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In this section:

Table of Contents

Use the crankbackProfile object to configure crankback profiles. 

A crankback profile consists of a list of call release codes that the SBC uses to determine whether to reroute


This object creates a Crankback Profile containing a table of call release codes used by the 

to attempt to reroute (or "crankback") a call when a matching code is returned by Egress Signaling. Release codes may be added or removed from this table. Removing a release code from the table causes the 
software to return that release code to Ingress Signaling rather than attempt call if the call does not connect successfully to the initial destination. If egress signaling returns a release code that is in the reason code list in the crankback profile, the SBC attempts to crankback the call. If a release code is not in the list, the SBC returns the release code to ingress signaling rather than attempting to reroute the call. 

You can configure up to 20 Crankback Profiles (including default profile). As profiles are created, they are assigned indexes 2, 3, 4, and so on by the 

(index 1 is reserved for default profile). Index assignments are viewable using the show command.

Use the crankback index number to assign a particular Crankback Profile to a particular SIP, or H.323 trunk group for ingress signaling.

This object influences rerouting policy for SIP 3xx Redirection processing if the IP Profile is configured to use the Crankback Profile. For example, when a SIP 3xx Redirect is initiated and a SIP INVITE message is issued, if a disconnect release code is returned in the SIP response, the Crankback Profile is examined for a matching code. If a matching code is found and at least one more SIP redirect destination is present, a SIP INVITE is issued to that destination.

This scenario is repeated up to ten times, after which additional SIP redirect destinations are disregarded as if not present. However, only four Contact headers in a redirect are accepted and processed. If more than four Contact headers are sent, they are ignored.

which release codes trigger rerouting by adding or removing release codes from a crankback profile. You also have the option to associate a location value with a specific reason code. When a location is configured and enabled, the specified location value must be included along with the reason code in the egress disconnect signaling to trigger crankback. Including a location with a reason code is optional.

The SBC provides a default crankback profile (named "default"), the contents of which can be edited. Or, you can create your own crankback profiles. The SBC supports a total of 20 crankback profiles in the system.

For flexibility, crankback profiles can be assigned at three levels: trunk group, zone, and global. By default, the "default" crankback profile is assigned at the SBC global level, while the trunk group and zone level crankback profile settings are initially empty (" "). Thus in the SBC default configuration, trunk groups and zones inherit the default crankback profile from the global level. However, if you configure a profile at the trunk group or zone level, the user-specified profile assigned at the most specific level takes precedence.If a matching code is found but no additional SIP redirect destination is present, the SIP redirect is terminated with that code. If no matching code is found in the Crankback Profile, then the SIP redirect is terminated with that (unmatched) code. 

Command Syntax

Code Block
% set profiles callRouting crankbackProfile <profile_name> 
	attemptRecordGeneration <disabled | enabled> 
	lateCrankback <disabled | enabled> 
	reason <reason code, 1-255> 
		location <location type> 
		useLocationValue <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

The Crankback Profile Parameters crankback profile parameters are as shown below:

1Command Parameters






The name of the

Crankback Profile

crankback profile.



Enable this flag to log an ATTEMPT record in accounting file after each crankback.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled



Enable this flag to allow crankback after an ALERTING, PROCEEDING, or equivalent backwards call message is received from the egress network.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled



Call termination reason code value

, plus associated location

to include in the profile, and optionally associate a location value with the reason code.
(Refer to Call Termination Reason Codes page for call termination reason codes list).

  • <reason_code>
  • location
    • gwLinkFailure – Allows the GW-GW signaling link (TCP connection) failure to initiate call crankback. To crankback for GW-GW link failures only, set useLocationValue to enabled, reason code to 3, and Location value to gwLinkFailure.
    • internationalNet – International network.
    • natReserved6 Reserved
    • natReserved12 Reserved
    • netBeyondInterPoint Network beyond interworking point (BI).
    • privateLocal Private network serving the local user (LPN).
    • privateRemote Private network serving the remote user (RPN).
    • publicLocal Public network serving the local user (LN).
    • publicRemote Public network serving the remote user (RLN).
    • transitNet Transit network (TN)
    • user
  • useLocationValue – Enable flag to
use Location
  • require the location table values for this reason code
  • before cranking back
  • to the next route.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled

Command Example

Code Block
% set profiles callRouting crankbackProfile CB_CUSTOM attemptRecordGeneration enabled lateCrankback enabled reason 10 location publicLocal 
% set profiles callRouting crankbackProfile CB_CUSTOM reason 11 location internationalNet 
% commit

% show profiles callRouting crankbackProfile CB_CUSTOM
	lateCrankback enabled; 
	attemptRecordGeneration enabled; 
	reason 10 {
		location publicLocal; 
	reason 11 { 
		location internationalNet; 

titleNotes on Using Crankback for DNS
  • dnsCrankback needs to be enabled on the egress sipTrunkGroup.
  • The crankbackProfile assigned to the egress sipTrunkGroup is used for DNS crankback.
  • The  SBC maps the received SIP response from the egress call leg using the sipToCpcCauseMapProfile from the egress sipTrunkGroup. The CPC cause is then looked up in the egress sipTrunkGroup's crankbackProfile.
    • If a match is found, the SBC attempts a new target.
    • If a match is not found, SBC skips the DNS crankback and proceeds with the normal crankback at CC level using the ingress sipTrunkGroup's crankback profile
