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The Logs Management window provides the ability to filter, download, and delete the SBC logs according to the log types.  

For information on SBC's support for remote syslog servers and the supported log types, refer to Supported Log Types.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to Troubleshooting > Call Trace/Logs/Monitors > Log Management. The Logs Management window is displayed.

1Log Management

If there are no files generated by the SBC for a type of log/trace, the corresponding log/trace option is not displayed in the list within the Log Management pane.

The Log Management pane is divided into the two vertical sections:

  • The left side provides a list of all the available log types.
  • Once a log is selected, the right side provides the details of log management parameters for the log type selected in the left section:

    1 Log Management Parameters




    Specifies the name of the log file.


    Indicates the date when the log was generated.


    Indicates the time (in HH:MM:SS format) when the log was generated. The time is indicated in the 24-hr format. The time displayed is in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone.


    This section remains blank until a log type is selected from the list.

Log Types

The following log types are displayed in the Log Management pane:

Include Page

1Log Types
3Log Types
Core DumpsLogs the operating system dump information, which consists of the recorded state of the working memory of kernel programs at a specific time, generally when the program is terminated abnormally (crashed).
Diagnostics LogsThese log files contain the information logged during a System Diagnostics operation of the SBC.
Event Logs

Event log stores the activities of accounting, system, call tracing, packet capture, security, debugging, and audit in EMA or CLI. It also provides information about the configuration activities of EMA, EMS, and CLI. The logs include system logs, debug logs, core dumps, call trace logs, and packet logs.

Message Logs

Message log stores the different types of interactive logs. Interactive logs store the system messages appearing on the EMA Platform Mode.

System DumpLogs the system dump information, which consists of the recorded state of the working memory of application program at a specific time, generally when the program is terminated abnormally (crashed).
T-sharkT-shark traces are used to analyze the network issues by capturing the packet traces. These captured packets are saved as  .pcap files.
Back TraceThese traces are used to diagnose the root cause of various system problems.

Apache server stores any error/activity from the apache2.access.log process. It also provides information about the interaction between EMA and Apache server.


Netconf stores the details about ConfD and Netconf access. It also provides information about the interaction between EMA and Oracle database.

User ActivityThese log files store the user activities on the EMA Platform Mode. For more information, refer to Troubleshooting Tools - User Activity Log.
Install LogsThese log files store the process of the SBC application installation.
Upgrade LogsThese log files capture the process of upgrading an SBC application, or the operating system.
Runtime Diagnostic TestsThese log files contain information about the runtime environment, events, and errors of the diagnostics tests that runs on the SBC.
Archived Live Upgrade LogsThese log files serve as an archive of the logs captured stored during the process of undergoing a Live Software Upgrade.

The log files related to user activities in the EMA are available at the following directory of the SBC: /var/log/sonus/ema/log

Example Log Parameters

1Example Log Parameters


To Download

Downloading Logs

  1. Click  displayed against the respective log. See Log Types table above for the description of each log.

    1Download Log File


    Depending on the browser settings, the file either opens in a text viewer automatically or a download confirmation window is displayed. You can view the log in a notepad or save it on local drive.

    1Save Log File

Once downloaded, open the log file with text editors like Notepad++. Any popular text editor program is capable of opening the log files. However, text editors used for programming displays the log files in a properly formatted manner.

The examples below shows content samples from random Platform Audit Log files and Event Audit Log files.

Platform Audit Log file - Sample Content

Code Block
type=DAEMON_START msg=audit(1498713982.579:6028): auditd start, ver=1.7.18 format=raw kernel=3.16.39 auid=0 pid=29874 res=success
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.679:2): audit_backlog_limit=400 old=64 auid=0 ses=3112 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.699:3): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="delete" list=4 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.727:4): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="exclude" list=4 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.739:5): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="exclude" list=4 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.755:6): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="exclude" list=4 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.767:7): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="exclude" list=4 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714380.853:35): pid=32295 uid=0 old-auid=0 auid=3000 old-ses=95 ses=3113 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714382.993:36): pid=32437 uid=0 old-auid=0 auid=3000 old-ses=95 ses=3114 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714501.897:37): pid=878 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3115 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714563.885:38): pid=1185 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3116 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714632.126:39): pid=1551 uid=0 old-auid=0 auid=3000 old-ses=95 ses=3117 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714634.518:40): pid=1757 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3118 res=1
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1498715463.941:53): arch=c000003e syscall=91 success=yes exit=0 a0=3 a1=180 a2=180 a3=0 items=1 ppid=7168 pid=7172 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3130 comm="logrotate" exe="/usr/sbin/logrotate" key="permission-change"
type=PATH msg=audit(1498715463.941:53): item=0 name=(null) inode=313909 dev=fe:00 mode=0100600 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL
type=UNKNOWN[1327] msg=audit(1498715463.941:53): proctitle=2F7573722F7362696E2F6C6F67726F74617465002F6574632F7362784C6F67726F746174652E636F6E66
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1498715463.941:54): arch=c000003e syscall=91 success=yes exit=0 a0=3 a1=1b0 a2=0 a3=0 items=1 ppid=7168 pid=7172 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3130 comm="logrotate" exe="/usr/sbin/logrotate" key="permission-change"
type=PATH msg=audit(1498715463.941:54): item=0 name=(null) inode=313909 dev=fe:00 mode=0100600 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL
type=UNKNOWN[1327] msg=audit(1498715463.941:54): proctitle=2F7573722F7362696E2F6C6F67726F74617465002F6574632F7362784C6F67726F746174652E636F6E66
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498715701.725:55): pid=8550 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3131 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498716085.366:56): pid=10571 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3132 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498716129.369:57): pid=11232 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3133 res=1


Event Audit Log file - Sample Content


The sample shown below is from a Event Log file with a .AUD extension. The possible extensions for a Event Log file are:

  • .SEC
  • .AUD
  • .DBG
  • .SYS
  • .ACT
  • .TRC
  • .PKT
Code Block
Sonus Networks, Inc.0000000001600000000000000000000128V05.01.02A018 0000000000000000000000000000AUD2017062101353200000000000000
117 06212017 013605.774579:   .CHM: audit user: admin/18 Logged out from maapi ctx=maapi (closed)
128 06212017 013609.134089:   .SBCINTF: audit user: callTraceGuest/0 logged in over ssh from ::1 through cli
131 06212017 013735.315029:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}: created 
144 06212017 013735.315271:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/name: set to emaTarget
139 06212017 013735.315552:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/port: set to 8162
143 06212017 013735.315804:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/state: set to enabled
150 06212017 013735.316048:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/targetUsername: set to admin
149 06212017 013735.316332:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/ipAddress: set to
158 06212017 013735.316556:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/targetSecurityLevel: set to authPriv
203 06212017 013735.318434:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrTagList: set to std_v2_trap
209 06212017 013735.318694:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrTAddress: set to
205 06212017 013735.318944:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrTDomain: set to
202 06212017 013735.319195:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrParams: set to std_v2_trap
196 06212017 013735.319450:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrTimeout: set to 1500
207 06212017 013735.319703:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrStorageType: set to nonVolatile
196 06212017 013735.319953:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrRetryCount: set to 3
192 06212017 013735.320232:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrMMS: set to 2048
211 06212017 013735.320994:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetParamsTable/snmpTargetParamsEntry{std_v3_trap_emaTarget}/snmpTargetParamsMPModel: set to 3
220 06212017 013735.321242:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetParamsTable/snmpTargetParamsEntry{std_v3_trap_emaTarget}/snmpTargetParamsSecurityName: set to admin
217 06212017 013735.321490:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetParamsTable/snmpTargetParamsEntry{std_v3_trap_emaTarget}/snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel: set to 3
225 06212017 013735.321740:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetParamsTable/snmpTargetParamsEntry{std_v3_trap_emaTarget}/snmpTargetParamsStorageType: set to nonVolatile
177 06212017 015350.802472:   .CHM: audit user: admin/35 context: netconf /system/admin{WFDSBC01}/accountManagement/sessionIdleTimeout/state: set to disabled
177 06212017 015350.802749:   .CHM: audit user: admin/35 context: netconf /system/admin{WFDSBC01}/accountManagement/sessionIdleTimeout/idleTimeout: set to 10
128 06212017 015350.924047:   .CHM: audit user: admin/35 context: netconf /system/admin{WFDSBC01}: modified 
157 06212017 015350.924593:   .CHM: audit user: admin/35 context: netconf /system/admin{WFDSBC01}/accountManagement/maxSessions: set to 5
105 06212017 015415.138074:   .SBCINTF: audit user: admin/0 Logged out ssh <PAM> user
129 06212017 015419.485411:   .SBCINTF: audit user: admin/0 logged in over ssh from through netconf
129 06212017 015420.657710:   .SBCINTF: audit user: admin/0 logged in over ssh from through netconf
129 06212017 015421.825934:   .SBCINTF: audit user: admin/0 logged in over ssh from through netconf


To Delete

Deleting Logs


Once a log file is deleted, it cannot be retrieved from any location.


  1. Click  displayed against the respective logs.

    A delete confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click Delete to remove the log from the list.
