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This object allows you to configure a Digit Profile. Digit Profiles define the parameters for DTMF, MFR1 and MFR2 digit detection and generation. For additional DTMF details,


refer to DTMF and RTP Relay.



Refer to DTMF Trigger - CLI to configure a profile defining conditions for triggering on DTMF digit strings.

Command Syntax

Code Block
% set profiles digitProfile <profile name> type dtmf 
		frequenceRange <medium | narrow | wide | wider> 
		minOffDuration <25 to 80 milliseconds> 
		minOnDuration <25 to 80 milliseconds>
		minPower <-45 to -25 dBm> 
		twistCutoff <4dB to 12Db, in increments of 2dB>
		break <0 to 8000 milliseconds> 
		make <0 to 8000 milliseconds> 
		power <-50 to +3 dBm>

% set profiles digitProfile <profile name> type mfr1 
		frequenceRange <medium | narrow | wide> 
		minOffDuration <10 to 100 milliseconds, in increments of 5 ms> 
		minOnDuration <25 to 100 milliseconds, in increments of 5 ms> 
		minPower <-45 to -25 dBm>
	mfr1Generate break <duration> 
		make <0 to 8000 milliseconds> 
		makeKp <0 to 8000 milliseconds> 
		power <-50 to +3 dBm>

% set profiles digitProfile <profile name> type mfr2 
		frequenceRange <medium | narrow | wide> 
		maxPulseDuration <0 to 8000 milliseconds> 
		minOffDuration <10 to 100 milliseconds, in increments of 5 ms> 
		minOnDuration <25 to 100 milliseconds, in increments of 5 m> 
		minPower <-45 to -25 dBm> 
		postPulseDelay <0 to 8000 milliseconds>
		break <0 to 8000 milliseconds> 
		finalDigitDelay <0 to 8000 milliseconds> 
		make <0 to 8000 milliseconds> 
		maxFwdOffDuration <100 to 60000 milliseconds> 
		maxFwdOnDuration <100 to 60000 milliseconds> 
		power <-50 to +3 dBm> 
		prePulseDelay <0 to 8000 milliseconds>

Command Parameters

The Digital Profile parameters are as shown below:

1Digital Profile Parameters






The user name of this digit profile with following attribute:
type – Specifies the digit's format with parameters defined below.



Dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) digit type. Options include:

  • dtmfDetect – DTMF digit detection attributes:
    • frequenceRange - Frequency tolerances for digit detection.
      • medium (default)
      • narrow
      • wide
      • wider
    • minOffDuration – The minimum inter-digit duration (in milliseconds) for digit detection. The value must be in increments of 5 ms. (range: 25 to 80 / default = 25).
    • minOnDuration – The minimum tone duration (in milliseconds) required for digit detection. The value must be in increments of 5 ms. (range: 25 to 80 / default = 25.
    • minPower – The minimum power level (in dBm) required for digit detection. (range: -45 to -25 / default = -45).
    • twistCutoff – Ratio of high to low group power. Twist ratios below the twist cutoff result in digit detection. Twist ratios above the twist cutoff result in digit rejection. (range: 4dB-12dB, in increments of 2dB / default = 8dB).
  • dtmfGenerate – DTMF digit generation attributes. Options include:
    • break – Silence duration (in milliseconds) between generated digits (range: 0-8000 / default = 100).
    • make – Duration (in milliseconds) of generated digits (range: 0-8000 / default = 100).
    • power – Digit generation power level in dBm (range: -50 to +3 / default = 10).



Multi-link Frame Relay (MFR) variant 1 digit type.

  • mfr1Detect – MFR1 digit detection attributes.
    • frequenceRange – Frequency tolerances for digit detection.
      • medium
      • narrow (default)
      • wide
    • minOffDuration – Minimum inter-digit duration (in milliseconds) for digit detection. The value must be in increments of 5ms. For DTMF digits, the value must be between 25 ms and 80 ms. For MF digits, the value must be between 10 ms and 100 ms. (range: 10-100 / default = 15).
    • minOnDuration – Minimum tone duration (in milliseconds) required for digit detection. The value must be in increments of 5ms. (range: 25-100 / default = 25).
    • minPower – Minimum power level (in dBm) required for digit detection. (range: -45 to -25 / default = -30).
  • mfr1Generate – MFR1 digit generation attributes. Options include:
    • break – Silence duration (in milliseconds) between generated digits (range: 0-8000 / default = 65)
    • make – Duration (in milliseconds) of generated digits. (range: 0-8000 / default = 65)
    • makeKp – Duration (in milliseconds) of generated KP digits. (range: 0-8000 / default = 105).
    • power – Digit generation power level (in dBm). (range: -50 to +3 / default = -7).



Multi-link Frame Relay (MFR) variant 2 digit type.

  • mfr2Detect – MFR2 digit detection attributes.
    • frequenceRange – Frequency tolerances for digit detection.
      • medium
      • narrow (default)
      • wide
    • maxPulseDuration – Maximum allowed duration (in milliseconds) of a received pulsed MF tone. (range: 0-8000 / default = 1000).
    • minOffDuration – Minimum inter-digit duration (in milliseconds) for digit detection. The value must be in increments of 5ms. For DTMF digits, the value must be between 25 ms and 80 ms. For MF digits, the value must be between 10 ms and 100 ms. (range: 10-100 / default = 15).
    • minOnDuration – Minimum tone duration (in milliseconds) required for digit detection. The value must be in increments of 5ms. (range: 25-100 / default = 25).
    • minPower – Minimum power level (in dBm) required for digit detection. (range: -45 to -25 / default = -30).
    • postPulseDelay – Duration (in milliseconds) after a pulse signal is transmitted when no forward signals are recognized. (range: 0-8000 / default = 250).
  • mfr2Generate – MFR2 digit generation attributes. Options include:
    • break – Silence duration (in milliseconds) between generated digits (range: 0-8000 / default = 150)
    • finalDigitDelay – Minimum interval (in milliseconds) after sending last message to apply answer line signal in the backward direction. (range: 0-8000 / default = 50).
    • make – Duration (in milliseconds) of generated digits. (range: 0-8000 / default = 150).
    • maxFwdOffDuration – Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) between the removal of a forward signal and the sending of the next forward signal. (range: 100-60000 / default = 27000).
    • maxFwdOnDuration – Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) a forward signal is sent. (range: 100-60000 / default = 15000).
    • power – Digit generation power level (in dBm). (range: -50 to +3 / default = -7).
    • prePulseDelay – Delay (in milliseconds) between the end of last compelled signal and the start of backward pulsed signal. (range: 0-8000 / default = 100).

DTMF Frequency Tolerances

The table below depicts the DTMF Accept and Reject ranges. Frequencies detected within the Accept range result in digit detection.

1DTMF accepted and Rejected changes
ValueEnumerationDTMF AcceptDTMF reject

MFR1 Frequency Tolerances

The table below depicts only the MFR1 Accept range. Frequencies detected within this range result in digit detection.

1 MFR1 Accept range
1Narrow+/-(1.5% + 10Hz)
2Medium +/-( + 10Hz)
3Wide+/-(1.5% + 15Hz)

MFR2 Frequency Tolerances

The table below depicts only the MFR1 Accept range. Frequencies detected within this range result in digit detection.

1MFR2 Frequency Tolerances
1Narrow +/-(1.5% + 10Hz)
2Medium+/-(1.5% + 20Hz)
3Wide+/-(1.5% + 30Hz)

Command Example

Code Block
% show profiles digitProfile Test1
	type dtmf; 
	dtmfDetect { 
		minPower -25; 
		minOnDuration 25; 
		minOffDuration 25; 
		frequenceRange narrow; 
		twistCutoff 9; 
	dtmfGenerate { 
		power 2; 
		make 3445; 
		break 788; 
	type mfr1 
	% show profiles digitProfile Test1 
	type mfr1; 
	mfr1Generate { 
		power -7; 
		make 4555; 
		break 4566; 
		makeKp 105; 
	mfr1Detect { 
		minPower -30; 
		minOnDuration 25; 
		minOffDuration 15; 
		frequenceRange medium; 
	type - mfr2 
	% show profiles digitProfile Test1 
	type mfr2; 
	mfr2Generate { 
		power -10; 
		make 150; 
		break 455; 
		prePulseDelay 100; 
		maxFwdOnDuration 566; 
		maxFwdOffDuration 2700; 
		finalDigitDelay 50; 
	mfr2Detect { 
		minPower -25; 
		minOnDuration 25; 
		minOffDuration 15; 
		frequenceRange medium; 
		maxPulseDuration 1000; 
		postPulseDelay 234; 

