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7.0 Licensing Common Note
7.0 Licensing Common Note

License Encoded with Fingerprint Capability

  • The license is restricted and encoded with the fingerprint capability:
  • When the license is generated for a local license deployment, the license is encoded with the fingerprint of the SBC (or SBCs in the case of HA system) and the license is restricted to the SBC that matches the fingerprint.
  • When the license is generated for a network license deployment, the license is encoded with the fingerprint of the EMS pair where SLS is running.

 For Network Wide Licensing find the Fingerprint through EMS:

  1. Log on to EMS.
  2. Select Insight GUI License Manager.


    Image Modified

  3.  Copy the Fingerprint.

For Local Licensing find the Fingerprint of the SBC at the CLI:

  1. Log on to SBC CLI as admin.
  2. Ensure that the SBC is up and running.

  3. Type the following command to get the Fingerprint.

    Code Block
    > show status system serverStatus
    serverStatus vsbc1 {
    hwType             "Sonus SBC SWe";
    serialNum          BDF8FFBC-4335-4F62-8D08-62EFC9EE6D0C;
    platformVersion    V06.01.00A025;
    applicationVersion V06.01.00A025;
    mgmtRedundancyRole active;
    upTime             "0 Days 03:37:14";
    applicationUpTime  "0 Days 03:34:12";
    lastRestartReason  systemRestart;
    syncStatus         unprotected;
    currentTime        "2017/07/05 16:33:18 ";
    pktPortSpeed       speed1Gbps;
    actualCeName       NWL;
    hwSubType          virtualCloud;
    fingerprint        2000-*1XYZQKWLPTVSDHN;
  4. Copy the Fingerprint and keep it handy.

License Floating

License floating enables a limited number of licenses to be shared among a number of network devices It is applicable when the SBC is deployed on network wide licensing with a centralized SLS distributing licenses to the SBCs connected to it.

License Deletion

There are two ways to delete a license:

  • From the xml bundle at CLI or EMA for


  • legacy licenses.

  • From the Required License Table, in case of network licensing.

When a license name is deleted from the license required table the SBC returns all tokens of the license back to the SLS.


Any existing sessions that are initiated prior to the license being removed can continue, but new calls will be denied access to the associated licensed functionality.


License Expiry

  • In


  • legacy license mode - Once the license is expired, the SBC treats the licensed functionality as disabled system wide. Any existing sessions that are active on expiry continues unimpaired. Traps are raised from the SBC to notify the user when a license is nearing expiration. For more information on Alarms, refer to the Alarms Guide.  
  • In a network license mode - Once the license is expired, the SLS does not serve expired licenses to the SBC. The EMS raises traps to notify the user when a license is nearing expiration.
