Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
cli cr add TEAMS09980316INGCR
cli cr edit TEAMS09980316INGCR calltype origin dest 09980316 prefix 09980316
cli cp add TEAMS01CP TEAMS09980316INGCR

cli cr add TEAMS0998032INGCR
cli cr edit TEAMS0998032INGCR calltype origin dest 0998032 prefix 0998032
cli cp add TEAMS01CP TEAMS0998032INGCR

cli cr add TEAMS099803301INGCR
cli cr edit TEAMS099803301INGCR calltype origin dest 099803301 prefix 099803301
cli cp add TEAMS01CP TEAMS099803301INGCR

cli cr add TEAMS099803302INGCR
cli cr edit TEAMS099803302INGCR calltype origin dest 099803302 prefix 099803302
cli cp add TEAMS01CP TEAMS099803302INGCR

cli cr add TEAMS0998034INGCR
cli cr edit TEAMS0998034INGCR calltype origin dest 0998034 prefix 0998034
cli cp add TEAMS01CP TEAMS0998034INGCR
cli iedge edit SYDPQ21LABVFNZEP 0 cp TEAMS01CP

FMM Rules Manipulation

FMM is Use the Flexible Message Manipulation feature using which one can (FMM) feature to manipulate SIP messages & its and SIP message contents in QSBC.

FMM rules are required for Telstra to modify the digits in the "From" Header & "P-Asserted-Id" Header and to change the domain name in the From header to RSA (Realm Signaling IP Address)

Please refer See below for the FMM rules implemented for Telstra. 


  • Create as many EPs as required (as shown above) including EPs (type SIPGW) towards SIP Suppliers & Core SBC SWEs, and EPs (type SIPPROXY) towards PSX Redirector
  • Create media related config on QSBC and enable generation of QOS parameters on QSBC CDRs with command " -e mqm -v 1"
  • For ingress Trunk group based routing, one can refer to "42: Trunk group Support" in the release 9.4 QSBC Operations guide 
  • For sending TGRP, DTG, OTG parameters in the egress INVITE, one can refer to "42.7: Support for trunk group context and RFC 4904" and "42.4: Configuring trunk group endpoint options" in the release 9.4 QSBC Operations guide
  • Refer to the QSBC Operations guide for any other specific or basic configuration


Setting Destination Trunk Group option to "Include Tgrp with domain name" will send TG & Trunk Group and Trunk-context values in the contact header of the 300 response.


Create a Trunk Group and attach a Feature Control Profile, and IP Signaling Profile to it. Optionally, you can also attach the SIP Response Code Profile to the Trunk Group.


Create the Routing Profile and attach as many routes as required. Each Route will have a SIP Server & and Trunk Group.


Up to 10 Routes can be passed in a 300 response in Redirector mode


Create the Standard Route & and attach a Routing Label to it.


The sample below shows Trunk Group based Routing on PSX.

There are various ways of routing in PSX such as username based routing, number based routing, etc. depending up on customer requirement.
For more information, refer to the Policy Server (PSX) Documentation.

1Create Standard Route
3Standard Route
