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The SBC is capable of acting as an ICE-Lite agent to allow the WRTC endpoints to connect to the existing VoIP network through the SBC using the DTLS-SRTP protocol. While acting as an ICE-Lite endpoint, the SBC interconnects with endpoints that have either ICE-Lite or full-ICE implementations. ICE-Lite is a lite version of the ICE protocol, which is defined to exchange media with each other. The interconnect with ICE-Lite end points is only for the purpose of IPv4 to IPv6 inter-working and no NAT traversal procedures are supported for ICE-Lite to ICE-Lite.

Implement SBC implementation for ICE can be used with endpoints that are with endpoints connected to the SBC through Sonus the Ribbon WRTC gateway and also , as well as WRTC endpoints connected from a third-party WRTC Gateway thereby presenting to present ICE in their SDP.

As  As SBC is not required to act as an ICE client (it is not located behind a NAT in current deployment models), the initial support for ICE is limited to the SBC acting as an ICE-Lite endpoint.


Reachable IP address:  an ICE-Lite agent has a reachable public IP address and can work with other agents that use ICE and are behind the NAT.

ICE-Lite Implementation

The ICE-Lite procedure starts with the offerer discovering all




ports where it is reachable.These are known as local “candidates”. The “candidates” can be any or all of the following:

  • Host candidates (Local IP port)
  • Server Reflexive Candidates (External IP port allocated by NAT)
  • Relay candidates (IP port on a media relay)

Use STUN is used to discover the Server Reflexive and Peer reflexive addresses on the NAT and . Use TURN is used to discover the Relay candidates on the TURN relay. After the local candidates are discovered, the offerer (Full ICE Agent) sends them in the session description protocol (SDP) offer to the remote endpoints. The remote end point (SBC) discovers its own local candidates (which are only host candidates) and sends in the answer SDP to the offerer.

Once the offer/answer exchange is completedcompletes, the Full ICE Agent takes assumes the role of ICE controlling agent and performs connectivity check between the candidate pairs (from local candidate to remote candidate) by sending the STUN messages. The SBC acts as a controlled agent, and responds to the STUN requests. Based on the success/failure of the connectivity check, the controlling agent selects a candidate pair is selected by the controlling agent to exchange the media, and it sends a connectivity check on the selected pair with USE-CANDIDATE attribute to let the controlled agent know about the selected pair. The connectivity check may lead to the discovery of new local candidates due to the presence of Restricted or Symmetric NAT. These local candidates are also included in the procedure and are known as “Peer Reflexive Addresses”.  SBC being The

, as a controlled ICE-Lite agent, cuts thru through the media after receiving USE-CANDIDATE on all components of the media stream (for example, if RTP and RTCP are required for a stream then , the media is only cut-through when USE-CANDIDATE is received for both RTP and RTCP).

The controlling agent sends an updated offer by using the selected local candidate in the default IP port of the media line, and the controlled agent (SBC) respond responds by sending its local candidate in the default IP port of the media line to complete the ICE-Lite procedure. The Ice-lite procedure can be restarted by Use the Full ice ICE agent (using the ICE Restart procedures, ) to restart the Ice-lite procedure if the Media ports changed change during a call. 

The ICE-Lite procedure starts with the offerer discovering all IP ports where it is reachable