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About this Resource



Defines a remote DS1 Port resource that controls the




's T1/E1 ports.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
ConfigIEStateNoYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - esDISABLED
  • 1 - esENABLED
Specifies the Administrative State of the resource.
PortNameYesNostringnone128 - Max LengthSpecifies the string name of the Port.
PortAliasNoNostringnone20 - Max LengthSpecifies an alias name for the port for easy identification.
PortDescriptionNoNostringnone128 - Max LengthSpecifies a description for easy identification when being selected in Signaling Groups
PortPhysicalTypeYesYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - pptE1
  • 1 - pptT1
Specifies the physical type of port.
PortSignalingTypeYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - pstISDN
  • 1 - pstCAS
Specifies the signaling type of the port.
PortFramingTypeYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - pftESF
  • 1 - pftD4
  • 2 - pftCRC4
  • 3 - pftNOCRC4
Specifies the framing type for T1 ports.
PortCodingTypeYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - pctB8ZS
  • 1 - pctAMI
  • 2 - pctHDB3
Specifies the line coding for the port.
PortLineBuildoutYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - plbShortHaul
  • 1 - plbLongHaul
Specifies the trunk type for T1 ports.
PortShorthaulCablelengthYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - psc133
  • 1 - psc266
  • 2 - psc394
  • 3 - psc533
  • 4 - psc655
Specifies the cable length for T1 ports set to Short Haul Trunk Type.

This option is only available for T1 ports set to a Short Haul Trunk Type.

PortLonghaultxAttenuationYesYesEnum3Possible values:
  • 0 - pla15dB
  • 1 - pla22point5dB
  • 2 - pla7point5dB
  • 3 - pla0dB
Specifies the attenuation for T1 ports to Long haul trunk type.

This option is only available for T1 ports set to a Long Haul Trunk Type.

PortLoopbackTypeYesYesEnum4Possible values:
  • 0 - pltLocal
  • 1 - pltRemote
  • 2 - pltLine
  • 3 - pltPayload
  • 4 - pltNone
Controls the loop back status of the port.
PortCRCTypeYesYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - pctOff
  • 1 - pctOn
Specifies the CRC setting for E1 ports.


Parameter Name Description Data Type Possible Values


rt_PortOperatorStatus Indicates operational status of the port. EnumPossible values:
  • 0 - psUp
  • 1 - psDown


rt_PortAlarmStatusDisplays the alarm status of


this port.


EnumPossible values:
  • 0 - pasNormal
  • 1 - pasYellow
  • 2 - pasBlue
  • 3 - pasRedLOS
  • 4 - pasRedLOF
  • 5 - pasRelayPassThrough
rt_PortAssertAlarmTypeDisplays the assert alarm


type of this port.


EnumPossible values:
  • 0 - apatYellow
  • 1 - apatRed
  • 2 - apatNormal
rt_PortLoopbackTypeDisplays the


loop back status of the port.


EnumPossible values:
  • 0 - pltLocal
  • 1 - pltRemote
  • 2 - pltLine
  • 3 - pltPayload
  • 4 - pltNone


rt_PortTimeatLastOperStatusChange Indicates the last time (in epoch) when the operational status of the port changed. int
rt_PortLicenseStatusIndicates the license status of a port. EnumPossible values:
  • 0 - ptLicenseUnknown
  • 1 - ptNotLicensed
  • 2 - ptLicensed
  • 3 - ptLicensedDisabled


Parameter Name Description Data Type Possible Values


rt_PortSignalingTypeDisplays the signaling type of the port.EnumPossible values:
  • 0 - pstISDN
  • 1 - pstCAS


rt_PortDataValid Indicates which of the returned counters indicate valid data. Enum


Possible values:
  • 0 - prtDataNotValid
  • 1 - prtDS1DataValid
  • 2 - prtHDLCDataValid
  • 3 - prtDS1andHDLCDataValid
  • 4 - prtAllDataValid


rt_PortFrameErrorsDisplays the number of Frame Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortCurrentSeverelyErroredFramingsecondsDisplays the number of Severely Errored Seconds in framing detected on this port.long
rt_PortCurrentContolledRxSlipPositivesDisplays the number of Controlled Receive Slip Positives Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortCurrentContolledRxSlipNegativesDisplays the number of Controlled Receive Slip Negatives Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortCurrentContolledTxSlipPositivesDisplays the number of Controlled Transmit Slip Positives Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortCurrentContolledTxSlipNegativesDisplays the number of Controlled Transmit Slip Negatives Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortCurrentLineErroredSecondsDisplays the number of Errored Seconds in the line detected on this port.long
rt_PortCurrentPathCodeViolationsDisplays the number of Path Code Violations detected on this port.long
rt_PortCurrentLineCodeViolationsDisplays the number of Line Code Violations detected on this port.long
rt_PortExcessiveZeroesDisplays the number of Excessive Zeroes detected on this port.long
rt_PortBipolarviolations Displays the number of Bipolar Violations detected on this port.long
rt_PortBurstyErrorSecondsDisplays the number of Bursty Errored Seconds detected on this port.long
rt_PortNormalErrorSecondsDisplays the number of Normal Errored Seconds detected on this port.long
rt_PortUnavailableSecondsDisplays the number of Unavailable Seconds detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxBusy Displays the number of Receive Busy Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortTxNoValidData Displays the number of Transmit No Valid Data Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxFramesDisplays the number of received frames on this port.long
rt_PortRxBytesDisplays the number of received bytes on this port.long
rt_PortRxAbortsDisplays the number of Receive Aborts Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxNonOctetsDisplays the number of Receive Non-Octets Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxCRCErrorsDisplays the number of Receive CRC Errors detected on this port. long
rt_PortRxOverrunsDisplays the number of Receive Overruns Errors detected on this port. long
rt_PortRxHwErrorsDisplays the number of Receive Hardware Errors detected on this port. long
rt_PortRxBadAddressDisplays the number of Receive Bad Address Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxCDLostDisplays the number of Receive CD Lost Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxNoBufferDisplays the number of Receive No Buffer Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxInternalTableOverflow Displays the number of Receive Internal Table Overflow Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxMaxBacklog Displays the number of Receive Max Backlog Errors detected on this port..long
rt_PortTxFramesDisplays the number of transmitted frames on this port.long
rt_PortTxBytesDisplays the number of transmitted bytes on this port.long
rt_PortTxUnderrunsDisplays the number of transmitted underruns on this port.long
rt_PortTxCollisionsDisplays the number of transmitted collisions on this port.long
rt_PortTxInvalidDataDisplays the number of Transmit Invalid Data Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortTxInternalTableOverflow Displays the number of Transmit Internal Table Overflow Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortTxMaxBacklog Displays the number of Transmit Max Backlog Errors detected on this port.long
rt_PortRxCountDisplays the number of recieved frames on this port.long
rt_PortRxICountDisplays the number of received I (information) frames on this port.long
rt_PortRxSCount Displays the number of received S (supervisor) frames on this port.long
rt_PortRxUNCountDisplays the number of received UN (unnumbered) frames on this port.long
rt_PortRxUADisplays the number of received UA (unnumbered ack) messages on this port.long
rt_PortRxSABMEDisplays the number of received SABME (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended) messages on this port.long
rt_PortRxDISCDisplays the number of received DISC (disconnect) messages on this port.long
rt_PortRxDMDisplays the number of received DM (disconnected mode) messages on this port.long
rt_PortRxFRMRDisplays the number of received FRMR (frame reject) messages on this port.long
rt_PortRxRR Displays the number of received RR (receive ready) messages on this port.long
rt_PortRxRNRDisplays the number of received RNR (receive not ready) messages on this port.long
rt_PortRxREJDisplays the number of recieved REJ (reject) messages on this port.long
rt_PortRxEstReqDisplays the number of times this port was in established request state.long
rt_PortRxRelReqDisplays the number of times this port was in release request state.long
rt_PortRxDataReqDisplays the number of times this port was in data request state.long
rt_PortTxCountDisplays the number of transmitted frames on this port.long
rt_PortTxCountBusy Displays the number of transmitted busy frames on this port.long
rt_PortTxUADisplays the number of transmitted UA (unnumbered ack) messages on this port.long
rt_PortTxSABMEDisplays the number of transmitted SABME (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended) messages on this port.long
rt_PortTxDISCDisplays the number of transmitted DISC (disconnect) messages on this port.long
rt_PortTxDMDisplays the number of transmitted DM (disconnected mode) messages on this port.long
rt_PortTxFRMRDisplays the number of transmitted FRMR (frame reject) messages on this port.long
rt_PortTxRR Displays the number of transmitted RR (receive ready) messages on this port.long
rt_PortTxRNRDisplays the number of transmitted RNR (receive not ready) messages on this port.long
rt_PortTxREJDisplays the number of transmitted REJ (reject) messages on this port.long
rt_PortTxICountDisplays the number of transmitted I (information) messages on this port.long
rt_PortLinkDownCountDisplays the number of link DOWNs on this
rt_PortLinkUpCountDisplays the number of link UPs on this
rt_PortLineStatusChangeTrapEnableDisplays whether the trap for status change is enabled on this
rt_PortSeverelyErroredSecondsDisplays the number of severely errored seconds on this
rt_PortDegradedMinutesDisplays the number of degraded minutes on this
rt_PortControlledSlipSecondsDisplays the number of seconds containing one or more controlled slips on this
rt_PortCurrentActiveCallsDisplays the number of active calls currently on this
rt_PortTotalCallsProcessedDisplays the total number of calls on this
rt_PortTotalErroredCallsDisplays the total number of errored calls on this
rt_PortTotalRefusedCallsDisplays the total number of refused calls on this
rt_PortTotalConnectedCallsDisplays the total number of calls connected on this
rt_PortTotalBlockedCallsDisplays the total number of blocked calls on this
rt_PortIncomingCallattemptsDisplays the number of incoming calls attempted on this
rt_PortIncomingCallacceptsDisplays the number of incoming calls that were accepted on this
rt_PortIncomingCallrejectsDisplays the number of incoming calls that were rejected on this
rt_PortIncomingCallcompletesDisplays the number of incoming calls that were completed on this
rt_PortIncomingBlockedCallsDisplays the number of incoming calls that were blocked on this
rt_PortIncomingCurrentCallsDisplays the number of current incoming calls on this
rt_PortOutgoingCallattemptsDisplays the number of outgoing calls attempted on this
rt_PortOutgoingCallacceptsDisplays the number of outgoing calls accepted on this
rt_PortOutgoingCallrejectsDisplays the number of outgoing calls rejected on this
rt_PortOutgoingCallcompletesDisplays the number of outgoing calls completed on this
rt_PortOutgoingBlockedCallsDisplays the number of outgoing calls blocked on this
rt_PortOutgoingCurrentCallsDisplays the number of current outgoing calls on this
rt_PortCountersLastResetTimeDisplays the last reset time of the counters on this
rt_PortCountersPullTimeDisplays the time(in epoch-seconds)at which the counters pull happened on this
rt_BusyHourCallAttemptsDisplays the BHCA rate for this
rt_BusyHourCallCompletionsDisplays the BHCC rate for this