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This object is used to configure the IP Access Control List rules. 

To View Rule


Use the IP Access Control List - Rule window to configure your own IP Access Control List (ACL) rules within a specified address context. Use IP ACL rules to permit or deny packets into the SBC. These rules are applied to incoming packets in addition to the system-defined and default ACL rules. Refer to IP ACL Policing - Packet Filtering and Types of ACLs for more information on SBC access control lists and types of rules.

To View Rules

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Address Context >


IP Access Control List > Rule.


The Rule


1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule Main Field

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The Rule window is displayed.

1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule

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To Edit Rule


window opens showing rules for all address contexts. Select an address context in the Address Context list to filter the list for a specific address context.



IP Access Control List - Rule




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The Edit Selected Rule window is displayed below.


1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule Edit Window


Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.

To Create


a Rule

A new IP ACL rule must be created within a specific address context. To create a new



  1. Select an address context within the Address Context list. The New Rule option becomes available.
  2. Click New Rule. The Create New Rule window opens. The figure below shows options for a hardware-based SBC. Note that the rule options are different for an SBC SWe Cloud D-SBC deployment as described in the table that follows

1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule Fields

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  1. .



  1. Create New Rule Window


  1. Image Modified


  1. Use the following table to configure the rule options and then click Save.
1Rule Parameters






Specify a name for the ACL rule.



Specify the rule precedence


to control which ACL rule is applied when multiple rules match. If an incoming packet matches


multiple rules, the IP ACL rule with the highest precedence (lowest numeric value) is applied


to that



Each IP ACL rule must


include a precedence value and each precedence value must be unique.



Specify an IP protocol type


to match. Choices are 0-255, or one of the following:

  • any – (default) filter all protocols
  • icmp filter ICMP only
  • icmpv6 filter ICMPv6 only
  • ospf filter OSPF only
  • tcp filter TCP only
  • udp filter UDP only 

These protocols are typically associated with particular logical port values.

IP Interface


Select an IP interface group to


specify to match


a specific IP interface group.

IP Interface


Select an IP interface to


specify to match


a specific IP interface.

Mgmt IP Interface Group


Select a Management Interface Group to match a specific Management Interface Group.

NOTE: The Mgmt IP Interface Group parameter is only available from the default Address Context, even if the default Address Context does not contain any other configurations.

Mgmt IP Interface


Select a Management Interface to match a specific Management Interface. 

NOTE: The Mgmt IP Interface parameter is only available from the default Address Context, even if the default Address Context does not contain any other configurations.

Source IP Address


Specify the source IP address to match.


The default is

NOTE: If you configure a Source IP Address, then a

Source Address Prefix Length must also be specified.

Source Address
Prefix Length


Specify a length


for the source IP address prefix


. Must be 0 -


128, the default is 0.

Destination IP Address


Specify the destination IP address


to match


. The default is

NOTE: If you configure a Destination IP Address, then a

Destination Address Prefix Length must also be specified.

Destination Address Prefix Length


Specify a length for the destination IP address prefix. The value ranges from 0 to 128


. The default


is 0.

Source Port


Specify a source port value. Must be 0 - 65535 or any, the default is any.



Specify a destination port value. Must be 0 - 65535 or any, the default is any.



Specify the action to


take when


a packet matches the rule. The options are:

  • Accept
  • Discard

Fill Rate


Specify the number of packets to add to the bucket credit balance (in packets/second). If


packets are received at a rate exceeding this fill rate,


they are discarded


subject to the discard rate set in the IP Policing Alarm profile or in


thePolicerAlarm monitoring this


port. The bucket credit balance is always less than the configured bucket size regardless of the size of this increment.


Must be 1 -


320000 or unlimited, the default is 50.

Bucket Size


Specify the policing bucket size (in packets).


This represents a credit balance that


can be consumed before


packets are discarded


which allows for occasional traffic bursts. If a packet is received when the credit balance is less than the size of the packet, the packet is discarded


subject to the discard rate set in the IP Policing Alarm profile or in


thePolicerAlarm monitoring this


port. Must be


1 -


255 or unlimited, the default is 50.



Specify the administrative state


for the ACL rule.


  • Enabled


  • Disabled (default)


The following options appear when you create an ACL rule for a D-SBC SWe Cloud system.
Dest Type IP Version

Specify the IP version type for the destination. The options are:

  • IP V4
  • IP V6

Destination IP Address

Specify the destination IP address (IPV4/IPV6) to match.


Destination Address Prefix LengthSpecify a length for the destination IP address prefix. The value ranges from 0 to 128.
Dest IP Interface Group Select an IP interface group to specify to match a specific IP interface group for the destination host address.
Dest IP Interface Select an IP interface to specify to match a specific IP interface for the destination host address.
Dest Mgmt IP Interface Group Select a Management Interface Group to match a specific Management Interface Group for the destination host address.
Dest Mgmt IP InterfaceSelect a Management Interface to match a specific Management Interface for the destination host address.
Dest SIP Sig Port ZoneSelect the zone name of the SIP Signaling Port for the destination address. 
Dest SIP Sig Port Index Specify the index number for the SIP Signaling Port for the destination address. 

To Edit a Rule

To edit the configuration of a custom ACL rule:

  1. Click the radio button next to the rule you want to edit. The Edit Selected Rule window opens.
  2. Modify the options as needed and click Save.

To Copy a Rule

To copy the configuration of a custom ACL rule and make changes to the copy:

  1. Click the radio button next to the rule you want to copy. The Copy Selected Rule window opens.
  2. Modify the options as needed and click Save.

To Delete a Rule 

To delete the configuration of a custom ACL rule:

  1. Click the radio button next to the rule that you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete (X) icon at the end of the row. 
  3. Confirm the deletion when prompted.


To Copy Rule

To copy any of the created Rule and to make any minor changes, click the radio button next to the specific Rule to highlight the row.

1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule Highlighted

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Click Copy Rule tab on the Rule List panel.

1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule Fields

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The Copy Selected Rule window is displayed along with the field details which can be edited.

1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule Copy Window

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Make the required changes to the required fields and click Save to save the changes. The copied Rule is displayed at the bottom of the original Rule in the Rule List panel.

To Delete Rule

To delete any of the created Rule, click the radio button next to the specific Rule which you want to delete.

1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule Highlighted

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Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

1All - Address Context - Ip Access Control List - Rule Delete Confirmation

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Click Yes to remove the specific Rule from the list.

