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This section displays all the details of Call Interval Statistics.Use this window to view call statistics on a trunk group basis during a series of statistics intervals. To set the statistics time interval and the number of intervals to report, refer to System - Interval Statistics

On the

 main screen, go to Monitoring > Trunks and Subscribers >Sessions > Call Interval Statistics. Statistics or
All > Address Context > Zone > Call Interval Statistics 

The Call Interval Statistics window is displayed.

1Call Interval Statistics

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By default only ten entries are displayed in a view. You can choose the number of entries to be displayed under the Show entries drop down box. Click Image Removed to expand the window to display more fields.

The Call Interval Statistics can be checked for each Address Context or for each Zone or for all the Address Contexts and Zones created. Use the drop-down box to select the desired Address Contexts and Zones Select an Address Context and Zone to filter the output.

1Fields - Call Interval Statistics

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The following fields are displayed:

1Call Interval Statistics Parameters



NumberSpecifies the sequence number which identifies the interval for which the set of statistics is required.
NameSpecifies the name of the Call Interval Statisticstrunk group to which the statistics apply.
Interval ValidA setting of 'true' indicates the interval contains valid data during the time interval. Each interval is for a configurable fixed time (default interval is 15 minutes) starting on the hour. For example, if the system starts at 12:05, the first interval at 12:15 will not be valid because it is less than the 15-minute interval. Subsequent intervals will be valid upon meeting the 15-minute time interval. System switch-overs also cause invalid intervals because data is lost during the interval.
  • falseFalse
  • true True
TimeSystem up time when the interval statistics is were collected.
In UsageUsage in the inbound direction for this trunk   group in seconds in the current interval. The trunk group usage is defined as   the time a trunk is seized to the time a trunk is released.
Out UsageSpecifies the usage in the outbound direction for this trunk group in seconds in the current interval. The trunk group usage is defined as the time a trunk is seized to the time a trunk is released.
In CallsNumber of completed inbound calls on this trunk group for the specified interval.
Out CallsNumber of completed outbound calls on this trunk group for the specified interval.
In Call AttemptsNumber of inbound call attempts on this trunk group for the specified interval.
Out Call AttemptsNumber of outbound call attempts on this trunk group for the specified interval.
Max Active Completed CallsThe current high water mark of the total number of active calls in both inbound and outbound directions on the trunk group. This statistic applies to calls that are setting up, stable or tearing down. When a switch-over occurs from SBC-A to SBC-B in an HA scenario, the number of stable calls that were transferred from SBC-A to SBC-B equals the initial value of "maxActiveCalls" (immediately after the switch-over). Subsequent values are calculated and recorded accordingly.
Call Setup TimeTotal call setup time for all completed calls in inbound and outbound directions for this trunk group for specified interval measured in hundredths of a second.
Call SetupsTotal number of calls setup but not necessarily completed in the inbound and outbound directions for this trunk group for the specified interval.
Routing AttemptsNumber of routing attempts for this trunk group for the specified interval.
In Bw BW UsageSum of bandwidth usage (expected data rate in Kbits per second multiplied by call duration in seconds) for every inbound call associated with this trunk group for the specified interval.
Out Bw BW UsageSpecifies the usage (expected data rate in Kbits per second multiplied by call duration in seconds) in the outbound direction for this trunk group in seconds in the current interval. The trunk group usage is defined as the time a trunk is seized to the time a trunk is released.
Max Active Bw BW UsageHigh water mark bandwidth usage (in Kbits per second) in either direction associated with this trunk group for the specified interval.
Calls With Pkt OutageNumber of calls with a maximum packet outage whose duration exceeds the configured minimum for this trunk group for the specified interval.
Calls With Pkt Outage At EndNumber of calls whose maximum packet outage occurs at the end of the call for this trunk group for the specified interval.
Total Pkt OutageSummation of packet outage durations (in milliseconds) whose duration exceeds the configured minimum which is reported during the specified   performance interval.
Max Pkt OutageSingle longest maximum reported packet outage duration (in milliseconds) experienced during the specified performance interval for this trunk group.
Pod EventsNumber of Packet Outage Detection (POD) Events detected for this peer group   for the specified interval.
Playout Buffer GoodNumber of calls with all sub-intervals reporting GOOD playout buffer quality for this trunk group for the specified interval.
Playout Buffer AcceptableNumber of calls with all sub-intervals reporting ACCEPTABLE or better playout buffer quality.
Playout Buffer PoorNumber of calls with all sub-intervals reporting POOR or better playout buffer quality for this trunk group for the   specified interval.
Playout Buffer UnacceptedUnacceptableNumber of calls with at least one sub-interval reporting UNACCEPTABLE playout buffer quality for this trunk group for the specified interval.
Sip Reg SIP Register AttemptsCurrent number of SIP registration attempts on a trunk group for the specified interval.
Sip Reg SIP Register CompletionsCurrent number of SIP registrations that have successfully completed on a trunk group for the specified interval.
Calls With Psx PSX DipsNumber of calls that made a PSX Dip during the interval.
Total Psx PSX DipsThe number of ERE Dips in the interval.
Active RegsRegistersInterval number of active registrations on this trunk group.
Max Active RegsRegistersMaximum active registrations on this trunk group (high-watermark achieved on this trunk group)
Active SubsSubscriptionsCurrent number of active subscriptions on this trunk group.
Max Active SubsSubscriptionsMaximum active subscriptions on this trunk group (high-watermark achieved on this trunk group).
Peak Call RateThe peak call arrival rate on a trunk group level within a specified interval.
Total On Going CallsTotal calls (non-stable + stable) on this trunk group.
Total Stable CallsTotal stable calls on this trunk group within the specified interval.
Total Call UpdatesTotal number of call updates on this trunk group within the specified interval.
Total Emergency Stable CallsTotal number of stable emergency calls on this trunk group within the specified interval.
Total Emergency On Going CallsTotal number of emergency calls in the establishing state on this trunk group within the specified interval.
In Retarget CallsNumber of incoming calls retargeted by the Load Balancing Service within the specified interval.
In Retarget RegistersNumber of incoming registers retargeted by the Load Balancing Service within the specified interval.
Out Retarget CallsNumber of outgoing calls retargeted by the Load Balancing Service within the specified interval.
Out Retarget RegistersNumber of outgoing registrations retargeted by the Load Balancing Service within the specified interval.
