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Back to IP Signaling Profile - SIP - CLI


In this section:

Table of Contents


This section lists CLI commands to configure ingress IP attributes.

Command Syntax

Code Block
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <SIP profile name> ingressIpAttributes 
		generateTerminatingCa <disable | enable> 
		generateTerminatingCic <disable | enable> 
		mapCalledPartyCategoryInPSigInfoHeader <disable | enable> 
		noSdpIn180Supported <disable | enable> 
		registrationExpiresinExpiresHeader <disable | enable> 
		send183OnInitiatingDisconnectTreatment <disable | enable> 
		sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable <disable | enable> 
		sendSdpInSubsequent18x <disable | enable> 
		sendTLSConnectionFailureResponse <disable | enable>


sendUpdatedSDPin200Ok <disable | enable>
		set-cut-through-indication-in-OBCI <disable | enable>
		sip181Supported <disable | enable> 
		sip182Supported <disable | enable>
		suppress183For3xxRedirectResponse <disable | enable>
		suppress183WithoutSdp <disable | enable>

Command Parameters

The IP Signaling Profile SIP Ingress IP Attributes are shown below:

1IP Signaling Profile SIP Ingress IP





Carrier information parameters.

  • generateTerminatingCa – Use this flag on the ingress SIP side to decide whether to interwork the terminating CA data from ISUP to SIP 18x messages. When enabled, the 
    maps the terminating CA data from ISUP to SIP 18x messages. When disabled, the 
    does not map the terminating CA data from ISUP to SIP 18x messages.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • generateTerminatingCic – Use this flag on the ingress SIP side to decide whether to interwork the terminating CIC data from ISUP to SIP 18x messages. When enabled, the 
    maps the terminating CIC data from ISUP to SIP 18x messages. When disabled, the 
    does not map the terminating CIC data from ISUP to SIP 18x messages.
    • disable (default)
    • enable


  • mapCalledPartyCategoryInPSigInfoHeader – Enable flag to map Called Party Category parameter to outgoing SIP P-Sig-Info header. The P-Sig-Info header is a customer-specific SIP header used to convey ISUP information in SIP messages.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • noSdpIn180Supported – By default, the 
    includes SDP in outbound 180 messages. When enabled, the 
    does not include SDP in outbound 180 messages. It converts the 180 message to a 183 message instead. When disabled, the 
    includes SDP in outbound 180 messages.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • registrationExpiresinExpiresHeader – Controls what the 
    signals back to a peer when it has received a REGISTER message from that peer. When enabled, 
    inserts the Expires header in the message. When disabled, 
    does not insert the Expires header.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • send183OnInitiatingDisconnectTreatment – Enable flag to send a 183 message on initiating a disconnect treatment.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable – Enable flag to send SDP in final 200 OK response messages when provisional 18x responses are reliable.
    • disable (default)
    • enable


    • NOTE:  This flag only applies to 200 OK sent for an early offer.

  • sendSdpInSubsequent18x – Enable flag to send SDP in subsequent 18x response messages. When disabled, the 
    may not send SDP in subsequent 18x response messages.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • sendTLSConnectionFailureResponse -- Enable flag to report TLS connection failure and respond with '408 Request timeout' message and Warning header instead of '504 Server timeout'.
    • disable (default)
    • enable


  • sendUpdatedSDPin200Ok – Enable this flag to send


  • any SDP update before the answer (i.e., when the SDP changes between the last response sent and a 200 OK) on the ingress side in the 200 OK without using a reInvite. An SDP update is required at the ingress side if any change occurs in the SDP between 18x and 200 OK on the egress leg.
    • disable (default) – The
      sends the


    • last sent SDP in 200


    • OK and updates it using Re-INVITE.
    • enable


    • The
      sends updated SDP on the ingress side in 200 OK for INVITE. This option avoids such issues as when the INVITE/Re-INVITE gets challenged for authentication or when the endpoints change SRTP keys for every new SDP offer.
  • set-cut-through-indication-in-OBCI – Enable flag to set the BIT-H of BCI parameters in the outgoing 18x message to allow the node to temporarily halt call set-up and play tones or announcements, or both, and collect additional in-band information from the calling user before routing the call further.

    • disable (default)

    • enable

  • sip181Supported – Enable flag to allow the


  • Spacevars
    to support 'SIP 181 Call Is Being Forwarded' messages in the backward direction on the ingress trunk group.

    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • sip182Supported -- Enable flag to allow the


  • Spacevars
    to support SIP 182 Queued messages in the backward direction on the ingress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • suppress183For3xxRedirectResponse – Do not send 183 without SDP upon receiving 3xx Redirect Response.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • suppress183WithoutSdp – Never send 183 without SDP.

    • disable (default)
    • enable


NOTE: See SDP Support topic for details of suppress183For3xxRedirectResponse and suppress183WithoutSdp behavior.


Command Examples

Configuring SIP Over TCP

To configure SIP over TCP:

Assign this IP signaling profile to SIP trunk group(s):

Code Block
% set addressContext a1 zone EXTERNAL sipTrunkGroup EXT_NET policy signaling ipSignalingProfile SIP_IPSIGPROF

If ipSignalingProfile is not configured for any transport protocols (if transport type1 is "none"), SIP call over TCP can be forced by configuring the transport preference on egress sipTrunkGroup.


Code Block
% set addressContext a1 zone EXTERNAL sipTrunkGroup EXT_NETWORK signaling transportPreference preference 
Possible completions: 
preference1 - This first choice of transport protocol for SIP calls. 
preference2 - This second choice of transport protocol for SIP calls. 
preference3 - This third choice of transport protocol for SIP calls. 
preference4 - This fourth choice of transport protocol for SIP calls.

Select TCP.

Code Block
 % set addressContext a1 zone EXTERNAL sipTrunkGroup EXT_NETWORK signaling transportPreference preference1 tcp 

Configuring SIP Over TLS

Configure client and server profiles:

Generate server certificate and show status.

Code Block
% set system security pki certificate server fileName server.p12 passPhrase gsx9000 type local state enabled 
> show status system security pki certificate 
certificate server { 
	encoding pkcs12; 
	status success; 

Generate client certificate and show status. Both client and server certificates display.

Code Block
 % set system security pki certificate client fileName clientCert.der type remote state enabled 
 > show status system security pki certificate 
certificate client { 
	encoding der; 
	status success; 
certificate server { 
	encoding pkcs12; 
	status success; 

Assign the installed certificates to the TLS profile:

Code Block
% set profiles security tlsProfile defaultTlsProfile serverCertName server clientCertName client 
% commit

 Assign TLS to the SIP signaling ports:

Code Block
% set addressContext a1 zone ZONE1 sipSigPort 1 mode outOfService state disabled 
% commit 
% set addressContext a1 zone ZONE1 sipSigPort 1 tlsProfileName defaultTlsProfile 
% commit 
% set addressContext a1 zone ZONE1 sipSigPort 1 mode inService state enabled 
% commit 
% set addressContext a1 zone ZONE2 sipSigPort 2 mode outOfService state disabled 
% commit 
% set addressContext a1 zone ZONE2 sipSigPort 2 tlsProfileName defaultTlsProfile 
% commit 
% set addressContext a1 zone ZONE2 sipSigPort 2 mode inService state enabled 
% commit

Associate IP Signaling Profiles with TLS over TCP

Code Block
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_1 
% commit 
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_1 egressIpAttributes transport type1 tlsOverTcp 
% commit 
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_2 
% commit 
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_2 egressIpAttributes transport type1 tlsOverTcp 
% commit

Associate SIP Trunk Groups to IP Signaling Profiles:

Code Block
% set addressContext a1 zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup SIP_TG1 policy signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_1 
% commit 
% set addressContext a1 zone ZONE2 sipTrunkGroup SIP_TG2 policy signaling ipSignalingProfile IPSP_2
% commit 
