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This window provides options for viewing or configuring public key authentication for users.

Refer to User and Session Management - Public Key Authentication for more information.





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The SBC switches to local authentication only if external authentication (RADIUS) fails. The login attempt will be rejected if both the attempts fails.

In the EMA, navigate to All > OAM > Local Auth > User Status.

The window User Management appears, along with three tables that appear as separate frames:

  • User Sessions
  • NETCONF Sessions
  • Users


1User Management

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Each of the table in the window User Management has a column at the right end, which shows the delete buttons corresponding to every user. However, in the table Users, the delete operation is not allowed for an the current user, if with administrative privileges.


The parameters (displayed as column heads) in the tables are:



User Sessions

UserThe name of the user.
Remote SystemThe IP address of the system from which the user is remotely accessing the SBC.



NETCONF Sessions

UserThe name of the user.
Session IDAn unique ID assigned to a particular session by the SBC.
Session State

The state of the session - whether the SBC is actively used by the user or the session is idle.

  • In Use
  • Idle
Session LockThe value of this parameter denotes whether a session has been locked by the SBC, or it is in unlocked state.





UserThe name of the user.
RoleThe role of the user. It indicates the privileges and levels of access the user has during a session.
Account Expiration

Indicates the current state of Account Expiration settings.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Password Expiration

Indicates the current state of Password Expiration settings.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled

Indicates the current state of Account Expiration settings.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled

In the table Users, the settings for the parameters Account Expiration, Password Expiration and Account can be modified by an user with administrative or higher privileges only.



Delete User Session


To delete a User Session, in the table User Sessions, click the delete symbol at the extreme right of the row representing the user's session.

1Delete User Session

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The pop-up message Are you sure appears. Click Yes to confirm deletion of the session. Click No to cancel deletion. 

1Confirm deleting User Session

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If an user is deleting the current session in which the user is logged in, then on deletion the SBC logs out the user automatically from the EMA.


If the User Session that is deleted is different than that of the user performing the action of deleting it, then the user has to be logged in with administrative or higher privileges to be able to do so.



Delete NETCONF Session


To delete a NETCONF Session, in the table NETCONF Sessions, click the delete symbol at the extreme right of the row representing the user's session.

1Delete NETCONF Session

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The pop-up message Are you sure appears. Click Yes to confirm deletion of the session. Click Cancel to cancel deletion.

1Delete confirmation for NETCONF Session

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Edit User



In the table Users, the settings for the parameters can be modified by an user with administrative or higher privileges only.


To edit the configurations for an user, select the row representing the user in the table Users.

1Select user from Users

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The frame Edit User appears below the table Users.

1Edit User

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The buttons Undo Edits and Save in the lower right corner of the frame Edit User, are activated only after any modification is made. By default, they remain inactive.


Make the necessary modifications, then click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to cancel all modifications made since the last saved configuration.

To reset the password for the user, click Reset Password at the upper right corner of the frame Edit User.

The parameters (displayed as fields) in the frame Edit User are:


The role of the user, which indicates the privileges the user has. It is based on the Group to which an user belongs. The possible options for this parameter can be selected from the dropdown list, which comprises of:



For guidance with adding users to the SBC, see Managing Default Groups and Passwords.


When enabled, this flag allows the specified user access to interactive interfaces such as CLI and EMA.

  • disabled  
  • enabled (default)



For REST API details, see REST API User's Guide.


The account expiration state for a particular user.

  • disabled
  • enabled (default)


The password expiration state for the specified user.

  • disabled
  • enabled (default)


The state of the account for the specified user.

  • disabled
  • enabled (default)


The level of security associated with the access of SBC by the specified user.

  • Public Key Only (CAC Card)
  • Password and Public Key (default)



Create User


To create a new user, click New User at the upper right corner of the table Users.

1New User button

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The frame Create User appears below the table Users.

1Create User

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The buttons Undo Edits and Save in the lower right corner of the frame Edit User, are activated only after any modification is made. By default, they remain inactive.


Make the necessary modifications, then click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to cancel all modifications made since the last saved configuration.

On successful creation of the new user, the message User Created Successfully appears temporarily and then fades out. The SBC generates a temporary password for the new user to log in for the first time.

1User Creation successfull

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Click the tick symbol to return to creating another new user.

Click the envelope symbol to mail the temporary password to the new user's email address.The current user's email client application opens, and in the body of the email the following message appears automatically:

1Send password by email

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