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Cloud computing refers to the practice of providing a software service using a remote, shared set of CommonCommercial-Off-The-Shelf servers (COTS), storage facilities, and networking infrastructure instead of local dedicated resources. Cloud computing reduces the burden of purchasing and managing resources when other external services, such as email servers and CRM systems are used. Thus establishing a relationship between cloud service providers and the users. It also consolidates different services into a single infrastructure.


The Cloud services help the service providers as described below:

  • Fully utilize their revenue-generating equipment to sell services to more than one consumer from a single installation.
  • Provides service monitoring tools to track usage for billing purposes as well as to grow and shrink the could equipment infrastructure based on the demand.
  • Provides the software to efficiently allocate physical resources among the clients, virtual machines and services.

Essential The essential components of cloud management systems are shown in the cloud architecture below:


1Cloud Architecture

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The components are briefly described as:


  • Object Store - Few services operate without access to some kind of off-line data store or configuration repository. Most Cloud infrastructures provide some form of integration with indexed storage.
  • Telemetry - Monitors the equipment to provide both operational and billing information.
  • Orchestration - Orchestration is a collection of activities that automate the creation of services. Especially services that , which require coordinated deployment and interconnection of more than one image, and multiple resources. 


Dynamic Networks


in Cloud

The flexibility of Sonus cloud Cloud architecture maximizes the physical network transport equipment, and allows service providers, carriers, and enterprises to:


To achieve these goals, the Sonus product portfolio has adapted to following cloud-centric behaviors such as:

  • Elasticity: Elasticity provides the ability to expand or contract the capacity of a service in response to demand. This implies some degree of automation required to detect the demand conditions that invoke change in resources, and to add or remove these resources from the pool available to the users.
  • Orchestration readiness: Orchestration is used to describe the set of activities that enable automated deployment of services, scripted relationships between services, and the automation of dynamic service sizing. For more information on Cloud and Cloud Orchestration, refer to Cloud Orchestration FAQs and Red Hat Cloud Foundations: Cloud 101 whitepaper. 
  • Cloud Awareness and Configuration: Orchestration defines network dynamically. For a network element like Session Border Controller to be useful The SBC used in an orchestrated environment , it must include software to coordinate with Orchestrator to knowunderstand:
    • About the network

    • Relationship with other components in the network

    • Fetching required for configuration information

    Standards for this kind of communication are evolving, but methods of information exchange such as Userdata and Metadata used during cloud initialization, are implemented in SBC SWe.
  • Hardware independence: To successfully virtualize network components, such as SBC, means the software must run on common off-the-shelf ( COTS), platforms that do not require specialized hardware or process pipe-lining. Primarily, the SBC is dependent on special hardware to accelerate the CPU intensive operations of CODEC processing, and transcoding. Removing such hardware requirements is part of an ongoing effort at Sonus.

SBC SWe Cloud in OpenStack

The OpenStack is a collection of open-source Cloud management and infrastructure software, which is downloaded and installed on COTS hardware and operating systems. Adopted as a focus for Cloud implementations by many Telecom and Operating System vendors, it has become an important target for SBC SWe Cloud deployment.


1OpenStack Dashboard

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Sonus provides SBC SWe Cloud application as a QCOW2 qcow2 image, which can be instantiated on a simple OpenStack environment. The SBC SWe is instantiated on OpenStack in the following ways:

  • Using Horizon GUI dashboard 

  • Using OpenStack REST API, or using HEATHeat

  • Using OpenStack orchestration through EMS SWe

Heat is the main project in the OpenStack Orchestration program. It implements an orchestration engine to launch multiple composite cloud applications based on templates in the form of text files that can be treated like code. Sonus provides sample HEAT Heat templates for instantiating SBC SWe in either standalone Standalone or High Availability (HA) configurations. For more information on instantiating SBC SWe Cloud on OpenStack, see refer to Instantiating and Configuring SBC SWe on OpenStack. 
