virtual network are included below.

Virtual subnet

Hosts the SWe Lite IP addresses (SWe Lite support 2 to 5 Network Adapters that require separate subnets).

Minimum of 2 Virtual Subnets required. Instructions for adding a virtual subnet are included below

RequirementsDescription/How to Obtain
Microsoft PowerShell


Azure Virtual Machine RequirementsRefer to Virtual Machine Requirements - Microsoft Azure.

Step 2: Create Resource Group


When creating the Azure resource, Ribbon recommends always using the same resource location.

The Resource Group contains the necessary configuration for Azure to host the SWe Lite VM and the SWe Lite related resources. To deploy a SWe Lite in the Microsoft Azure .

Configure SBC SWe Lite VM via Azure Portal

cloud, the resource group is required for a Virtual Machine (VM).

Create a Resource Group via Azure portal as follows:

  1. Connect to the Azure portal. Refer to
  2. From the menu, click Resource groups. For configuration of a Resource Group via Powershell refer to: Using Powershell Commands to Add Resource Groups and Virtual Networks in Azure.
  3. Click Add.


    1Add Resource Group via Portal

    Image Added

  4. Enter the Resource Group Name and click Review and Create. The Resource Group is validated.

    1Add Resource Group via Portal

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  5. Click Create. The Resource Group is added and listed in the list of Resource Groups.

    1Resource Group List

    Image Added

Step 3: Create a Virtual Network and a Virtual Subnet

The Virtual Network interconnects SWe Lite with other equipment inside and outside Azure. The Virtual Subnet hosts the SWe Lite IP addresses and are interconnected by the previously created Virtual Network. The SBC SWe Lite requires at least two Virtual Subnets, one for management and one for signaling/media. Even though management operations can be performed through the signaling/media subnet, for security reasons, Ribbon recommends disabling HTTP/HTTPS on the signaling/media subnet via ACL.

Create a Virtual Network and a Virtual Subnet via Azure Portal

  1. Connect to the Azure portal. Refer to
  2. From the main menu, select Virtual Networks. For configuration of a Virtual Network and Virtual Subnet via Powershell refer to: Using Powershell Commands to Add Resource Groups and Virtual Networks in Azure
  3. Click the Add button.

    1Create Virtual Networks

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  4. Enter the Virtual network information.  See below for example entries.

    1Create Virtual Network

    Image Added


  5. Click Create. The Virtual network is added and listed in the list of Virtual networks.

    1Add Virtual Network

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  6. From the list of virtual networks, click on the newly created Virtual network (i.e., SWeLite-Network).
  7. From Settings, select Subnets.

    1Select Subnet

    Image Added

  8. Click +Subnet. The Add subnet window is displayed.

  9. Enter the required information.

    1Add Subnet Window

    Image Added

  10. Click OK. The subnet is added to the list of subnets.

    1Subnet List

    Image Added

Step 4: Deploy SWe Lite From Azure Marketplace

When the SBC SWe Lite image is deployed via Azure Marketplace, the image automatically appears in the general list of available images in Azure Portal. The single image can be used to deploy multiple SBC SWe Lite instances.

titleConfiguration Notes
  • For configuration, Ribbon recommends using a Premium SSD Disk Drive and Non-accelerated networking.
  • Configuration examples for fields are displayed (i.e., IP address, subnet, etc); configure these fields to match your specific deployment.

Configure the SBC SWe Lite VM via Azure Portal as follows:

  1. Connect to the Azure portal. Refer to
  2. From the menu, click Create a Resource. Caption

    1Search for Ribbon SWe Lite
    Image Removed

  3. In the search bar, enter Ribbon and click <Enter>. The Ribbon SWe Lite option is displayed.Select Ribbon Session Border Controller (SBC) SWe Lite and click Enter.


    1Search for Ribbon SWe Lite

    Image Added


    Click on Ribbon SBC SWe Lite.

  4. Review the product description and click Create.

    1Product Description

    Image RemovedImage Added

  5. In the Basics tab, configure the fields as described below.

  6. From the Resource group drop down list in the left side menu, select the Resource Group created previously (or to create a new Resource Group, click Create new and enter the Resource Group).i.e., SWeLite-RG)


    To view recommended VM sizes, refer to Virtual Machine Requirements - Microsoft Azure.

  7. In Virtual machine name field, enter SWeLite.

  8. In Size, click Change size to select the applicable VM size (Azure selects Standard B1ms as the default option). To determine the required VM size, refer to Calculating Virtual Machine Requirements for an SBC SWe Lite. Supported VM sizes include:

    1. B1ms

    2. F1s

    3. F2s

    4. F4s

  9. In Authentication Type, click on Password.
  10. Enter Username, Password, and Confirm Password.

    1Create a virtual machine - Basics

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  11. Click Next: Disks.

  12. From OS disk type drop down list, select Premium SSD.

    1 Create a virtual machine - DisksSelect Premium SSD

    Image AddedImage Removed


  13. Click Next: Networking.
  14. Review and verify the default fields.

    1Create a virtual machine - Networking

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  15.  Click Review + Create.

  16. A summary screen indicates validation of the virtual machine is displayedVM has passed.

    1Review & CreateValidation Passed

    Image AddedImage Removed

  17. Click Create. A VM status is displayed.

    1Create VM

    Image Removed


    Image Added

    When finished, this message is displayed to indicate the : Your deployment is complete.

  18. From the main menu, select Virtual Machines. The newly created SBC SWe Lite instance is displayed.

    1Select Virtual Machines

    Image Modified


Step 5: Create/Assign Signaling Network Interface on SBC SWe Lite


titleClick here to expand for Microsoft PowerShell instructions.....

Perform these steps via PowerShell:

  1. Access PowerShell. Refer to PowerShell documentation.
  2. Run the following commands (per Azure CLI PowerShell module):


    Code Block
    $ResourceGroup = "SWeLite-RG"
    $VirtualNetwork = "SWeLite-Network"
    $Image = "ribboncommunications:ribbon_sbc_swe-lite:ribbon_sbc_swe-lite:8.0.0"
    ### Azure CLI ###
    az network nic create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name "swelite800-1-1" --vnet-name $VirtualNetwork --subnet MySubnet1
    az network nic create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name "swelite800-1-2" --vnet-name $VirtualNetwork --subnet MySubnet2
    az vm create -g $ResourceGroup -n "swelite800-1" --image $Image --size "Standard_B1ms" --generate-ssh-keys --nics "swelite800-1-1" "swelite800-1-2"

Assign Additional Network Interface on SBC SWe Lite

Assign Additional Network Interface via Azure Portal


The SBC SWe Lite requires at least two Network Interfaces to function at the minimum, one for management and one for signaling/media.

Assign Additional Network Interface via Azure Portal as followsPerform these steps via Azure Portal:

  1. Connect to the Azure portal. Refer to
  2. From the menu, select Virtual Machines
  3. From the list of VMs, click the check box next to the desired SBC SWe Lite VM.
  4. From the main menu select Stop and wait then Yes to acknowledge stopping the VM. Wait for the VM status to be Stopped (Deallocated), which can sometimes take a few minutes. Alternatively, right-click on the desired VM and select Stop.

    1SWe Lite VM - Stop function

    Image RemovedImage Added

  5. Click on the desired VM to view the settings.
  6. From Settings , select Networking> Networking, click Attach network interface.
  7. Click Attach network interface and select Create network interface.

    1Select SWe Lite

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  8. In the Create network interface window, enter Enter the required information. Ensure you enter the signaling subnet address configured previously.

    1Create Network Interface

    Image RemovedImage Added

  9. Click Create.
  10. Select Click Attach network interface and select the newly created Network Interface and click . Click OK.

    1Create Network Interface

    Image RemovedImage Added

  11. Confirm that your VM has two NICs.

    1Confirm NICs

Assign Additional Network Interface via PowerShell

titleClick here to expand for Microsoft PowerShell instructions...

Perform these steps via PowerShell:

  1. Access PowerShell. Refer to PowerShell documentation.
  2. Run the following commands (per Azure CLI PowerShell module):


    Code Block
    $ResourceGroup = "SWeLite-RG"
    $VirtualNetwork = "SWeLite-Network"
    ### Azure CLI ###
    az network nic create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name "swelite-2" --vnet-name $VirtualNetwork --subnet pkt0
    az vm nic add -g $ResourceGroup --vm-name "swelite" --nics "swelite-2"

Change Azure Default Route


Microsoft does not recommend assigning static IP address on the SBC SWe Lite's Ethernet port; you must configure the SBC SWe Lite's ethernet port to use DHCP. Use the Azure portal to let Azure choose the IP address (dynamic) or specify an IP address (static). In both cases, the SBC SWe Lite receives this IP using DHCP protocol. Refer to

When using multiple NICs on the SBC SWe Lite, Azure designates the first network's Interface as the primary network interface. Only the primary network interface receives a network default gateway and routes via DHCP. To assign the network default route on another subnet, you must designate another Network's Interface as the primary networks interface. Follow these steps to nominate another network's interface as primary: 


Ribbon does not recommend configuring a Default Gateway using IP Static Route in the SBC SWe Lite configuration.

Change Primary Network Interface

  1. Access PowerShell. Refer to the PowerShell documentation.


    Follow Powershell instructions for all commands.

  2. Run one of the following commands (per Azure CLI PowerShell module or Azure RM PowerShell module):

    Code Block
    $ResourceGroup = "SWeLite-RG"
    ### Azure CLI ###
    # List existing NICs on the VM and find which one is primary
    az vm nic list -g $ResourceGroup --vm-name "swelite800-1"
    az vm nic set -g $ResourceGroup --vm-name "swelite800-1" --nic mgt0 pkt0 --primary-nic pkt0 
    ### Azure RM ###
    # List existing NICs on the VM and find which one is primary
    $vm = Get-AzureRmVm -Name "swelite800-1" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup
    # Set NIC 1 to be primary
    $vm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[0].Primary = $false
    $vm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[1].Primary = $true
    # Update the VM state in Azure
    Update-AzureRmVM -VM $vm -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup
  3. In Azure, from From  the list of VMs, select the SBC SWe Lite VM.
  4. From the main menu select Start (alternatively, right-click on the desired VM and select Start).

Step 6: Connect to SBC SWe Lite via Azure Portal

Perform these steps using Connect to the SBC SWe Lite via Azure Portal as follows:

  1. Connect to the Azure portal. Refer to
  2. From the menu, click Virtual Machines.
  3. Select Click on the newly created SBC SWe Lite VM.
  4. From Settings, select Networking.

  5. Select the first Network Interface.

  6. Under Inbound port rules, restrict the HTTP and HTTPS access to your personal IP Addresspubic and private address. See below.


    To ensure the management interface for the SBC SWe Lite can only be reached from the IP address(es) you specify, restrict the HTTP and HTTPS access to your personal IP address (per previous step).

    1HTTP Configuration

    Image Added

    Click Save.

    1Inbound Port Rules

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    HTTPS Configuration

    Image Added

  7. Click Save.




    Connect to the Public IP or Private IP from a supported browser to access the SBC SWe Lite initial Setup page.


    Note the Public IP and Private IP addresses in the example screen below; these values are required for subsequent SBC SWe Lite logins during Running Initial Setup on SBC SWe Lite.

    1Public and Private IP Addresses

    Image Removed



  1. Image Added

Step 7: Run Initial Setup

Proceed to SBC SWe Lite Initial Setup for initial configuration and next steps, which include how to access the WebUI and options to extend the SBC SWe Lite trial indefinitely. One initial setup is complete, return here to Step 8,


By default, Azure designates the VM’s first network's Interface as the primary network interface. Only the primary network interface receives a network default gateway and routes via DHCP. The first network interface on the SWe Lite is recommended to be used only for management. Media traffic routed to this interface will not be processed. To avoid this problem, you must either:

  • Create a Static Route(s) on the SWe Lite to route signaling/media traffic to the Media (non admin) interface(s). 

  • Change the primary network interface assignment from the Management interface to the Media interface. Refer to Change Azure Default Route

Step 8: Run Easy Configuration

The SBC Edge is configured via Easy Configuration Wizard. 

  1. Access the WebUI. Refer to Logging into the SBC Edge.
  2. Click on the Tasks tab.
  3. From the left side menu, click SBC Easy Setup > Easy Config Wizard.
  4. From the Application drop down box, select the relevant Easy Configuration wizard. Depending on your network, follow a relevant Easy Configuration wizard. Refer to the table below for guidance.


    1Easy Configuration - Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Configuration

  5. The configuration wizard is complete.

Step 9: Test a Call

Calls can be tested via the SWe Lite's WEB UI.

  1. Access the SBC's WebUI. Refer to Logging into the SBC Edge.
  2. In the WebUI, click the Diagnostics tab.
  3. In the left navigation pane, under Tools, click Test a Call.

    1Testing a Call

    Image Added 


  4. Enter the Destination Phone Number. This is the destination number of the SIP or analog phone being called (called party number).
  5. Enter the optional Origination/Calling Number. This number appears on the phone receiving the call as the calling party number to identify the call as the test call.
  6. From the Call Routing Table drop down list, select a Call Routing Table. Ensure the Call Routing Table you select is configured properly. For information about Call Routing tables, see Managing Call Routing Tables.
  7. Click OK.