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This section specifies Use the SIP Signaling TLS Connection statistics data.Sig Port TLS Statistics window to view TLS connection statistics for SIP signaling ports. 

On the

 main screen, go to Monitoring > Zone >Signaling Ports > Sip SIP Sig Port Tls Statistics or
Monitoring > Zone > Zone Specific > SIP Sig Port Tls Statistics.

The Sip SIP Sig Port Tls Statistics window is displayedTLS Statistics window opens showing TLS connection statistics for all SIP signaling ports. Use the Address Context and Zone lists to filter the output based on address context and zone.

1Signaling Ports - Sip SIP Sig Port Tls TLS Statistics Window (Partial)

By default only ten entries are displayed in a view. You can choose the number of entries to be displayed under the Show entries drop down box. Click Image Removed to expand the window to display more fields.

The Sip Sig Port Tls Statistics can be checked for each Address Context or for each Zone or for all the Address Contexts and Zones created. Use the drop-down box to select the desired Address Contexts and Zones.

The output includes the following parameters:

1SIP Sig Port TLS Statistics Parameters
IndexThe index of the SIP signaling port
Current Server Sessions Number of server sessions currently active.
Total Server SessionsCumulative total number of server sessions.
Current Client HandshakesNumber of incomplete client handshakes.
Current Server HandshakesNumber of incomplete server handshakes.
Session ResumptionsNumber of server sessions that have been resumed.
No Cipher SuiteNumber of handshake failures due to inability to converge on a cipher suite.
Handshake TimeoutsNumber of handshakes that timed out before completing.
Higher Auth TimeoutNumber of handshakes in which the SBC was the server and the client did not authenticate itself through TLS and failed to authenticate itself through any higher level protocol.
Client Auth FailuresNumber of times a peer failed TLS authentication with the SBC as the client.
Server Auth FailuresNumber of times a peer failed TLS authentication with the SBC as the server.
Fatel Alerts ReceivedNumber of fatal alerts received.
Warning Alerts ReceivedNumber of warning alerts received.
Handshake FailuresCumulative total of all handshake failures.
Receive FailuresNumber of receive failures (failure to decrypt).
Send FailuresNumber of send failures (failure to encrypt).
No Auth DropsNumber of SIP messages dropped due to lack of peer authentication at the SIP level.
No Auth488Number of SIP messages rejected with a 488 response due to lack of peer authentication at the SIP level.
Mid Connection HelloNumber times a peer sent a TLS Hello on a connection that was already up.
No Client CertNumber times the SBC was the client and failed to derive a certificate to send the server.
Validation FailuresNumber of failed certificate validations.
Current Client ConnectionsCurrent number of client TLS connections.
Total Client ConnectionsCumulative number of client TLS connections.
Current Server ConnectionsCurrent number of server TLS connections.
Total Server ConnectionsCumulative number of server TLS connections.



