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 The The request addressContext zone command is available from both system-level and configure modes. This command allows you to perform system-level commands against a particular zone, such as recovering blacklisted endpoints and resetting statistics counts on all signaling ports.

Command Syntax

Code Block
> request addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name>
	cacNonRegEndPointRemoveEntry sourceIpAddress <IP address>
	filterSipSrc fqdnEntry <IP address>
	ipPeer <peer name> pathCheck localAdminState state <block | unblock> remoteAdminState state <block | unblock>	
	mtrmConnPort <reset | statReset>
	sipArsEndpointRecoveryByIp ipAddress <ip address> port <port#>
	sipTrunkGroup <TG name> packetOutage clear

Command Parameters

1request addressContext zone Parameters




fqdnEntry <FQDN name> <FQDN type> forceDnsQuery

sourceIpAddress <IP address> Use this command

to force SBC to query external DNS for selected FQDN entry. This request essentially instructs the SBC to ignore locally cached records and perform an external query toward configured DNS server

to remove any CAC entries associated with the specified source IP address.


Use this object to define information related to filtering a SIP message against the source IP address.

<peer name> pathCheck


Use this parameter to manually block or unblock the Local Admin state or Remote Admin state of the peer in the specified zone. 

  • localAdminState state <block | unblock>
  • remoteAdminState state <block | unblock>

Use this object to reset Master Trunk Resource Manager (MTRM) connection port and/or MTRM port statistics.

  • reset – Resets the Master Trunk Group Connection Port and resets all stats related to the connection port.
  • statReset – Resets the Master Trunk Group Connection Port statistics.

NOTE: The reset command has no impact if executed on a disabled or out-of-service object.


Recovers all blacklisted endpoints in this zone.


NOTE: This command only applies for peers blacklisted using ARS mechanism (not via PATHCHECK).


Recovers a blacklisted endpoints in this zone by IP address and port. 

  • ipAddress <ip adddress> – Endpoint's IP address.
  • port <endpoint port#> – Endpoint's port number.

NOTE: This command only applies for peers blacklisted using ARS mechanism (not via PATHCHECK).

sipSigConnResetAllResets all the statistics counts to zero on all SIP signaling port connections.
sipSigPortResetAllResets all the statistics counts to zero on all SIP signaling ports.

<TG_NAME>  --  Specify the SIP trunk group for which to clear packet outage counts. Options include:

  • cmds queryPsxOnNextRefreshRegister – Use this command in Ingress trunk group (only) to force the SBC to do a PSX dip for the next refresh REGISTER sent to the core. This command is applied to all refresh REGISTERs on all active registrations currently handled by the SBC.
    • newRegistrarIndex – Specify the route index to route to if more than one route is configured.(Default = 0)
    • overRideInternalExpires– Enable flag to override SBX internal expires timer.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • registrarFqdn – Refresh REGISTERs on active registrations only towards this FQDN are sent for PSX query.
    • registrarIpAddress – Refresh REGISTERs on active registrations only towards this Registrar IP are sent for PSX query.
  • packetOutage clear
  • services natTraversal adaptiveLearning clearStats


queryPsxOnNextRefreshRegister conditions:

  • This feature requires Pathcheck support using OPTIONS Ping and ARS static blacklisting to detect the reachability of a particular IP/FQDN.
  • If both request command and IPSP flags are configured, the request command takes precedence over IPSP flags.
  • The parameters registerFqdn and registerIpAddress are mutually exclusive. Use one or the other in the command, but not both.



The following example clears packet outage counts for SIP trunk group “TG-1” in zone “INTERNAL_ZONE” for address context “default”.


To clear Packet Outage Detection state for a SIP trunk group:

Code Block
> request addressContext default zone INTERNAL_ZONE sipTrunkGroup TG-1 packetOutage clear 
reason Trunk Group Packet Outage Detection State is cleared
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