Use this object to configure all the policy servers in your network.
Earlier, in
/, only the management interface group was used to handle the external PSX traffic. Now, the Packet Interfaces handle the external PSX traffic. The following three new parameters are added to Global Configuration of Policy Server as an enhancement:type
To View and Edit On the SBC main screen, go navigate to Configuration > System Setup >Policy Server > Global Config. The Global Config window is displayed.
Type: ip
By default, the Edit Global Config window is displayed with the parameter Type
as set to Mgmt
Caption |
0 | Figure |
1 | Policy Server - Global Config MgmtIP |
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Type: mgmtWhen you set the parameter Type
to IP
, some additional parameters are displayed.
Caption |
0 | Figure |
1 | Policy Server - Global Config IPMgmt |
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Make the required changes and click Save to save the changesconfiguration, or Clear to cancel them.
The following fields parameters displayed are displayed:
Caption |
0 | Table |
1 | Policy Server - Global Config parameters |
ParameterLength/Range | Description |
Reconnect Timeout
| 1-3600 | Specifies the time interval in seconds for re-attempting the connection to Policy Server which is in the enabled state. |
The value ranges from 1 - 3600 seconds and the default value is Default value: 10 seconds. | Switch Over Mode | N/A | Specifies the means to connect to the active Policy Server. The options are: |
Automatic : Retries to the previously ACTIVE Policy Server after a switch over
Manual : Does not retry to connect after a switch over.
| Congestion
Control | When enabled, SBC throttles the sending or Policy Requests to either active or standby PSX. The options are: |
| Type
| N/A | Specifies the type of Interface Group used. The options are: |
| Mgmt Interface Group | N/A | Specifies all the valid Management Interface Groups available to communicate with external PSX. NOTE: This parameter is only visible when the attribute, Type is set to Mgmt . | Address Context | N/A | Specifies all the valid Address Contexts. |
Note |
NOTE: This parameter is only visible when the attribute, |
"Ip IP Interface Group | N/A | Specifies all the valid IP Interface Group that belongs to the configured Address Contexts. |
Note |
NOTE: This parameter is only visible when the attribute, |
is set to "ip
".Mgmt Interface Group | Type is set to IP . | IP Var | 1-255 | Use this parameter to specify a metavarible name (from the PSX’s metavariable table) used to provide an IP address for the SBC SWe Cloud for connecting to the PSX. When the IP Var field is blank, the SBC SWe Cloud picks any random IP address from the configured interface to connect to the PSX. NOTE: Use this parameter for SBC SWe Cloud configurations only. | SBC Gateway Name | N/A | The name of the SBC gateway that processes the request. | DNS Group | N/A | The name of the DNS group to associate with the policy server global configuration to allow PSX FQDN resolution with a particular DNS group. Refer to Configuring DNS Groups for a configuration example. | DSCP Profile | N/A | Name of the DSCP Profile in which DSCP values are configured for HPC and non HPC calls. For more information, refer to DSCP Profile - CLI. |
Fore more configuration examples, refer to Policy Server - CLI.
To View Policy Server Status
On the navigation pane, navigate to Monitoring > Dashboard > System Status > Policy Server Status.
Caption |
0 | Figure |
1 | Policy Server Status |
Image Added
For parameter descriptions, refer to Policy Server section in Show Status System page
Specifies all the valid Management Interface Groups available to communicate with external PSX.
Note |
This parameter is only visible when the attribute, type
is set to "mgmt