On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Trunk Provisioning > Trunk Group > H323Trunk Group > H323 Trunk Advanced > H323 Trunk - Services - Advanced - Long Duration Call. The Long Duration Call window is displayed.
The Edit Long Duration Call window is displayed.
Figure 1: H323 H323 Trunk Advanced - H323 Trunk - Services - Advanced - Long Duration Call
The following fields are displayed:
Table 1: H323 Trunk Advanced - Long Duration Call ParametersParameter Descriptions:
Parameter | Description |
Ldc Timeout | Timeout value (in minutes) of the long duration call -duration call timer. Options: |
Ldc Action | Action to take if the long-duration call timer expires: noAction | release | trap | trapAndRelease timer expires:
Ldc Rel Cause | Q.850 release value to use should if the call be is released due to a long-duration call timer expiry. (default = 41). |
Ldc Emergency Calls | Flag to include/exclude Emergency Calls in/from Long Duration Call Disconnect procedures.
Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.