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Multiexcerpt include
PageWithExcerptTones and Announcements

The following steps describe various configuration scenarios using Alert-Info and P-Early Media header interworking:

AnchorConfiguring SBC with ToneConfiguring SBC with ToneConfiguring SBC with Tone Anchor

Configuring AI to PEM Headers Interworking

Use case1
Use case1
Use case 1: Network that Supports PEM

Configuring PEM

Configuring Tone on SBC and External PSX (Basic Configuration)Configuring Tone on SBC and External PSX (Basic Configuration)Configuring Tone on SBC and External PSX

Configuring Compressed Tone Files

AnchorInterworking Between Alert-Info and P-Early Media HeadersInterworking Between Alert-Info and P-Early Media HeadersInterworking Between Alert-Info and P-Early Media Headers

Configuring Ingress TG

To configure the ingress TG, execute the following command:

Code Block
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZonedefaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIPTG1 media earlyMedia method pEarlyMedia egressSupportdefaultGatingMethod enabled
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile alerthtp sipHeader Alert-Infonone monitorRtp enabled egressSupport enabled
% commit

Configuring the flag announcementBasedTones

Code Block
% set profiles servicesmedia transparencyProfiletoneAndAnnouncementProfile alerthtpEXAMPLE statelocalRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable flags announcementBasedTones enable

Configuring the flag convertAlertToProgress

Code Block
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP services transparencyProfile alerthtp
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZonedefaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIPTG1 signaling convertAlertToProgress enabled
% commit


Egress TGTo configure the egress TG, execute the following command:

the flag monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate

Code Block
% set addressContextprofiles defaultsignaling zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTGipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes signalingflags aiToPemInterworkingmonitorRtpOnEgressUpdate enabledenable
% commit
AnchorInterworking Between Non P-Early Media to P-Early Media HeadersInterworking Between Non P-Early Media to P-Early Media Headers
Interworking Between a Network That Does not Support P-Early Media Header to a Network That Supports P-Early Media Header


Ingress TGTo configure the ingress TG, execute the following command:

the parameter localRingBackTone

Code Block
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP profiles media earlyMediatoneAndAnnouncementProfile methodT1 pEarlyMedialocalRingBackTone egressSupportsignalingTonePackageState enabled
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile alerthtp sipHeader Alert-Info
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile alerthtp state enabled
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP services transparencyProfile alerthtp
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP signaling convertAlertToProgress enabled
% commit

Configuring Egress TG

To configure the egress TG, execute the following command:
enable flags useThisLrbtForIngress enable earlyMediaMethod pEarlyMedia withOrWithOutSDP enable
% commit   

Configuring Common IP Attributes of the IP Signaling Profile

Code Block
% set profiles servicessignaling transparencyProfileipSignalingProfile VoLTEprofileDEFAULT_SIP sipHeader P-Early-Media
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile VoLTEprofile state enabled
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTG_SIP services transparencyProfile VoLTEprofile
% commit
commonIpAttributes flags disableMediaLockDown enable minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll enable relayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg enable sendOnlyPreferredCodec enable
% commit 

Use case2
Use case2
Use case 2: Network that does not Support PEM and AI

Configuring Session Answer

Code Block
% set 
Interworking Between P-Early Media HeadersInterworking Between P-Early Media HeadersInterworking Between  P-Early Media Headers

Configuring Ingress TG

To configure the ingress TG, execute the following command:

Code Block
% set profiles services transparencyProfile VoLTEprofile sipHeader P-Early-Media
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile VoLTEprofile state enabled
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZonedefaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup TG1 $InTG_SIPmedia servicesearlyMedia transparencyProfilemethod VoLTEprofilesessionAnswer
% commit 


Egress TGTo configure the egress TG, execute the following command:

the flag convertAlertToProgress

Code Block
% set addressContext default zone $EgressZonedefaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTG_SIPTG1 mediasignaling earlyMedia method pEarlyMedia egressSupport convertAlertToProgress enabled
% commit 

Configuring the flag monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate

Code Block
% set profiles servicessignaling transparencyProfile alerthtp sipHeader Alert-Info
% commit 
% set profiles services transparencyProfile alerthtp state enabled
% commit 
% set addressContext default zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTGipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP servicesegressIpAttributes transparencyProfileflags alerthtp
% commit monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate enable
% set addressContext default zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTG_SIP signaling convertAlertToProgress enabled
% commit 
AnchorConfiguring SBC without ToneConfiguring SBC without ToneConfiguring SBC without Tone AnchorInterworking Between Alert-Info and P-Early Media Headers_1Interworking Between Alert-Info and P-Early Media Headers_1Interworking Between Alert-Info and P-Early Media Headers


Ingress TGTo configure the ingress TG, execute the following command:

the parameter localRingBackTone

Code Block
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP profiles media earlyMediatoneAndAnnouncementProfile methodT1 pEarlyMedialocalRingBackTone egressSupportsignalingTonePackageState enabledenable
% commit

Configuring the parameter localRingBackTone

Code Block
% set profiles servicesmedia transparencyProfiletoneAndAnnouncementProfile alerthtpT1 sipHeader Alert-Info
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile alerthtp state enabledlocalRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable flags useThisLrbtForIngress enable earlyMediaMethod pEarlyMedia withOrWithOutSDP enable
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP services transparencyProfile alerthtp
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP signaling convertAlertToProgress enabled
% commit

Configuring Egress TG

To configure the egress TG, execute the following command:

Code Block
% set addressContext default zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTG_SIP signaling aiToPemInterworking enabled
% commit

Configuring Common IP Attributes of the IP Signaling Profile

Code Block
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes flags disableMediaLockDown enable minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll enable relayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg enable sendOnlyPreferredCodec enable
% commit 

Use case3
Use case3
Use case 3: Network that does not Support PEM but Supports AI

Configuring Session Answer

Interworking Between No P-Early Media to P-Early Media Headers_1Interworking Between No P-Early Media to P-Early Media Headers_1Interworking Between a Network That Does not Support P-Early Media Header to a Network That Supports P-Early Media Header

Configuring Ingress TG

To configure the ingress TG, execute the following command:

Code Block
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZonedefaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIPTG1 media earlyMedia method pEarlyMedia egressSupport enabledsessionAnswer
% commit

Configuring the flag announcementBasedTones

Code Block
% set profiles servicesmedia transparencyProfiletoneAndAnnouncementProfile alerthtpEXAMPLE sipHeader Alert-Info
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile alerthtp state enabled
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP services transparencyProfile alerthtp
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP signaling convertAlertToProgress enabled
% commit

Configuring Egress TG

To configure the egress TG, execute the following command:
localRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable flags announcementBasedTones enable

Configuring AI

Code Block
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes flags acceptAlertInfo enable

Configuring the flag monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate

Code Block
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes flags monitorRtpOnEgressUpdate enable
% commit

Configuring the flag aiToPemInterworking

Code Block
% set profiles servicessignaling transparencyProfile VoLTEprofile sipHeader P-Early-Media
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile VoLTEprofile state enabled
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTGipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP servicescommonIpAttributes transparencyProfileflags VoLTEprofile
% commit
AnchorInterworking Between P-Early Media Headers_1Interworking Between P-Early Media Headers_1Interworking Between P-Early Media Headers

Configuring Ingress TG

To configure the ingress TG, execute the following command:
aiToPemInterworking enable

Configuring the parameter localRingBackTone

Code Block
% set profiles servicesmedia transparencyProfiletoneAndAnnouncementProfile VoLTEprofileT1 sipHeader P-Early-Media
% commit
% set profiles services transparencyProfile VoLTEprofile state enabledlocalRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable flags useThisLrbtForIngress enable earlyMediaMethod pEarlyMedia withOrWithOutSDP enable
% commit
% set addressContext default zone $IngressZone sipTrunkGroup $InTG_SIP services transparencyProfile VoLTEprofile
% commit 

Configuring Egress TG

To configure the egress TG, execute the following command:

Configuring Common IP Attributes of the IP Signaling Profile

Code Block
% set addressContext default zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTG_SIP media earlyMedia method pEarlyMedia egressSupport enabled
% commit 
% set profiles servicessignaling transparencyProfile alerthtp sipHeader Alert-Info
% commit 
% set profiles services transparencyProfile alerthtp state enabled
% commit 
% set addressContext default zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTGipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP servicescommonIpAttributes transparencyProfileflags alerthtp
%disableMediaLockDown commitenable 
%minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll setenable addressContextrelayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg defaultenable zone $EgressZone sipTrunkGroup $OutTG_SIP signaling convertAlertToProgress enabledsendOnlyPreferredCodec enable
% commit 
