Versions Compared


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AUTH1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c86ca23f8a016cd6ed6fe90013, userName='null'}
REV5UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c85b2726c2015b58aa779d0003, userName='null'}
REV6UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c85b2726c2015b58aa779d0003, userName='null'}
REV3UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c85b2726c2015b58aa779d0003, userName='null'}
REV1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c85b2726c2015b58aa779d0003, userName='null'}

The Router Advertisement (RA) Server configuration page manages Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) information exchange. Routers that are active on the link respond by sending a Router Advertisement with their address to all nodes on the group. Router advertisements provide the hosts a path out of the local link and other information necessary for NDP operation.

Before you Begin

To configure Router Advertisement settings, you must first configure IPv6 on your LAN/LAN VLAN interfaces. Choose Network from the Configuration Menu and refer to Use the Network Page.

To configure router advertisement:

  1. Choose Network > Router Advertisement (IPv6).

  2. Configure settings using the information in the table below as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect. 

    1Router Advertisement Server Parameters



    Displays the IPv6 interface for which options are being configured.

    Enable RA Server

    Select the Enable RA Server check-box to enable RA services for the IPv6 interface.

    Send Advertisement

    Select the Send Advertisement check-box to designate whether the router should send periodic router advertisements and responses to router solicitations.

    Unicast Only

    Select the Unicast Only check-box to designate whether interface link type only supports unicast.

    This prevents unsolicited advertisements from being sent and causes solicited advertisements to be unicast to the soliciting node. This option is necessary for non-broadcast, multiple-access links such as the IPv6 Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP).

    Max Unsolicited mcast Adv Interval (secs)

    Enter the maximum time allowed between sending unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface. Range is 4 to 1800 seconds.

    Min Unsolicited mcast Adv Interval (secs)

    Enter the minimum time allowed between sending unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface. Range is 3 to (0.75 * Max Unsolicited mcast Adv Interval) seconds.

    Min Solicited mcast Adv Interval (secs)

    Enter the minimum time allowed between sending multicast router advertisements from the interface.

    Use stateful protocol for address autoconfig

    Select the Use stateful protocol for address autoconfig checkbox to use the administered (stateful) protocol for address autoconfiguration and any addresses autoconfigured using stateless address autoconfiguration.

    Use stateful protocol for non-address autoconfig

    Select the Use stateful protocol for non-address autoconfig checkbox to use the administered (stateful) protocol for autoconfiguration of other (non-address) information.

    Adv MTU

    Enter a value to insure that all nodes on a link use the same MTU value in those cases where the link MTU is not well known. Range is 1280 to 1500. A value of 0 indicates not to send an MTU value in router advertisement messages.

    Mobile IPv6 Options

    Configure Mobile IPv6 options:

    Home agent support

    Select the Home agent support check-box to indicate that the sending router is able to serve as Mobile IPv6 Home Agent. Minimum and maximum limits for the router advertisement interval are specified by your Mobile IPv6 settings.

    Mobile router registration support

    Select the Mobile router registration support check-box to indicate that the Home Agent signals it supports Mobile Router registrations. You must also select the Include Mobile Agent information check-box.

    Include Mobile Agent information

    Select the Include Mobile Agent information check-box to indicate that the Home Agent Information Option (specified by Mobile IPv6) is included in Router Advertisements. You must also select the Home agent support check-box.

    Home Agent Lifetime (secs)

    Enter the length of time in seconds (relative to the time the packet is sent) that the router is offering Mobile IPv6 Home Agent services. The maximum lifetime is 65520 seconds (18.2 hours). The value 0 is not used.

    Include Adv Interval option

    Select the Include Adv Interval option check-box to indicate that Advertisement Interval Option (specified by Mobile IPv6) is included in router advertisements.

    Prefix Options
    Configure Prefix options:

    Use prefix for on-link determination

    Select the Use prefix for on-link determination check-box to indicate that this prefix can be used for on-link determination.

    When not set the advertisement makes no statement about on-link or off-link properties of the prefix. When not set the advertisement makes no statement about on-link or off-link properties of the prefix. For example, the prefix might be used for address configuration with some of the addresses belonging to the prefix being on-link and others being off-link.

    Set Autonomous flag

    Select the Set Autonomous flag check-box to indicate that this prefix can be used for autonomous address configuration as specified in RFC 4862.

    Send interface address

    Select the Send interface address check-box to indicate that the address of interface is sent instead of the network prefix, as is required by Mobile IPv6.

    Prefix validity for on-link determination (secs)

    Enter the length of time in seconds (relative to the time the packet is sent) that the prefix is valid for the purpose of on-link determination.

    Configured Address Preferred Lifetime (secs)

    Enter the length of time in seconds (relative to the time the packet is sent) that addresses generated from the prefix via stateless address autoconfiguration remain preferred.
