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In this section:

Table of Contents

Use the VLAN Configuration page to configure VLAN support on the



The system can be used to connect to an Ethernet switch that has been configured to use VLANs. Typically, VoIP and data devices are separated by different VLANs. This is to ensure priority treatment of the VoIP traffic over data traffic.


supports tagged and untagged VLANs. As specified in the IEEE 802.1q standard, tagged VLANs incorporate the VLAN ID and priority in the packet header. Untagged VLAN packets do not include the VLAN ID or priority. Most 
models provide support for multiple tagged VLANs. All 
models support a maximum of 16 VLANs configured at one time.

The following VLAN IDs are used on the 

by default:

  • VLAN ID 1 (formerly 2730)—Interface management
  • VLAN ID 500—Voice
  • VLAN ID 600—Data

All voice devices should be placed in the same VLAN. 

Configuring VLAN Settings

Using the VLAN Configuration Page

If VLAN support is disabled on your system, the following message appears at the top of the VLAN Configuration page:

"VLAN support is currently disabled. Configuration shown below will not be active until VLAN support is enabled on the Network page."

  1. To enable VLAN support, click the Network link provided on the VLAN Configuration page.
    Choose Network from the Configuration Menu.
  2. Select the Enable VLAN Support check-box and click Submit.
    The system issues the following message:
    "WARNING: If changing the IP address, it may be necessary to reach the device by using the new IP address. Please verify the accuracy of the IP address to avoid losing the remote connection. Additionally, all voice and video services will be interrupted. Do you want to continue?"

  3. Click OK to continue
  4. Choose Network > VLAN.

  5. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you finish configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect.

1VLAN Configuration Page Parameters
3VLAN Configuration Page Parameters


VLAN Configuration

View and modify existing VLANs configured on the system.

Create a New VLAN

Configures VLAN support. See Creating a New VLAN.

ActionSpecifies the action you want to perform - whether you want to add a new VLAN or edit an existing VLAN, from the drop-down menu.

Specifies the VLAN ID. Valid range is from 2 to 4094.

Note: The valid VLAN ID range for

200 devices are from 2 to 4093.

IPv4 AddressSpecifies the IPv4 address of the VLAN.
Subnet MaskSpecifies the network mask of the VLAN.
Isolate VLAN from other VLANs

Isolates devices on this VLAN from devices on all other VLANs.

This allows the isolation at Layer 2 of devices in the same IP subnet to prevent IP address waste.

You can restrict some ports on the switch to reach only specific ports that have a default gateway or backup server.

VLAN Port Membership
Assign ports as members of a VLAN. See Configuring VLAN Port Membership.

VLAN Port Configuration
Configures VLAN settings per port. If a drop-down list is empty, no VLANs are assigned to that port.

To assign a VLAN to the port, go to the VLAN Port Membership page. See Configuring VLAN Ports.

Port numberSpecifies the port number. 
Packet typeSelects the packet type. By default, both tagged and untagged packet types are accepted on a port. 

Specifies the port VLAN ID. If a LAN port has multiple VLANs assigned to it, only one of them can be selected as the port's untagged VLAN ID or PVID.

By default, a LAN port is assigned to PVID 1.

Note: If a port is configured to accept tagged packets only, PVID selection is not necessary.

Creating a New VLAN

To create a new VLAN:

  1. Choose Network > VLAN.
  2. If necessary, click Create/Edit VLAN to open the page. The following figure shows Create a New VLAN input fields.

  3. Choose the action you want to perform from the Action drop-down menu - in this case Add new VLAN. The Action drop-down menu lists two actions:

    • Add new VLAN

    • Edit VLANx

  4. In the VLAN ID field, enter a number between 2 and 4094.

  5. In the IPv4 Address field, enter the VLAN IP address. 

  6. In the Subnet Mask field, enter the VLAN subnet mask.

  7. Select the Isolate VLAN from other VLANs check-box to isolate devices on this VLAN from devices on all other VLANs.

  8. Click Add to add the new VLAN to the VLAN Configuration list.

  9. If your system supports VLAN tagging, enter the new VLAN ID, IP address, and network mask. Click Add. A new VLAN entry is added to the VLAN configuration.

  10. Click Submit All to save all changes on the page.

  11. Proceed to Configuring VLAN Port Membership.

Editing a VLAN

To edit a VLAN:

  1. Choose Network > VLAN.
  2. In the Create/Edit VLAN window, select Edit VLANx from the Action drop-down menu.

  3. Edit settings in the fields provided and click Edit to save your changes.

Deleting VLAN

To delete a VLAN:

  1. Choose Network > VLAN.
  2. In the VLAN Configuration table, select the check-box adjacent to the VLAN entry that you want to delete and click Delete. Click OK to confirm. 
  3. If a deleted VLAN was previously assigned as the PVID for a port, assign a new PVID to the port on the VLAN Port page. Click VLAN Port and refer to Configuring VLAN Ports.

Configuring VLAN Port Membership

The VLAN Configuration page allows you to assign LAN ports as members of a VLAN. If a port is a member of a VLAN, it accepts both tagged and untagged traffic for that VLAN.


Configure settings on this page before configuring settings in Configuring VLAN Ports.

  1. Choose Network > VLAN.
  2. Click VLAN Membership at the top of the VLAN Configuration page.

    The VLAN Port Membership page appears.

  3. Choose a VLAN ID from the VLAN ID drop-down list.
  4. Select the Port Member check-boxes that you want to include as members of the selected VLAN. To select all VLANs, click All. To clear checked VLANs, click None.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Proceed to Configuring VLAN Ports.

Configuring VLAN Ports

The VLAN Port Configuration page allows you to configure VLAN settings per port.

These settings include the packet type accepted on the port and the port Port VLAN ID (PVID).

  1. Choose Network > VLAN.

  2. Click VLAN Port at the top of the VLAN Configuration page.

    The VLAN Port Configuration page appears.

  3. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you finish configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect.

1VLAN Port Configuration Parameters
3VLAN Port Configuration Parameters


Port Number
Configures VLAN settings per port.

Packet Type
Configures VLAN packet types on the port. Packet type options vary between

Choose a packet type for each port from the Packet Type drop-down list:

  • All—Accepts both tagged and untagged packets on the port.
  • Tagged Only—Accepts only VLAN tagged packets on the port and drops untagged packets. The PVID field is disabled.
  • Untagged Only—Accepts only untagged packets on the port and drops tagged packets.

Assigns a VLAN ID to the port. If you select Untagged Only in the Packet Type column, choose a Port VLAN ID from the PVID drop-down list.
The PVID drop-down list contains all member VLANs to which the port belongs. If a drop-down list is empty, no VLANs were assigned to that port.

To assign a VLAN to the port, click VLAN Membership and refer to Configuring VLAN Port Membership.

If a LAN port has multiple VLANs assigned to it, only one of the VLANs can be selected as the port's untagged VLAN ID.

By default, a LAN port is assigned to PVID 1.