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In this section:

Table of Contents

You can define


your backup destination before


you proceed with the backup configuration


Default Directory for Backups


. If you choose not to create a backup destination, then your configuration files can be stored in the default destination directory created during system installation (/var/log/backups/).


Configurable Options for a Backup Destination


You can back up the system configuration files to use the following destination types (storage locations).

The following sections describe the configurable options when setting up a backup destination in the DSC-SP2000 Web UI using Backups > Backup Destination.

Table of Contents

Local Directory

You can use the default backup directory/var/log/backups/, created during system installation, or designate a specific directory under /var/log/backups/ on your local system for the backup files.

The following table lists and describes the attributes on the Backup Destination Definitions Details screen if you selected the Local Directory option.

Create Backup Destination Definition Screen Attributes Listing and Description

Destination typesIndicates the destination type. For this section, you should select the Local Directory option and click Update.
Backup destination descriptionType a name (Identifier) for your backup destination. The length of the name cannot exceed 255 characters.

Type the path and the directory where you want the backup files to reside (under /var/log/backups/).

FTP to a Remote Directory

You can use the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to transfer backup files to a remote site.

Before you select the FTP Remote Directory as your backup destination, make sure that the remote computer is running an FTP server and is ready to receive the 

backup files.

The following table lists and describes the attributes on the Create Backup Destination Details screen if you selected the FTP Remote Directory option.

Create Backup Destination Definition Screen Attribute Listing and Description


Destination types

Indicates the destination type. For this section, you should select the FTP Remote Directory option and click Update.
Backup destination descriptionType a name (Identifier) for your backup destination. The length of the name cannot exceed 255 characters.

FTP server

The FTP server IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) that you want to FTP the backup files to.


Your user name on the FTP server.
PasswordYour password on the FTP server.

Remote directory

The remote directory path, for example /ptusers/nancy/backups/lab183 or backups/lab183.

NOTE: The remote directory path depends on your FTP server. If the remote backup fails, it could be that your FTP server accepts a different format of path.

E-mail Recipient

Before you perform the procedure for using E-mail Recipient as a destination type for your backup files, you must configure the 

E-mail server address using the Set Mail Server screen. For more information, see To set the server E-mail address.

The following table lists and describes the attributes on the Create Backup Destination screen if you selected the E-mail Recipient option.

Backup Destination Definition Screen Attribute Listing and Description

Destination typeIndicates the destination type. For this section, you should select the E-mail Recipient option and click Update.

Backup destination description

Type a name (Identifier) for your backup destination. The length of the name cannot exceed 255 characters.

Email address

E-mail address of the recipient.


You can have multiple comma-separated E-mail recipients defined to receive the backup files.

TFTP to a Remote Directory

You can use the TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) to transfer backup files to a remote site. Because there is no user-login or validation within the TFTP protocol, the remote site probably has file-access restrictions in place. Therefore, before you select the TFTP Remote Directory as your backup destination, make sure that the remote computer is running a TFTP server and is ready to receive the 

backup files.

Your configuration files are usually backed up to the tftpboot directory on the remote TFTP server.

The following table lists and describes the attributes on the Create Backup Destination Details screen if you selected the TFTP Remote Directory option.

Create Backup Destination Definition Screen Attribute Listing and Description


Destination types

Indicates the destination type. For this section, you should select the TFTP Remote Directory option and click Update.
Backup destination descriptionType a name (Identifier) for your backup destination. The length of the name cannot exceed 255 characters.

TFTP server

The TFTP server IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). The Backup files are placed into the server’s default directory.
Remote directoryAllows you to define a directory for the backup files.

SFTP to a Remote Directory

You can use Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to transfer backup files to a remote backup destination.

Before you specify an SFTP remote directory as your backup destination, ensure the remote backup destination is running an SFTP server and is ready to receive the

 Signaling System backup files.

The following table lists and describes the attributes on the Create SFTP Backup Destination Details screen if you selected the SFTP Remote Directory option.


Before transferring backup files to a remote directory using SFTP, make sure that the SFTP server, which is external to the given

Platform, is configured with access that does not require a password.

Create SFTP Backup Destination Definition Screen Attribute Listing and Description


Destination types

Indicates the destination type. For this section, you should select the SFTP Remote Directory option and click Update.

Backup destination description

The name or identifier of the remote SFTP backup destination server. The length of the name cannot exceed 255 characters.
SFTP serverThe remote server hostname or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) to which you want to SFTP the backup files.
UsernameYour user name on the remote SFTP server.
Remote directory

The remote directory path must be the absolute path. For example, /tmp/backups.

Maximum number of retriesDefine the number of attempts to connect to a remote destination server or after a connection is lost (defaults is 10).
Retry interval in minutes

Define the time period between failed attempts to connect to the remote backup destination server (minimum of 10 minutes).