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PUT - VNFRConfiguration

REST API Method: PUT /api/defVNFR/VNFRConfiguration

Modifies an VNFRConfiguration managed object.



HTTP Method:


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Create Read-Only Data Type Description
OrchestrationID No No Yes string Orchestration ID is a textual representation ID of the VNF orchestrationdeployed by VNFM. TL1Name: ORCH_ID
ActiveVNFR No No Yes string Active VNFR is a textual representation of the active VNFR peer Name of the CPU currently 'Active', or in control of the User provisioned data. The active peer is identified by the LDL peer ID as found in the VNFR LDL file (default vnfr_ldl.conf). All CPUs will be handling VNFR traffic in a load sharing manner. TL1Name: ACT_VNFR
ClusterID No No Yes int32 Cluster ID is representation of the VNFC Cluster ID. TL1Name: CLUSTER_ID
Type No No Yes string Type is a textual representation of the VNFC Type. TL1Name: TYPE
VNFMIPAddress No No Yes string VNFM IP Address is the value representation of the VNFM IP Address that use to exchange message between VNFR and VNFM. TL1Name: VNFM_IP
VNFMStatus No No Yes string VNFM Status is the value representation of the VNFM Status. TL1Name: VNFM_STATUS
HeartbeatRate No No Yes int32 Heartbeat rate is the value representation of the VNFM Heartbeat ratetime interval that VNFC uses to send heartbeat message to VNFM. TL1Name: HB_RATE
MaintenanceFailureTimeout No No No int32 Maintenance failure timeout value range: 300 seconds to 1800 seconds. .1800Default timer setting: 1200 seconds This timer is used when the VNFC is OOS/Unavailable. Then VNFC's status will be set to Maintenance. If at the end of the timer the VNFC is still OOS/Unavailable, VNFC's status will be set to Failed. If the VNFC recovers or is put back in available somehow, VNFC's status will be Available again. TL1Name: MAINT_FAIL_TIMEOUT
HttpDebug No No No FeatureBoolean Enable or disable http debug mode If the Http Debug flag is set to ENABLED, then the system will use http to send and receive message. This config require restart vnfr application. So that the messages can be capture and read without encrypting. The recommended setting of this flag is DISABLED, so that the system will use the default method which recommended by VNFM. TL1Name: HTTP_DEBUG
Errors No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of the VNFR errors If this flag is set to LOGGED, then error situation that require attention will be noted in the Debug Log file. The Syslog file may also contain error situation information that the operator should be aware off. It is strongly recommended that the Error Debug Flag be set to LOGGED for all systems. TL1Name: ERRORS
SetupManagement No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of setup management If this flag is set to LOGGED, then information concerning the internal procedures that occur during process startup will be presented in the Debug Log file. It is recommended that the Setup Management Debug Flag be set to LOGGED for all systems. The amount of data produced by this flag is not large, because it is referenced only at startup and in some recovery situations. TL1Name: SETUP_MGMT
ExecutionTrace No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of the execution trace If the Execution Trace debug flag is set to LOGGED, then information concerning the internal processing of the VNFR process will be sent to the Debug Log file. This information is intended for Sonus Networks Customer Support staff and may not be legible by most customers. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: EXEC_TRACE
PeerManagement No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of peer management If the Peer Management debug flag is set to LOGGED, then information concerning the internal connections of the VNFR process its peers on other CPUs will be sent to the Debug Log file. This information is intended for Sonus Networks Customer Support staff and may not be legible by many customers. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: PEER_MGMT
FileManagement No No No LogBoolean Enable or disable debug logging of file management If the File Management debug flag is set to LOGGED, then information concerning the internal management of the database and configuration files will be presented in the Debug Log file. his information is very useful when first learning how the VNFR works and how to provision it. However it can produce very large volumes of data and tax a busy system. The recommended setting of this flag is NOT_LOGGED, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: FILE_MGMT
LDLDebugLevel No No No int32 LDL debug level for inter-peer logging. 0..255. The recommended setting of the attribute is 0, so that the system resources are not unduly taken up in the production of log messages. TL1Name: LDL_LEVEL