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OVS-DPDK Virtio Interfaces - Performance Tuning Recommendations

  1. Follow the open stack recommended performance settings for host and guest


  1. .
    Refer to VNF Performance Tuning for details.

  2. Make sure that physical network adapters, Poll Mode Driver (PMD) threads, and pinned CPUs for the instance are all on the same NUMA node. This is


  1. required for optimal performance.


    PMD threads are the threads that do the heavy lifting for userspace switching. They perform tasks such as continuous polling of input ports for packets, classifying packets once received, and executing actions on the packets once they are classified.

  2. Set the queue size for virtio interfaces to 1024 by updating the Director template.

    1. NovaComputeExtraConfig: - nova::compute::libvirt::tx_queue_size: '"1024"'

    2. NovaComputeExtraConfig: - nova::compute::libvirt::rx_queue_size: '"1024"'

  3. Configure the following dpdk parameters in host ovs-dpdk:

    1. Make sure two


    1. pairs of Rx/Tx queues are configured for host dpdk interfaces


    1. .

      To validate, issue the following command during ovs-dpdk bring-up:

      ovs-vsctl get Interface dpdk0 options


    1. For background details,



    1. memory to allow each port to use separate mem-


    1. pools when receiving packets


    1. instead of using a default shared mem-pool:
      ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:per-port-memory=true


    1. Configure 4096 MB


    1. hugepage memory on each socket:


      ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:dpdk-socket-mem=4096,4096


    1. Spawn the appropriate number of


    1. PMD threads so that each port/queue


    1. is serviced by a particular


    1. PMD thread.


    1. Ensure that PMD threads are:
      1. pinned to dedicated cores/hyper-threads,


      1. in the same NUMA as network adapter and guest,


      1. isolated from the kernel, and


      1. not be used by guest for any other purpose.


    1. Set the pmd-cpu-mask


    1. , accordingly:
      ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:pmd-cpu-mask=0x40001004000100

      The example above sets


    1. PMD threads to run on two physical cores:8,26,36,54. (cores:8-36 and 26-54 are sibling hyper-threads).

    2. Restart ovs-vswitchd after the changes:
      systemctl status ovs-vswitchd
      systemctl restart ovs-vswitchd

  1. The port and Rx queue assignment to


  1. PMD threads is crucial for optimal performance. Follow for more details. The affinity is a csv list of <queue_id>:<core_id> which needs to be set for each ports.

ovs-vsctl set interface dpdk0 other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity="0:8,1:26" 
ovs-vsctl set interface vhub89b3d58-4f other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity="0:36"
ovs-vsctl set interface vhu6d3f050e-de other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity="1:54"

In the example above, the


PMD thread on core 8 will read queue 0 and


PMD thread on core 26 will read queue 1 of dpdk0 interface.


Alternatively, you can use the default assignment of port/Rx queues to


PMD threads and enable auto-load-balance option so that ovs will put the threads on cores based on load.

ovs-vsctl set open_vswitch . other_config:pmd-auto-lb="true"
ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-rebalance




  1. To check the port/Rx queue distribution among


  1. PMD threads,


  1. enter the command


  1. :
    ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show

  2. To check the


  1. PMD thread stats (actual


  1. CPU usage),


  1. enter the following command, and


  1. look for "processing cycles" and "idle cycles":

    ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-clear && sleep 10 && ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show

  2. To check packet drops


  1. (rx_dropped / tx_dropped counters) on host dpdk interfaces, enter the command:

    watch -n 1 'ovs-vsctl get interface dpdk0 statistics|sed -e "s/,/\n/g" -e "s/[\",\{,\}, ]//g" -e "s/=/ =\u21d2 /g"'




Setup details:

  • Platform: RHOSP13
  • Host OS: RHEL7.5
  • Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz
  • 1 Provider Network configured for Management Interface
  • 1 Provider Network configured for HA Interface
  • OVS+DPDK enabled for packet interfaces (pkt0 and pkt1)
  • 2 pair of Rx/Tx queues in host dpdk interfaces
  • 1 Rx/Tx queue in guest virtio interface
  • 4


  • PMD threads pinned to 4 hyper threads (i.e. using up 2 physical cores)

Guest Details:

  • SSBC - 8vcpu/18GB RAM/100GB HDD
  • MSBC - 10vcpu/20GB RAM/100 GB HDD



Benchmarking has been tested in a D-SBC setup with up to 30k pass-through sessions using the recommendations described in this document.


You may require additional cores for


PMD threads for higher numbers.


External References



