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AUTH2UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c880e94aad0181077fa2530009, userName='null'}
AUTH1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cb8305e9, userName='null'}
REV5UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cb8305e9, userName='null'}
REV6UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cb8305e9, userName='null'}
REV3UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cdec0ad4, userName='null'}
REV1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c87befb553017c120ddc7d001c, userName='null'}


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supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) enabling SIP and HTTP applications to securely communicate on an insecure network, and to reliably verify the identity of a user via digital signatures. SIP/TLS applications may act as a TLS server or client for their respective TLS sessions. HTTP/TLS applications as a web server (for the EMA) always act as a TLS server for a TLS session. As a TLS session is being negotiated, the TLS server presents its digital certificate to its client for authentication and for encryption of client-generated shared secret. Sometimes, a TLS server may also request the client to send its certificate for mutual authentication as in the case of the SIP peering and the management access to the EMA that requires Common Access Card (CAC) based public key (PK) authentication. In any case, a TLS connection’s security is not established until every individual certificate on the chain presented by the peer device is successfully authenticated and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) validated.

The status of the certificates corresponding to established ongoing TLS sessions, however, may change over the lifetime of the TLS session, especially when the sessions are long-lived. The 

periodically checks all certificates and trust chains associated with ongoing sessions, and then terminates any ongoing sessions if the corresponding certificates are revoked, no longer trusted, or expired.

Remote certificates are installed in the 

for presentation along with local certificates, installed as trust anchors for the verification of credentials presented by peer devices, and installed as the OCSP responder certificates for the verification of signed OCSP responses. These installed remote certificates are not automatically renewed and thus can expire. The 
gives the user an alert before any installed certificates are near expiration so the user can take action against them.


Certificates reside in the /opt/sonus/external directory.

Certificate Types

Local-Internal Certificates

In previous 

versions, the RSA key pairs and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for 
platforms were generated on an external workstation. The CSR was then submitted to a Certificate Authority, and the resulting certificate was received back from the CA, copied onto the workstation, and combined with the private key in a PKCS#12 file which was used to install the key pair and certificate onto the


application can now generate and install RSA key pairs and generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR)  on the 
system on the SBC system itself. The certificate request is sent to a CA, and the issued certificate is then installed on the
. The local-internal certificate option simplifies the certificates and keys managing process and also provides more security since the private key never leaves the
. For steps to configure local-internal certificates, refer to Generating PKI Certificates.

Local Certificates

Local certificates are credentials belonging to the local system itself, which it presents to peers in order to prove its identity. You have to download local certificate files to the system before installing the certificates.

Remote Certificates

Remote certificates are credentials belonging to Certificate Authorities (CA). The copies of these certificates are installed in the 

because they are part of a chain of certificates the local system presents to peers, or because the corresponding CAs are trust anchors for the local system. Install certificates belonging to non-CA remote systems as trust anchors in this manner.

The CA certificates and trusted remote certificates contain public key certificates; they do not contain the private keys. The CA certificates and remote certificates are Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) format files; a method for encoding a data object (such as an X.509 certificate) which uses a digital signature to bind together a public key with an identity.


imports these certificates from Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) formatted files.

Include Page

RSA Key Pairs and Certificate Signing Requests

In previous 

versions, the RSA key pairs and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for 
platforms were generated on an external workstation. The CSR was then submitted to a Certificate Authority, and the resulting certificate was received back from the CA, copied onto the workstation, and combined with the private key in a PKCS#12 file which was used to install the key pair and certificate onto the


application can now generate and install RSA key pairs and generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on the 
system itself. The certificate request is sent to a CA, and the issued certificate is then installed on the
. This feature simplifies the certificates and keys managing process and also provides more security since the private key never leaves the
. To configure PKI certificates, see Generating PKI Certificates.

Certificate Re-Check and Expiry Warning


has a configurable option to check for expired certificates, trust anchor validity, and if certificates have been revoked if OSCP is enabled. The re-check rate is configurable via CLI from every 8 hours up to every 30 days in increments of 1 hour. The default value is once per 24 hour period.

Upon failure of any one of the checks (for example, the certificate is no longer valid), the 

terminates the TLS session and logs a MAJOR level event (sonusSbxFailedCertificateReCheck) to alert the user. The one exception will be if OSCP is enabled but 
does not receive revocation status of successful.good or successful.revoked, the corresponding TLS session continues for SIP/TLS. The 
supports SHA-256 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm for certificate verification.


also includes a configurable option via CLI to set certificate expiry warning rates.

  • Use the expiryWarningThreshold parameter to set the number of days prior to a certificate expiration to send a warning message.
  • Use expirationPeriodicWarning parameter to set the frequency, in days, for sending periodic warning reminders once the expiryWarningThreshold is met.


 logs an event in the DBG and SEC logs at a high severity level when a local or remote certification installed on the 
is within 60 days of its expiration date. The event repeats weekly until the certification is replaced or deleted (even after it has expired). 


Disabled certificates are not included in the certificate expiry warning check.

For configuration details, refer to:

Subjective Alternative Name

The Subjective Alternative Name (SAN) is an X509 version 3 extension which allows an SSL certificate to specify multiple names that the certificate should match against to allow the user to secure a large number of domains with only one certificate.


The SAN may contain e-mail addresses, IP addresses, regular DNS host name; however, the 

currently supports DNS Host Names only.

The CLI syntax to enter multiple DNS names is shown below:

Code Block
> request system security pki certificate <certName> generateCSR csrsubj <csrSubj> keysize <keySize> subjectAlternativeDnsName <dnsName1, dnsName2...>

For configuration details, refer to:

TLS certificate generate command post OpenSSL Upgrade from 1.0.2 to 3.0.7

The instructions below contain steps carried out in the Command Line Interface at the system level.

Creating Certificates From an Older Build

The following steps can be used to create a TLS certificate on an OpenSSL3 build from an older build. You can use the existing, older certificate and modify the same using the following commands:

Code Block
openssl pkcs12 -in server_p12.p12 -nocerts -out server_key.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in server_p12.p12 -nokeys -out server_cert.pem
openssl_rbbn pkcs12 -export -out server_p12_new.p12 -in server_cert.pem -inkey server_key.pem

 The certificate "server_p12_new.p12" can be used in the TLS profile:

Code Block
set system security pki certificate server fileName server_p12_new.p12 passPhrase gsx9000 type local state enabled
set system security pki certificate client fileName server_p12_new.p12 passPhrase gsx9000 type local state enabled
set system security pki certificate CA-cert fileName pk-ca.crt.der type remote state enabled

Creating Certificates on a Fresh Install

The following steps can be used to generate TLS certificates on a fresh install. Generate certificates using these openssl_ribbon commands:

StepsCLI Commands
1. Log on as user root and go to the /home/linuxadmin on the SBC.

2. Enter the following commands into the CLI to generate certificates:

Code Block
openssl_rbbn genrsa -des3 -out pk-ca.key 1024
openssl_rbbn req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key pk-ca.key -out pk-ca.crt -subj '/C=US/ST=MA/L=Westford/O=VeriSign/'
openssl_rbbn genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048
openssl_rbbn req -new -key server.key -out sbx-csr.csr -subj /C=IN/ST=TN/L=Chennai/
openssl_rbbn x509 -req -in sbx-csr.csr -out pkserver.crt -sha256 -CA pk-ca.crt -CAkey pk-ca.key -CAcreateserial -days 6650
openssl_rbbn pkcs12 -export -in pkserver.crt -inkey server.key -name "Server Cert" -out server_p12.p12
openssl_rbbn genrsa -out pkclient_pem.key 1024
openssl_rbbn rsa -in pkclient_pem.key -inform PEM -out pkclient.key -outform DER
openssl_rbbn req -new -key pkclient_pem.key -out pkclient.req -outform PEM -subj '/C=IN/ST=KA/L=Bangalore/O=SBX-SVT/OU=SBX-SVT-JITC'
openssl_rbbn x509 -req -sha256 -CA pk-ca.crt -CAkey pk-ca.key -CAcreateserial -days 3650 -in pkclient.req -out pkclient_pem.cer
openssl_rbbn x509 -in pkclient_pem.cer -inform PEM -out pkclient.der -outform DER
openssl_rbbn x509 -in pk-ca.crt -inform PEM -out pk-ca.crt.der -outform DER
openssl_rbbn genrsa -out pkclient2_pem.key 1024
openssl_rbbn rsa -in pkclient2_pem.key -inform PEM -out pkclient2.key -outform DER
openssl_rbbn req -new -key pkclient2_pem.key -out pkclient2.req -outform PEM -subj '/C=IN/ST=KA/L=Bangalore/O=SBX-SVT/OU=SBX-SVT-JITC'
openssl_rbbn x509 -req -sha256 -CA pk-ca.crt -CAkey pk-ca.key -CAcreateserial -days 3650 -in pkclient2.req -out pkclient2_pem.cer
openssl_rbbn x509 -in pkclient2_pem.cer -inform PEM -out pkclient2.der -outform DER

3. Copy the files named "pkclient_pem.key", "pkclient_pem.cer", "pkclient2_pem.key", and "pkclient2_pem.cer" generated on the SBC from the /home/linuxadmin/ path to the appropriate SIP endpoints communicating with the SBC. 

If it is BATS-SIPP, then copy it to the directory from where you will place the call.

4. Copy the two files named "server_p12.p12" and "pk-ca.rcrt.der" to the SBC path /opt/sonus/external.
5. Complete the following configurations on the SBC to import the certificates:

Code Block
set system security pki certificate server fileName server_p12.p12 passPhrase gsx9000 type local state enabled
set system security pki certificate client fileName server_p12.p12 passPhrase gsx9000 type local state enabled
set system security pki certificate CA-cert fileName pk-ca.crt.der type remote state enabled

6. Complete the following steps to link the TLS Profile:

Code Block
set profiles security tlsProfile defaultTlsProfile serverCertName server clientCertName client
set profiles security tlsProfile defaultTlsProfile authClient true

7. Complete the following steps to set the transport protocol preference to "TLS" on the SBC as required:

Code Block
set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipSigPort 1 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tls-tcp
set addressContext default zone ZONE2 sipSigPort 2 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tls-tcp

8. Make a SIP over TLS call to verify the configuration. If you are using BATS-SIPP to test, then trigger the call to SBC SIPSIG-IP:5061 by passing the parameters -tls_cert and -tls_key with pkclient_pem.cer and pkclient_pem.key from SIPP UAS and pkclient2_pem.cer and pkclient2_pem.key from SIPP UAC.