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  1. Anchor
    Step 1
    Step 1
    Access the WebUI, and click the Settings tab.
    1. In the left navigation page, access SIP > Local Registrars Table.

      1. Click the (Plus icon) to add a row.

      2. In the Create SIP Local Registrar dialog box, type the desired identifier name and maximum number of registering clients for your new SIP local registrar instance. For our example deployment, the entered name is LocalReg.

        titleRegistrar Provisioning Reference Information

      3. Click OK.

    2. In the left navigation page, access SIP > Local/Pass-thru Auth Tables

      1. Click the (Plus icon) to add a local pass-through authorization table.

      2. In the Description dialog box, type the desired Local Pass-through Authorization Table  name. For our example deployment, the name specified is Local registration table .

      3. Click OK.

        titleLocal Pass-through Authorization Tables Provisioning Reference Information

      4. Anchor
        Client Authorization
        Client Authorization
        In the left navigation page, access SIP > Local/Pass-thru Auth Tables, and select (click) the new Local Pass-through Authorization Table just created. For example, in deployment, the entered name is the Local registration table. The table displays under the tabs, with the note:   --  Table is empty --

        1. Anchor
          Step 123 Authorization
          Step 123 Authorization
          Click the Create Local Pass-through Authorization Entry (Plus icon)

        2. Specify the following values for fields:

          1Local Pass-through Authorization Entry Attributes


          Required Entry

          Type of Address of Record

          Local, to signify the SBC is the registrant of record.

          Address of Record URI

          Specify the acceptable Address of Record (AOR) URI from a potentially valid registering endpoint. In the example deployment, one such AOR URI is  sip:30001.

          User Name

          Specify the acceptable user name from the registering endpoint. In the example deployment, one acceptable User Name is 30001.

          Enter Password

          Specify the password the registering endpoint must submit for successful registration.

          Confirm Password

          Type the same password as entered above for confirmation.

          titleLocal Pass-through Authorization Table Entries Provisioning Reference Information

        3. Click OK.

        4. Pagebreak
          Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 for each remaining possible valid registering endpoints. In the example deployment, steps 2 and 3 are repeated for Yealink device 30003.

          title Use of Local Pass-through Authorization Table is Strongly Recommended

          Ribbon and Yealink strongly recommend the use of the optional Local Passthrough Authorization Table, especially for Azure-based SBC deployments. The use of the Local Passthrough Authorization Table deters unauthorized users from fraudulently using your enterprise's SIP trunking services.

      5. Anchor
        TLS Profile
        TLS Profile
        Optional Step for encrypted SIP signaling: Create the  TLS profile to define the cryptographic parameters for the SIP signaling between the subtended Yealink devices and the SBC.

        1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
        2. In the left navigation pane, go to Security > TLS Profiles.

        3. Click the CreateTLS Profile (Plus icon) at the top of the TLS Profile page.
        4. Configure the parameters shown below. Leave all other parameters as default.

          1New TLS Profile Entry Attributes for Registered Yealink SIP Clients ↔ SBC Communication


          Required Entry


          Specify a descriptive name for the entry. A sample name may be Yealink SIP Client SBC Signaling.

          TLS Protocol

          Set the administrative state to TLS 1.0 - 1.2.

          Mutual Authentication

          Specify the authentication as Disabled.

          Client Cipher List

          Select a cipher value (this value must be supported by the subtended registered Yealink clients). See above for guidelines. Ribbon recommends TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384. 

          Validate Server FQDN

          Specify the validation as Disabled.

          All other fieldsPlease leave all default values as-is for basic SIP signaling encryption purposes.

        5. Click OK, and confirm the presence of the new TLS Profile entry. 

          titleUse of Signaling and Media Encryption Strongly Recommended for Azure-based SBC Deployments

          While optional, Ribbon Communications and Yealink strongly recommend the use of TLS and SRTP for secure encrypted communication between the Yealink devices and the SBC, especially when the latter is deployed in the Azure public cloud. For more information, please refer above.

          titleTLS Profile Provisioning Reference Information

  2. Anchor
    Step 2
    Step 2
    To access the WebUI, click the Settings tab.

    1. Anchor
      new call route table
      new call route table
      In the left navigation pane, go to Call Routing > Call Routing Table. 

      1. Click the (Plus icon).

      2. Enter a descriptive name in the Description text field; for this deployment example, the value is From Local SIP EP.

      3. Click OK.

        titleCall Routing Table Provisioning Reference Information

    2. Anchor
      Transformation Table
      Transformation Table
      In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
      1. In the left navigation pane, go to Call Routing > Transformation.

      2. Click the Create (Plus icon).

      3. In the Description dialog box, enter the desired Transformation Table name identifier for calling the PSTN. For our example deployment, the entered name is from SIP to IMS.

      4. Click OK.

        titleTransformation Table Provisioning Reference Information

      5. Anchor
        Transformation Table Entry
        Transformation Table Entry
        In the left navigation page, go to Transformation, and select (click) the new Transformation Table just created. For example, in deployment, the entered name is from SIP to IMS. The table displays under the tabs, with the note:  --  Table is empty --

        1. Click the Create (Plus icon).

        2. Type or select the following values to specify the passthrough of dialed digits from the subtended registered Yealink Survivability (SIP) client to the PSTN:

          1New Transformation Table Entry Attributes for Registered SIP Clients to Reach the PSTN


          Required Entry


          Specify a descriptive name for the entry. In the example deployment, the entered name is  SIP to PSTN .

          Admin State

          Set the administrative state to Enabled.

          Type (Input Field)

          Specify the type for input as Called Address/Number.

          Value (Input Field)

          Specify an asterisk (.*) to indicate acceptance of any digits.

          Type (Output Field)

          Specify the type for output as Called Address/Number.

          Value (Output Field)

          Specify the value of output as \1 to indicate that digits received will be passed through to the outbound route without any change made.

          titleTransformation Table Entries and Digit Manipulation Provisioning Reference Information

        3. Click OK.

    3. Anchor
      Transformation Table 2
      Transformation Table 2
      In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
      1. In the left navigation pane, go to Call Routing > Transformation.

      2. Click the  Create (Plus icon).

      3. In the  Description dialog box, enter the desired Transformation Table name identifier for intra-office calling. For our example deployment, the entered name is from SIP to SIP.

      4. Click OK.

        titleTransformation Table Provisioning Reference Information

      5. Anchor
        Transformation Table Entry 2
        Transformation Table Entry 2
        In the left navigation page, go to Transformation, and select (click) the new Transformation Table just created for intra-office calling. In example deployment, the entered name is from SIP to SIP . The table will appear under the tabs, with a note stating  – Table is empty --

        1. Click the Create (Plus icon).

        2. Enter or select the following values into the pop-up window to specify the pass-through of dialed digits from the subtended registered Yealink Survivability (SIP) client to another subtended registered Yealink Survivability (SIP) client.

          1Transformation Table Entry Attributes for Intra-Office Calling


          Required Entry


          Please use a descriptive name for the entry. In the example deployment, the entered name is  SIP to SIP .

          Admin State


          Type (Input Field)

          Called Address/Number

          Value (Input Field)

          Please enter a regular expression to confirm a private dial plan number that conforms to the private dial plan assigned to the registered SIP clients. In the example deployment, the entered expression is ^(3\d{4})$, signifying the called digits must be 5 characters in length, and must start with a 3.

          Type (Output Field)

          Called Address/Number

          Value (Output Field)

           \1 , signifying matching digits received will be passed through to the outbound route without change.

          titleTransformation Table Entries and Digit Manipulation Provisioning Reference Information

        3. Click OK.

    4. Anchor
      In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
      1. In the left navigation pane, go to Call Routing > Call Routing Table and select the newly created Call Routing Table; for our example deployment, the newly created table is From Local SIP EP. 

        1. Click the  Create Routing Entry (Plus icon) to create the route for calling into the PSTN.

          1. Enter the following values into the pop-up window:

            1Call Routing Entry Attributes for Calling from Registered Yealink Devices to the PSTN


            Required Entry

            DescriptionEnter an informative name in the text field; for our example deployment, the value is  to IMS

            Admin State

            Select Enabled

            Number/Name Transformation Table

            Select the newly created Transformation Table instance to which calls from a subtended registered Yealink device will be routed to the PSTN. For the example deployment, the value is  from SIP to IMS .

            Destination TypeSelect Normal
            Destination Signaling GroupsSelect the PSTN-related Signaling Group. For the example deployment, the value is  IMS
            All other fieldsPlease leave all default values as-is for basic configuration purposes.

            titleCall Routing Table Entry Provisioning Reference Information

          2. Click OK.

        2. Click the Create Routing Entry (Plus icon) once again to create the route entry for intra-office calling.

          1. Type or choose the following values:

            1Call Routing Entry Attributes for Calling from Registered Yealink Devices to Other Registered Yealink Devices


            Required Entry

            DescriptionType a descriptive name in the text field; for the example deployment, the value is  SIP TO SIP.

            Admin State

            Select Enabled.

            Number/Name Transformation Table

            Select the newly created Transformation Table instance to which calls from a subtended registered Yealink device will be routed when attempting to reach another subtended registered Yealink device. For the example deployment, the value is from SIP to SIP.

            Destination TypeSelect Registrar Table.
            Destination Signaling GroupsSelect the newly created SIP Local Registrar-related Signaling Group to which the subtended registered Yealink devices are associated. For the example deployment, the value is LocalReg.
            All other fieldsLeave all other default values as-is for basic configuration purposes.

          2. Click OK.

      2. Review and confirm the two new Call Routing Table entries in the newly created Call Routing Table.

  3. Anchor
    Step 3
    Step 3
    Access the WebUI, click the  Settings tab.

    1. In the left navigation pane, go to Signaling Groups.

    2. From the top menu bar, click Create Signaling Group and select SIP Signaling Group (note: for the

      , select Add SIP SG)

    3. Create the SIP Signaling Group using the following configuration:

      1SIP Signaling Group Attribute Values for Registered Yealink Devices


      Required Entry

      DescriptionEnter an informative name in the Description text field; for the example deployment, the value is  LocalReg.
      Admin StateSelect Enabled.
      Call Routing TableSelect the recently created Call Routing Table Instance that will define routing for calls that originate from the subtended registered Yealink devices. For the example deployment, the value is from Local SIP EP.
      SIP Mode Select the Local Registrar value.
      Registrar Select the recently created SIP Local Registrar instance to which subtended Yealink devices will advertise their presence. For the example deployment, the value is LocalReg.
      Challenge RequestSelect Enable
      Local/Pass-thru Auth TableSelect the recently created Local Pass-through Authorization Table that defines the credentials the subtended Yealink devices must present to the SBC to be successfully recognized (registered). For the example deployment, the value is the Local registration table.

      Media List ID (Optional Step for encrypted media)

      If you specified a new  TLS Profile ID, please select the Media List ID value associated with the Phone System Signaling Group for SRTP communication with the registered subtended Yealink client devices. The value to be selected should be  MS Teams Media List, originally created through the use of the Teams DR-related easy configuration wizard during the SBC setup. The contains SRTP cryptographic settings that can be used for

       ↔ subtended registered Yealink client device encrypted media exchange.

      NOTE: For details on Media List-ID configuration, including the setup of attributes related to media encryption, please refer to Managing Media Lists and Managing SDES-SRTP Profiles.

      Listen Port

      Click the (Plus icon) to create a new instance of the SIP Listen Port, and update as follows:

      Option 1: For unencrypted

       ↔ subtended registered Yealink client device communication, please enter the Port value as 5060, the Protocol value as UDP, and the TLS Profile ID as N/A.

      Option 2: For encrypted  ↔ subtended registered Yealink client device communication (you must have specified a new TLS Profile ID entry earlier), please enter the Port value as 5061, the Protocol value as TLS, and the TLS Profile ID as the new entry created earlier (e.g. Yealink SIP Client SBC Signaling ) .

      Federated IP/FQDN

      Click the (Plus icon) to create a new instance of the Federated IP/FQDN, and specify as follows to identify the networking IP addresses of your Yealink Teams client devices, supplied by the enterprise IT administrator. For our example deployment, the IP/FQDN is entered as XXX .0.0.0, with the Netmask/Prefix as, meaning the signaling group will accept communication with any host (i.e. Yealink device) that presents a host IP of anywhere from XXX.0.0.1 → XXX.255.255.254

      All other fieldsPlease leave all default values as-is for basic configuration purposes.

      titleSignaling Group Provisioning Reference Information

      For details on Signaling Group configuration attributes described above, including modification of fields with default values, refer to Creating and Modifying SIP Signaling Groups.

    4. Click OK. The new SIP Signaling Group (in the example deployment, named LocalReg) may be expanded to present the following sample attributes.

  4. Anchor
    Step 4
    Step 4
    In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.

    1. Anchor
      Transformation Table 3
      Transformation Table 3
      In the left navigation pane, Call Routing -> Transformation.

      1. Click the Create (Plus icon).

      2. In the Descriptiondialog box, enter the desired Transformation Table name identifier for calls received from the PSTN and destined for a subtended Yealink device. For our example deployment, the entered name is from IMS to SIP.

      3. Click OK.

        titleTransformation Table Provisioning Reference Information

      4. Anchor
        Transformation Entry 3
        Transformation Entry 3
        In the left navigation page, go to Transformation, and select (click) the new Transformation Table just created. For example, in deployment, the entered name is from IMS to SIP. The table will appear under the tabs, with a note stating  – Table is empty --

        1. Anchor
          New 1 2 3
          New 1 2 3
          Click the Create (Plus icon).

        2. Enter or select the following values into the pop-up window, to specify the modification of dialed digits from the PSTN to reach a subtended registered Yealink Survivability (SIP) client:

          1New Transformation Table Entry Attributes for a PSTN Call to Reach a Specific Registered Yealink Device


          Required Entry


          Please use a descriptive name for the entry. In the example deployment, the entered name is Entry ID 1.

          Admin State


          Type (Input Field)

          Called Address/Number

          Value (Input Field)

          Please enter a regular expression to define the Teams Phone Number assigned to the Yealink device with the survivability. In the example deployment, the entered expression is \+86XXXX604392, the Teams Phone Number assigned to the Yealink device that also carries the SIP phone number 30001 (later used in the Survivability UI).

          Type (Output Field)

          Called Address/Number  

          Value (Output Field)

          Enter a regular expression to replace the Teams Phone Number dialed by the PSTN user with the SIP phone number assigned to the Yealink device with the survivability. In the example deployment, the entered expression is 30001, the Teams Phone Number assigned to the Yealink device that also carries the Teams Phone Number +86XXXX604392 (latter used in the Teams client UI).

          titleTransformation Table Entries and Digit Manipulation Provisioning Reference Information

        3. Click OK.

        4. Repeat steps 1, 2 & 3  for each remaining possible registered  Yealink device with both the Teams client and the Survivability (SIP) client. In the example deployment, steps 1, 2, and 3 are repeated for the Yealink device with the SIP phone number 30003.

    2. Anchor
      updated route entry 100
      updated route entry 100
      In the left navigation pane, go to Call Routing > Call Routing Table and select the Call Routing Table originally created through the use of the Easy Configuration wizard (refer to Using the Easy Configuration Wizard) template for processing calls originating from the PSTN. For our example deployment, the table requiring the new entry is From IMS .

      1. Click the Create Routing Entry (Plus icon).

      2. Enter the following values into the pop-up window:

        1Key Call Routing Entry Attribute Values That Must be Explicitly Submitted by User


        Required Entry

        DescriptionEnter an informative name in the text field; for our example deployment, the value is from IMS TO SIP.

        Admin State

        Select Enabled

        Number/Name Transformation Table

        Select the newly created Transformation Table instance to which calls from the PSTN will be routed during survivability scenarios (i.e., when the Phone System is unavailable). For the example deployment, the value is  from IMS to SIP.

        Destination TypeSelect Registrar Table
        Destination Signaling GroupsSelect the newly created SIP Local Registrar-related Signaling Group to which the subtended Yealink devices are associated. For the example deployment, the value is LocalReg.
        All other fieldsLeave all default values as-is for basic configuration purposes.

        titleCall Routing Table Entry Provisioning Reference Information

      3. Click OK and review the new Call Routing Table Entry related to survivability in the updated PSTN-related Call Routing Table from the left navigation pane.

  5. Anchor
    Step 5
    Step 5
    Access the WebUI, click the Monitor  tab. Confirm the new SIP Signaling Group instance associated with the new SIP Local Registrar instance is active. For our example deployment, the new SIP Signaling Group instance is LocalReg .
