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Use this window to retrieve registration statistics specific to a domain. The domain to which a registration request applies is defined by the "host" part within the To header of a REGISTER request. The types of registration statistics provided for a domain are parallel to SIP register count statistics that the SBC provides for the system or for a specific address context. These include both current and cumulative values. To reset the cumulative domain-based statistics use the Address Context SIP Register Count Reset command. Refer to System Provisioning - Address Context for information on the command.

To view SIP Register Count Domain Statistics:

On the SBC main window go to All > Address Context > SIP Register Count Domain Stats. The SIP Register Count Domain Stats window opens. You can select a specific address context from the Address Context drop-down list.

1SIP Register Count Domain Stats Window

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The window contains the following output:

Statistic NameDescription
NameThe domain name.
Count AttemptsThe number of SIP registration attempts.
Count Cum CompletionsThe cumulative number of completed SIP registration attempts.
Count PendingThe current number of pending SIP registrations.
Count StableThe current number of stable SIP registrations.
Count TotalThe current total number of SIP registrations.
Emerg Accept TotalThe total number of emergency SIP registrations accepted.
Emerg Active TotalThe total number of emergency SIP registrations currently active.


