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AUTH2UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cb8305e9, userName='null'}
AUTH1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cd5909df, userName='null'}
REV5UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cd5909df, userName='null'}
REV6UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cd5909df, userName='null'}
REV3UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c86af1a8d3016b30b4f0040028, userName='null'}
REV1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c86268f97a016270f846210010, userName='null'}

Prerequisites for AWS CFN Install of SBC HA Instance

Prior to initiating a CFN-based install of an HA SBC instance, perform the following:

  1. Create a VPC for use in the deployment. Refer to Create a VPC for the SBC SWe.
  2. Create Internet Gateway for use in the deployment. Refer to Create an Internet Gateway for SBC SWe
  3. Create Key Pairs for Linux shell access and Administrator access. Refer to Create Key Pairs for the SBC SWe.
  4. Create Subnets for use in the deployment. Refer to Create Subnets for the SBC SWe.
  5. Create Security Groups for use in the deployment. Refer to Create Security Groups for SBC SWe.
  6. Update or create Route tables for the newly created subnets. Refer to Create Route Tables for SBC SWe.
  7. Create a placement group for the SBC deployment. Refer to Create Placement Groups.
  8. Create a Policy and Role for the SBC instance. Refer to Create an Identity and Access Management (IAM) Role for SBC SWe.

Instantiate an HA SBC Instance

To instantiate a standalone instance:

  1. Log onto the AWS.

  2. Click the Services drop-down list.
    The Services list is displayed.

  3. Click CloudFormation from Management Tools section.

    The stacks page displays.

  4. Click Create Stack. The Select Template page displays.

  5. In the Choose a template section, select Upload a template to Amazon S3.
  6. Click Choose File to navigate through the folders and select the template.
    The selected template displays.

  7. Click Next.
    The Create A New Stack page displays.

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    If you wish to use pre-allocated EIPs for management, set EIPAssociationForMgt to No at that field prompt.

    After the deployment has completed, you will need to manually associate the pre-allocated EIP to Mgmt (Eth0) Primary and secondary IPs.

  8. In the Stack name field enter a unique name for this SBC stack. A stack is a collection of AWS resources you create and delete as a single unit.

  9. Enter the required values for the Parameter fields. The following table describes the create stack parameters.


    Third party CPU setting of more than two vCPU is not supported with p3.2xlarge instances due to the vCPU requirement of the Standard_GPU_Profile.

    1Create Stack Parameters

    IAMRoleActs as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for HA0Network Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for PKT0Network SystemNameSpecifies system System 26 .Select a VPC with Subnet, Security Group, etc., selected earlier.(tick)(tick)
    Parameter SectionFieldDescriptionMandatoryCan Leave BlankCustomizable by UserSystem configurationAMIIDAmazon Machine Image (AMI) is an encrypted machine image which is like a template of a computer's root drive. For example, ami-xxxxxxxx.(tick)System configuration
    The name of the IAM role for SBC SWe instance. For more information on IAM Role, refer to Creating Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles.(tick)Elastic IP configuration


    Select Yes from the drop-down to associate EIP for MGT0 interface to login and access SBC application from public networks. Select No if EIP is not required.(tick)

    System Elastic IP configurationActiveInstanceName

    This specifies the actual CE name of the SBC active instance. For more information, refer to System and Instance Naming in SBC SWe N:1 and Cloud-Based Systems.

    CEName Requirements:

    • Must start with an alphabetic character.
    • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.
    • Cannot exceed 64 characters in length
    (tick)(tick)System configurationStandbyInstanceName

    This specifies the actual CE name of the SBC standby instance. For more information, refer to System and Instance Naming in SBC SWe N:1 and Cloud-Based Systems.

    CEName Requirements:

    • Must start with an alphabetic character.
    • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.
    • Cannot exceed 64 characters in length
    (tick)(tick)System configurationInstanceType

    Type of instance created from stack.

    Note: Ribbon recommends m5.xlarge or higher instance type if this instance type is available in your zone. Use c5.2xlarge instance type or higher to handle more calls with transcoding.

    (tick)Storage configurationIOPSEnter IOPS reservation for io 1 type EBS volume(tick)Security configurationLinuxAdminSshKeyExisting EC2 KeyPair name to enable SSH access to Linux shell on SBC instance.(tick)Security configurationAdminSshKeyExisting EC2 KeyPair name to enable SSH access to admin CLI on SBC instance.(tick)NumberOfEIPOnPkt0

    The number of Elastic IPs to be associated with PKT 0 interface.

    Note: Default is 0


    Elastic IP configurationNumberOfEIPOnPkt1

    The number of Elastic IPs to be associated with PKT 1 interface.

    Note: Default is 0


    Network configurationSecurityGrpHa0Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for HA0.(tick)

    Network configurationSecurityGrpMgt0Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for MGT0.(tick)

    Network configurationSecurityGrpPkt0Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for PKT0.(tick)

    Network configurationSecurityGrpPkt1Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for PKT1.(tick)

    Network configurationSubnetIdHA0Subnet ID of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for HA0.(tick)

    Network configurationSubnetIdMgt0Subnet ID of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Mgt0.(tick)

    Network configurationSubnetIdPkt0SubnetId of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Pkt0.(tick)

    Network configurationSubnetIdPkt1SubnetId of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Pkt1.(tick)

    Network configurationVpcIdSelect a VPC with Subnet, Security Group, etc., selected earlier.Secondary IP configuration for PKT0 and PKT1NumberOfAlternateIPOnPkt0

    Alternate IP address for packet port 0.

    Note: Default is 1. If you are using more than one IP for alternate IPs, use comma separated IPs list.

    (tick)Secondary IP configuration for PKT0 and PKT1NumberOfAlternateIPOnPkt1

    Alternate IP address for packet port 1.

    Note: Default is 1. If you are using more than one IP for alternate IPs, use comma separated IPs list.

    (tick)Elastic IP configurationNumberOfEIPOnPkt0

    The number of Elastic IPs to be associated with PKT 0 interface.

    Note: Default is 0

    (tick)Elastic IP configurationNumberOfEIPOnPkt1

    The number of Elastic IPs to be associated with PKT 1 interface.

    Note: Default is 0


    Placement of InstancePlacementIdA placement group ID of logical group of instances within a single Availability Zone. This is an optional field and can be blank.
    Placement of InstanceTenancyThe Tenancy Attribute for this instance.(tick)

    Reverse NAT configurationReveseNatEnablePkt0

    Enable or disable reverse Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality for PKT0 interface. Set this field to true, to attach the assigned EIP on PKT0 and use it without SMM rule. Refer to EipAssociationXface for associating EIP for the required interfaces.

    Note: When set to False, the SBC application cannot use the attached EIP.


    Reverse NAT configurationReveseNatEnablePkt1

    Enable or disable reverse Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality for PKT1 interface. Set this field to true, to attach the assigned EIP on PKT1 and use it without SMM rule. Refer to EipAssociationXface for associating EIP for the required interfaces.

    Note: When set to False, the SBC application cannot use the attached EIP.


    Secondary IP configuration for PKT0 and PKT1NumberOfAlternateIPOnPkt0

    Alternate IP address for packet port 0.

    Note: Default is 1. If you are using more than one IP for alternate IPs, use comma separated IPs list

    System configurationSBCPersonalityThe type of SBC for this deployment. In this release, always set the personality to isbc


    (tick)Network configurationSecurityGrpHa0

    Secondary IP configuration for PKT0 and PKT1NumberOfAlternateIPOnPkt1

    Alternate IP address for packet port 1.

    Note: Default is 1. If you are using more than one IP for alternate IPs, use comma separated IPs list



    Security configurationSecurityGrpMgt0AdminSshKeyExisting EC2 KeyPair name to enable SSH access to admin CLI on SBC instanceActs as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for MGT0.(tick)

    Network Security configurationSecurityGrpPkt0LinuxAdminSshKeyExisting EC2 KeyPair name to enable SSH access to Linux shell on SBC instance.(tick)

    Storage configurationSecurityGrpPkt1Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for PKT1.(tick)IOPSEnter IOPS reservation for io 1 type EBS volume(tick)

    Storage configurationVolumeSizeEnter the size of disk required in GB. The minimum size is 65 GIB. However, you can choose more.(tick)
    Storage configurationVolumeTypeSelect the type of volume for SBC. Ribbon recommends that SBC use io1 type.(tick)

    System configurationActiveInstanceName

    This specifies the actual CE name of the SBC active instance. For more information, refer to System and Instance Naming in SBC SWe N:1 and Cloud-Based Systems.

    CEName Requirements:

    • Must start with an alphabetic character.
    • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.
    • Cannot exceed 64 characters in length
    System configurationAMIIDAmazon Machine Image (AMI) is an encrypted machine image which is like a template of a computer's root drive. For example, ami-xxxxxxxx.(tick)

    System configurationIAMRoleThe name of the IAM role for SBC SWe instance. For more information on IAM Role, refer to Creating Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles.(tick)

    System ConfigurationEnableCloudWatchMetrics

    Enable this for capturing instance metrics at cloudwatch.

    Note: Default is false.

    Yes , when CloudWatch features are using Interval Stats
    System configurationInstanceType

    Type of instance created from stack.

    Note: Ribbon recommends m5.xlarge or higher instance type if this instance type is available in your zone. Use c5.2xlarge instance type or higher to handle more calls with transcoding.


    System configurationSBCPersonalityThe type of SBC for this deployment. In this release, always set the personality to isbcNetwork configurationSubnetIdHA0Subnet ID of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for HA0.(tick)Network configurationSubnetIdMgt0Subnet ID of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Mgt0.(tick)Network configurationSubnetIdPkt0SubnetId of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Pkt0.(tick)Network configurationSubnetIdPkt1SubnetId of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Pkt1.(tick)

    System configurationStandbyInstanceName

    This specifies the actual

    CE name of the SBC standby instance. For more information, refer to System and Instance Naming in SBC SWe N:1 and Cloud-Based Systems.

    CEName Requirements:

    • Must start with an alphabetic character.
    • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.
    • Cannot exceed
    • 64 characters in length
    Storage System configurationVolumeSizeSystemNameEnter

    Specifies the

    size of disk required in GB. The minimum size is 65 GIB. However, you can choose more.
    (tick)(tick) Placement of InstanceTenancyThe Tenancy Attribute for this instance.(tick)Storage configurationVolumeTypeSelect the type of volume for SBC. Ribbon recommends that SBC use io1 type.(tick)Network configurationVpcId

    actual system name of the SBC instance. For more information, refer to System and Instance Naming in SBC SWe N:1 and Cloud-Based Systems.

    System Requirements:

    • Must start with an alphabetic character.
    • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.
    • Cannot exceed 26 characters in length.

    System ConfigurationUseAnonymizationFeature

    Enable this for Anonymization.

    Note: Default is false.

    Yes, when CloudWatch features are using ACT, TRC

    Third Party Applications ProvisioningThirdPartyCPUs

    Enter the number of CPUs to be reserved for use with third-party apps.

    Note: Default is 0

    Yes, when using CloudWatch features
    Third Party Applications ProvisioningThirdPartyMem

    Enter the number of MB of memory to be reserved for use with third-party apps. 

    Note: Default is 0

    Yes, when using CloudWatch features

  10. Click Next.
    The Options page displays.
  11. Optionally you can choose to Tag your deployment with a Key-value pair, IAM Role Permissions, Rollback Triggers or other advanced Options.

  12. Click Next.
    The Review page displays.
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  13. Review the stack details and click Create
    The CloudFormation Stacks page displays.

    On successful stack creation, the stack is listed.


Do not update or modify the stack after creation.

Do not change or remove resources after instance creation. For example, removing or attaching EIP, or changing the user data and so on.

Verify the Instance Creation

Perform the following steps to view the SBC SWe instances created:

  1. Click the Services drop-down list.
    The Services list is displayed.

  2. From the left pane click EC2.

    The EC2 Dashboard page is displayed.

  3. From the left pane under Instances click Instances. The instances table lists the new instance.


    If deleting an instance from CFN, be aware that AWS does not delete volume(s) automatically. They must also be deleted from the AWS UI if you do not want volumes of deleted instances (standalone, HA or HFE-based SBC installation).
