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This best practice provides guidance on configuring RTCP RR/RS Bandwidth modifiers from EMA to support held calls for a Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) environment as described on the page AMR and RTCP Enhancements.

This configuration is performed either on the PSX or SBC ERE.

SBC ERE Configuration

Configuring Packet Service Profile in ERE

Execute the following command to configure PSP:

Code Block
set profiles media packetServiceProfile DEFAULT rtcpOptions rtcp enable

Enabling RTCP for HELD Calls

Execute the following command to configure the HELD calls:

Code Block
set profiles media packetServiceProfile DEFAULT rtcpOptions rtcp enable enableRTCPForHeldCalls enable

Configuring RR and RS Bandwidth Values

Execute the following command to configure RR and RS bandwidth values:

Code Block
set profiles media packetServiceProfile DEFAULT rtcpOptions rtcp enable enableRTCPForHeldCalls enable rrBandwidth 250 rsBandwidth 250

Configuring IP Signaling Profile

Execute the following command to send the RR and RS bandwidth information in the SDP offer:

Code Block
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes flags sendRTCPBandwidthInfo enable

PSX Configuration

Configure Packet Service Profile on PSX

  1. In the PSX Manager window, choose Packet Service Profile from the drop-down menu.

    1PSX - Packet Service Profile

  2. To create Packet Service Profile, right click on the Selection Area.

    1Selection Area


    Select New from the resultant pop-up menu.

  3. The Packet Service Profile window appears. Provide the Packet Service Profile name.

    1Packet Service Profile

    Scroll down the display window to locate RTCP option.

  4. Choose the RTCP option to enable it. This action enables the RTCP configurable flags.

    1PSX RTCP - Fields

    The following parameters are displayed:


    All available parameters require RTCP to be enabled.

    1PSX RTCP - Fields parameters
    3PSX RTCP - Fields parameters
    RTCPNA Disabled

    When selected, this option enables Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) for the channel. RTCP is used to report traffic congestion data.

    Packet Loss Threshold
    (Packets Lost/100,000 Packets)

    The packet loss threshold, measured in number of packets lost per 100,000 packets.

    RR Bandwidth100-4000250The RTCP bandwidth allocated to active data senders.
    RS Bandwidth100-3000250The RTCP bandwidth allocated for receivers.
    Packet Loss ActionNANone

    The action to take when the packet loss threshold is exceeded on the channel. Possible actions are:

    • None—No action.
    • Trap—Generate an SNMP trap.
    • Trap and Disconnect—Generate an SNMP trap and disconnect the call.
    • Trap and Adapt—(applies to GSX only) Generate an SNMP trap and invoke an adaptation mechanism.
    Enable RTCP Only For HELD CallsNADisabled

    If this parameter is enabled, SBC ignores the configured RR/RS values in the Packet Service Profile and send RR/RS = 0 in the offer/answer and disables RTCP when the call is active. When the call is HELD, and a RE-INVITE is sent,  the CPN (SBC) uses the configured values in the Packet Service Profile for RTCP bandwidth and enables RTCP. When the call is RESUMED, the CPN (SBC) again disables RTCP by sending RR/RS=0 in the RE-INVITE.

    If disabled the older behavior of SBC is applicable.

    Termination For Pass-Through CallsNANAWhen enabled, RTCP is terminated and generated locally even for pass-through calls.
  5. Make the desired changes to these parameters.

  6. Click Save to save the configuration.

Configure IP Signaling Profile on PSX

  1. In the PSX Manager window, choose IP Signaling Profile from the drop-down menu.

    1PSX Codec - IP Signaling Profile

  2. To create IP Signaling Profile, right click on the Selection Area.

    1Selection Area

    A pop-up menu appears. Select New from the pop-up menu.

  3. The IP Signaling Profile window appears. Provide the IP Signaling Profile name.

    1IP Signaling Profile

    Scroll down the display window to locate Common IP Attributes - Communicating With The Peer Regardless Of Call Direction section.

  4. Enable the "Send RTCP Bandwidth Info" flag identified in the screen capture below:

    1PSX IP Signaling Profile - Fields

    The following flag is now enabled:

    1PSX IP Signaling Profile - Fields parameter
    Send RTCP Bandwidth InfoNANAWhen this flag is enabled, the RR and RS bandwidth information, b=RR: and b=RS:, is sent in the SDP offer.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.
