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This object allows global configuration for all the Radius servers.

To View and Edit Accounting Admin

On SBC main screen, go to All > OAM > Accounting > Radius >Accounting Admin.

The Accounting Admin window is displayed.

1Oam - Accounting - Radius - Accounting Admin

The following fields are displayed:

1Accounting Admin Parameters




The administrative state of the Accounting Admin

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Failover Policy

Specify the failover policy of the server.

  • roundrobin
  • prioritizedSelection

NAS IP Address

The NAS identifier that is sent to the Radius Server.

NAS Identifier

The NAS identifier that is sent to the Radius Server.

Max Packet Retry Count

The maximum number of times a packet is retransmitted before the packet is dropped.

Max Error Rate

The maximum percentage of timed out transactions allowed. If this percentage is exceed, the Radius server is considered failed.

Max NO Response Time

The maximum time allowed to wait (in milliseconds) for any response from the server. If responses are not received from a Radius server within this time, the server is considered as failed.

Send NAS Indentifier

If true, send the NAS identifier to the Radius Server. Buy default, if is false.

Send NAS IP Address

If true, send the NAS IP address to the Radius Server.

Max Queued Packets In Memory

The maximum number of radius packets queued up in memory allowed before they are flushed to disk. Packets are queued up in memory if no radius servers are available.

Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.