Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

AUTH1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c85bb25531015bc4122a4f0003, userName='null'}
REV5UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c857f0393d01583fcf9db40009, userName='null'}
REV6UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cc1e0747, userName='null'}
REV3UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cec20c77, userName='null'}
REV1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cec20c77, userName='null'}

serverRibbon JIRA

In this section:


Table of Contents

The TDM cards come physically installed in an MA-RMS server; however, users must configure and install the software for the TDM cards. After the TDM cards are prepared, you can commission the TDM cards for the 

 based on whether or not the 
 is configured in the MA-RMS server or is configured outside the MA-RMS server. 


The RPM files and the installation script are all bundled under the self-extracting script:

This self-extracting script is part of the software bundle.


The procedures in this section are valid on the DSC SWe using either the (VHE 1.0) iphwaeto-1.14.ribbon-14.x86_64-centos6-2-6-32.rpm, or the (VHE 3.0) iphwaeto-1.14.ribbon-14.x86_64-centos7-3-10-0.rpm rpm installation files.


Perform all the procedures in this section in the order they are presented.


The following information is required to complete the procedures.

TDM Information

Information neededValue                            Comments
Slot number of the I/O card to be provisioned in the

If available, it is recommended to use slot value 4 or 5 for the first TDM card being added to your


Name of the HA subnet soft bridge

Path to the IO card software image

Configure the TDM I/O Cards on Host 1 


  1. Login to the MA-RMS server.

  2. Update the permissions on the file.

    Code Block
    >chmod 775

  3. Execute the self-extracting installation script as follows to install the TDM IO software:

    Code Block
    [root@bw22u0 dsc_swe_install]# 
    Verifying archive integrity... 100% All good.
    Uncompressing DSC TDM I/O card installer 100%
    This script will install the driver rpm:
    which includes IO image:
    If these are not correct, please download the latest version of this script and the rpm.
    Press Enter to continue
    iphwaeto version installed is already at expected level. Reinstalling...
    Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
    1:iphwaeto ########################################### [100%]
    Could only find 1 card(s) on this system.
    Verify this matches the expected number of cards.

  4. Re-source environment variables:

    Code Block
    su - root 

  5. Run dscvm_io_mgmt utility.

    Code Block
    # dscvm_io_mgmt

    Make sure both cards are showing as Unconfigured. 

    Code Block
    DSC SWe I/O Cards
    Index Location PCI Address Status Slot KVM Bridge
    ----- -------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------
    0 0000:04:00.0 0000:05:04.0 Unconfigured NA NA
    1 0000:85:00.0 0000:86:04.0 Unconfigured NA NA
    Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit:


    The numbers in the above output can differ. 

  6. Configure the first TDM I/O card.
    1. Select card/Index - 0

      Code Block
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit: 0

    2. Select action - 

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Unconfigured
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: C

    3. Enter the root password.

      Code Block
      Please enter the root password for the DSC SWe
      root@'s password:


    4. A list of cards is displayed. Enter the slot number 7.

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Unconfigured
      Please enter a DSC SWe slot number from this list: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
      or 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: 7

    5. Enter HA subnet soft bridge - br2-103

      Code Block
      The slot number will be applied when flashing the I/O card image.
      Please enter a KVM softswitch, 'NA' to skip, 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: br2-103


      The error "bridge NA does not exist!" is expected.

      Code Block
      bridge NA does not exist!
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Index Location PCI Address Status Slot KVM Bridge
      ----- -------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------
      0 0000:04:00.0 0000:05:04.0 Offline 7 br2-103
      1 0000:85:00.0 0000:86:04.0 Unconfigured NA NA
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit:

  7. Configure the second TDM I/O card. 

    1. Select card/Index - 

      Code Block
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit: 1

    2. Select action - 

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:04:00.0 Offline
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: C

    3. Enter the root password.

      Code Block
      Please enter the root password for the DSC SWe
      root@'s password:

    4. A list of cards is displayed. Enter the slot number 6.

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:85:00.0 Unconfigured
      Please enter a DSC SWe slot number from this list: 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
      or 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: 6

    5. Enter HA subnet soft bridge - br2-103

      Code Block
      The slot number will be applied when flashing the I/O card image.
      Please enter a KVM softswitch, 'NA' to skip, 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: br2-103


      The error "bridge NA does not exist!" is expected.

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Index   Location        PCI Address     Status  Slot    KVM Bridge
      -----   --------        -----------     ------  ----    ----------
      0       0000:06:00.0    0000:07:04.0    Offline 7       br2-103
      1       0000:85:00.0    0000:86:04.0    Offline 6       br2-103

  8. Install Image and start the card.


    This following steps require the information for the path to the I/O image on the server.

    The TDM card will show up as online once this is complete. This procedure takes about 2 to 3 minutes to complete.

  9. Install the first TDM card.
    1. Select card/Index - 0

      Code Block
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit: 0

    2. Select action - I

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Offline
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: I

    3. Press ENTER

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Offline DSC Slot 7
      Please enter a DSC SWe I/O card image file [/opt/ribbon/dsc_io/tools/rel_11_00_p10.swe.img]: <press Enter and wait>

    4. Select action - b

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Offline
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: b

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Index Location PCI Address Status Slot KVM Bridge
      ----- -------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------
      0 0000:04:00.0 0000:05:04.0 Online 7 br2-103
      1 0000:85:00.0 0000:86:04.0 Offline 6 br2-103
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit:

  10. Install the second TDM card.

    1. Select card/Index - 1

      Code Block
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit: 1

    2. Select action - I

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:04:00.0 Online
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: I

    3. Press ENTER.

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:85:00.0 Offline DSC Slot 6
      Please enter a DSC SWe I/O card image file [/opt/ribbon/dsc_io/tools/rel_11_00_p10.swe.img]: <press Enter and wait>

    4. Select action - b

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:04:00.0 Online
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: b

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Index Location PCI Address Status Slot KVM Bridge
      ----- -------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------
      0 0000:04:00.0 0000:05:04.0 Online 7 br2-103
      1 0000:85:00.0 0000:86:04.0 Online 6 br2-103
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit:

  11. Stop the dscvm-io service.

    Code Block
    # service dscvm-io stop

    Code Block
    Bringing pci0 down
    Bringing pci1 down
    /opt/ribbon/dsc_io/driver/iphwaetodrv 1.09 for Linux (C)Interphase Corp. 2008
    iphwaeto driver remove

  12. Start the dscvm-io service.  

    Code Block
    # service dscvm-io start

    Code Block
    /opt/ribbon/dsc_io/driver/iphwaetodrv 1.09 for Linux (C)Interphase Corp. 2008
    iphwaeto driver load
    Loading PCI network. Success


    Stopping and Starting the dscvm-io service attaches the PCI device to the bridge configured on the cards.

  13. Proceed to the appropriate procedure   

    1. Commission the TDM I/O Card with the DSC SWe in the MA-RMS Server

    2. Access the TDM I/O card with no DSC SWe in the MA-RMS server.

Configure the TDM I/O Cards on Host 2


  1. Login to the MA-RMS server.

  2. Execute the self-extracting installation script as follows to install the TDM IO software:

    Code Block
    [root@bw22u0 dsc_swe_install]# 
    Verifying archive integrity... 100% All good.
    Uncompressing DSC TDM I/O card installer 100%
    This script will install the driver rpm:
    which includes IO image:
    If these are not correct, please download the latest version of this script and the rpm.
    Press Enter to continue
    iphwaeto version installed is already at expected level. Reinstalling...
    Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
    1:iphwaeto ########################################### [100%]
    Could only find 1 card(s) on this system.
    Verify this matches the expected number of cards.

  3. Re-source environment variables:

    Code Block
    su - root 

  4. Run dscvm_io_mgmt utility.

    Code Block
    # dscvm_io_mgmt

    Make sure both cards are showing as Unconfigured.

    Code Block
    DSC SWe I/O Cards
    Index Location PCI Address Status Slot KVM Bridge
    ----- -------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------
    0 0000:04:00.0 0000:05:04.0 Unconfigured NA NA
    1 0000:85:00.0 0000:86:04.0 Unconfigured NA NA
    Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit:


    The numbers in the above output can differ. 

  5. Configure the first TDM I/O card.
    1. Select card/Index - 0

      Code Block
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit: 0

    2. Select action - 

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Unconfigured
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: C

    3. Enter the root password.

      Code Block
      Please enter the root password for the DSC SWe
      root@'s password:


    4. A list of cards is displayed. Enter the slot number 9.

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Unconfigured
      Please enter a DSC SWe slot number from this list: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
      or 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: 9

    5. Enter HA subnet soft bridge - br2-103

      Code Block
      The slot number will be applied when flashing the I/O card image.
      Please enter a KVM softswitch, 'NA' to skip, 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: br2-103


      The error "bridge NA does not exist!" is expected.

      Code Block
      bridge NA does not exist!
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Index Location PCI Address Status Slot KVM Bridge
      ----- -------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------
      0 0000:04:00.0 0000:05:04.0 Offline 9 br2-103
      1 0000:85:00.0 0000:86:04.0 Unconfigured NA NA
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit:

  6. Configure the second TDM I/O card. 

    1. Select card/Index - 

      Code Block
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit: 1

    2. Select action - 

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:04:00.0 Offline
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: C

    3. Enter the root password.

      Code Block
      Please enter the root password for the DSC SWe
      root@'s password:

    4. A list of cards is displayed. Enter the slot number 8.

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:85:00.0 Unconfigured
      Please enter a DSC SWe slot number from this list: 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
      or 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: 8

    5. Enter HA subnet soft bridge - br2-103

      Code Block
      The slot number will be applied when flashing the I/O card image.
      Please enter a KVM softswitch, 'NA' to skip, 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: br2-103


      The error "bridge NA does not exist!" is expected.

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Index   Location        PCI Address     Status  Slot    KVM Bridge
      -----   --------        -----------     ------  ----    ----------
      0       0000:06:00.0    0000:07:04.0    Offline 9      br2-103
      1       0000:85:00.0    0000:86:04.0    Offline 8      br2-103

  7. Install Image and start the card.


    This following steps require the information for the path to the I/O image on the server.

    The TDM card will show up as online once this is complete. This procedure takes about 2 to 3 minutes to complete.

  8. Install the first TDM card.
    1. Select card/Index - 0

      Code Block
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit: 0

    2. Select action - I

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Offline
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: I

    3. Press ENTER

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Offline DSC Slot 9
      Please enter a DSC SWe I/O card image file [/opt/ribbon/dsc_io/tools/rel_11_00_p10.swe.img]: <press Enter and wait>

    4. Select action - b

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 0: pci0 0000:04:00.0 Offline
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: b

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Index Location PCI Address Status Slot KVM Bridge
      ----- -------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------
      0 0000:04:00.0 0000:05:04.0 Online 9 br2-103
      1 0000:85:00.0 0000:86:04.0 Offline 8 br2-103
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit:

  9. Install the second TDM card.

    1. Select card/Index - 1

      Code Block
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit: 1

    2. Select action - I

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:04:00.0 Online
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: I

    3. Press ENTER.

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:85:00.0 Offline DSC Slot 8
      Please enter a DSC SWe I/O card image file [/opt/ribbon/dsc_io/tools/rel_11_00_p10.swe.img]: <press Enter and wait>

    4. Select action - b

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Card 1: pci1 0000:04:00.0 Online
      (I)nstall Image and Start
      Boot (F)irmware Debug Access
      (A)pplication Debug Access
      Please select an action [C,I,S,R,U,F,A], 'b' for back, or 'q' to quit: b

      Code Block
      DSC SWe I/O Cards
      Index Location PCI Address Status Slot KVM Bridge
      ----- -------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------
      0 0000:04:00.0 0000:05:04.0 Online 9 br2-103
      1 0000:85:00.0 0000:86:04.0 Online 8 br2-103
      Please select a card [0-1] or 'q' to quit:

  10. Stop the dscvm-io service.

    Code Block
    # service dscvm-io stop

    Code Block
    Bringing pci0 down
    Bringing pci1 down
    /opt/ribbon/dsc_io/driver/iphwaetodrv 1.09 for Linux (C)Interphase Corp. 2008
    iphwaeto driver remove

  11. Start the dscvm-io service.  

    Code Block
    # service dscvm-io start

    Code Block
    /opt/ribbon/dsc_io/driver/iphwaetodrv 1.09 for Linux (C)Interphase Corp. 2008
    iphwaeto driver load
    Loading PCI network. Success


    Stopping and Starting the dscvm-io service attaches the PCI device to the bridge configured on the cards.

  12. Proceed to the appropriate procedure   

    1. Commission the TDM I/O Card with the DSC SWe in the MA-RMS Server.

    2. Access the TDM I/O Card with no DSC SWe in the MA-RMS Server.

Verify for Testing Purposes

Use this procedure to confirm the virtual vSP2000 cards map to the correct physical HOST IO cards.


  1. Plug a E1 or DS1 loopback plug into one of each of the hosts IO cards (one on HOST1 AND one on HOST2).
  2. After configuration is completed on the HOSTs and the vSP2K, you will see a port in SYNC with the loop back. Pending this, it will confirm the virtual vSP2K cards map to the correct physical HOST IO cards.
    Image Modified

Commission the TDM I/O Card with the 
 in the MA-RMS Server


  • Before you begin this procedure, you must have completed one of the procedures to configure the TDM I/O cards.


  1. If the 

     is within the MA-RMS server, use the following procedure to commission the TDM I/O card.


    Once the TDM is commissioned, you can access the cards from within the

    by SSH into slot 4 or 5 using the internal IP address or, respectively.

  2. From the Main Menu, select System, and press ENTER.

    Code Block
    # startmenu

  3. Select Software Revisions, and press ENTER.
  4. Select I/O Versions, and press ENTER. 

    Code Block
    IO (current) PCE382  dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20200721  OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
    IO (current) AMC348  dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20200721  OS: rel_12_00_p06.x511edge.img
       (Servicepack)     [none applied] 
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
             CARD                   BUILD       SERVICE   O/S
      Slot  6   IO --TBD--    Not_Available SP:    OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
      Slot  7   IO --TBD--    Not_Available SP:    OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
      Slot  8   IO --TBD--    Not_Available SP:    OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
      Slot  9   IO --TBD--    Not_Available SP:    OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
      (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    No IO cards.  To update the IO software stored on the CPU enter 'u'.
    Select IO slot number (6 7 8 9) to begin commissioning of individual card(s).
    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel: 

  5. Enter the required slot number, and press ENTER.

    Code Block


  1. title


  1. Example
    Commissioning IO card in slot 6...
    Enter MA-RMS IP address, host of this IO card:
    Enter the physical slot location of the TDM card in the RMS server: 
    A Reboot of slot 6 is required to update the TDM RMS config file on the IO card.
    Please wait while the card in slot 6 is rebooting ...
    connect to host slot6_0: authentication failure.
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    connect to host slot6_0: authentication failure.
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    connect to host slot6_0: authentication failure.
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    connect to host slot6_0: authentication failure.
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Software is being uploaded...Waiting
    Starting applications...
    /opt/io_ss7gw/current/bin/sysmon.default -p /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts -s /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts 
    /opt/io_ss7gw/current/bin/sysmon.cpucheck -p /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts -s /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts -c /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts/cpuusagethresh
    /opt/io_ss7gw/current/bin/sysmon.diskmon -p /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts -s /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts 
    /opt/io_ss7gw/current/bin/sysmon.logmem -p /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts -s /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts -m /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts/memfreethresh
    /opt/io_ss7gw/current/bin/sysmon.slotinventory -p /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts -s /opt/io_ss7gw/current/scripts 
    IO card in slot 6 is commissioned and ready for use...
    INFO: Now the system has an IO card
    Starting the sysmon.configaudit process on slot 1.
    INFO: Also starting the sysmon.configaudit process on slot 2.
    Note: flex_slot.conf file doesn't exist ... This is ok if the SDA is not configured on the system.
    Software Update for IO Card in Slot #6
    Determining running and current software version.  Please wait...
    Running on IO (slot6_0):
             -Load:        dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20200721
             -OS:          rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
    Current IO version (on MGMT VM):
             -Load:        dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20200721
             -OS:          rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
             -Servicepack: [none applied] 
    No software change to perform.
    'd' - Decommission this IO card to prepare it for removal.
    Select action to take, or any other key to cancel: 

  2. Press ENTER to continue.
  3. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for the 3 other I/O cards that are running the same software load as the Management CPUs.
  4. Navigate to the Available Software Versions screen and confirm that the card(s) is commissioned as required.

    Code Block
    IO (current) PCE382  dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20201005  OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
    IO (current) AMC348  dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20201005  OS: rel_12_00_p06.x511edge.img
       (Servicepack)     [none applied]
    IO (prev)    PCE382  dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20200721  OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
    IO (prev)    AMC348  dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20200721  OS: rel_12_00_p06.x511edge.img
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
             CARD                   BUILD       SERVICE   O/S
    Slot  6   IO PCE382     19.0.0 (nb20201005) SP:    OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
    Slot  7   IO PCE382     19.0.0 (nb20201005) SP:    OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
    Slot  8   IO PCE382     19.0.0 (nb20201005) SP:    OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
    Slot  9   IO PCE382     19.0.0 (nb20201005) SP:    OS: rel_11_00_p13.swe.img
      (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select IO slot number (6 7 8 9) to begin upgrade
    or decommissioning of individual card(s).

  5. Consider doing a complete system backup (using a USB key). For more information, refer to Complete System Backup for DSC 8000.

no DSC SWe
no DSC SWe
Access the TDM I/O card with No 
 in the MA-RMS Server


  • Before you begin this procedure, you must have completed one of the procedures to configure the TDM I/O Cards.


  1. If there is no 

     within the MA-RMS server, access the cards from the server by assigning IP to the br2-103 HA bridge.

    1. Add the IP address and the Netmask to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br2-103 file.

      Code Block
      # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br2-103
      # Interface managed by CCM

    2. Restart the network services by issuing the command.

      Code Block
      # service network restart

    3. Verify the IP is assigned properly.

      Code Block
      # ip addr show br2-103

      Code Block
      27: br2-103: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
      link/ether 00:20:00:22:65:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
      inet brd scope global br2-103
      inet6 fe80::220:ff:fe22:6500/64 scope link
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    4. Ping the first TDM card

      Code Block
      # ping

      Code Block
      PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=10.1 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.752 ms
      --- ping statistics ---
      2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1294ms
      rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.752/5.455/10.158/4.703 ms


      The Ping test can be repeated for any other TDM card within the same network.

Configure the MTP2 SCTP Server Primary IP


  • Before you begin this procedure, you must have completed one of the procedures to configure the TDM I/O cards


  1. In the Configuration Management UI (CMU), under Applications, select Hardware
  2. Select the IO card.
  3. Under IO Manager selection, select the Card Type.
  4. Under the SCTP Server selection, click ATM.
  5. Populate the Primary IP. For example, 


    Use the base IP of 192.168.240 plus x = the slot position of the IO card.

    For example, for an IO in slot 4.

  6. Click Continue

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for TDM