Versions Compared


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  1. Choose Admin > Services Configuration.

  2. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide.

    1Services Configuration



    Configures settings for SNMPv1. See Configuring SNMPv1.

    Enable SNMPv1

    Enables SNMPv1 services.

    SNMPv1 Read-Only Community

    Specifies the community string that the management station uses to access read-only objects from the system. SNMPv1 requires a read-only community string name in this field. For example: “Public”

    SNMPv1 Trap Agent IP Address

    Sets the IP Address used as the SOURCE of the trap. It is recommended that the IP address be one of the public addresses configured on the system. If this value


    is not


    set, the agent uses the system WAN/Provider address.


    SNMPv1 Trap Agent IP Address is not the trap destination. Do not set this field unless you need to change the address contained within the body of the SNMP trap.

    Enable SNMP SETs

    Enables SNMP SET messages that notify when the alarm threshold is exceeded. An SNMP set is a set of MIB objects used to monitor the performance of SNMP-enabled network devices. You can assign alarm thresholds to any performance object in an SNMP set.

    SNMPv1 Read-Write Community

    Specifies the community string that the management station uses to access read-write objects from the system.

    Show Trap Destinations

    Manages SNMPv1 trap destinations.

    Add a Trap Destination

    IP AddressSpecifies the IPv4 address. Specifying this address enables cold start, authentication and linkUp/linkDown SNMP traps.
    VersionSpecifies the SNMP version (1 or 2).

    Specifies the community string for one or more destinations that receive SNMP traps.


    Configures settings for SNMPv3. See Configuring SNMPv3.

    Enable SNMPv3Enables SNMPv3 services.

    SNMPv3 User Name

    Defines the SNMPv3 username for SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) and View-based Access Control Model (VACM) control.

    SNMPv3 Password

    Authenticates the SNMPv3 user and encrypts the payload based on your SNMPv3 settings. Minimum The minimum password length is eight characters.

    SNMPv3 Security

    Sets the SNMPv3 security level for user authentication and encryption for synchronous requests and asynchronous traps.

    None—Neither SNMPv3 authentication nor encryption are used. Default.

    Auth(MD5)—Authenticates using the MD5 hash algorithm.

    AuthPriv(MD5/DES)—Authenticates using the DES encryption algorithm.

    SNMPv3 Trap Context

    Sets the SNMPv3 trap context to any string.

    SNMPv3 Trap Destination IP Address

    Specifies the IPv4 address to send traps to. This address enables cold start, authentication, and linkUp/linkDown traps.

    SNMPv3 Engine ID (10-32 chars of hex pairs)

    Specifies a preferred engine ID. Every SNMP v3 agent has an engine ID, which serves as a unique identifier for the agent. The engine ID is used with a hashing function to generate keys for authentication and encryption of SNMPv3 messages. If you do not specify an engine ID, one is generated when you enable the standalone SNMP agent.

    The SNMPv3 engine ID must contain between 10 and 32 characters of hexadecimal pairs.

    SNMP Common Configuration

    Optional SNMP settings. See Configuring SNMP Common Settings.

    System Location

    Specifies a comment string that can be used to indicate the location of the system. By default, no value is set.

    System ContactSpecifies the administrative contact information for the system. By default, no value is set.
    SNMP Port

    Designates the port that the system monitors to read and send SNMP data. Default The default is 161.

    Remote System Logging Settings

    See Configuring Remote System Logging.


    You must configure remote system logging to use MOS scoring. See Configuring Mean Opinion Score (MOS) Settings.

    Enable Remote System Logging

    Allows syslog messages to be sent to a remote system.

    Remote Syslog Hosts

    Specifies the remote syslog host IP address of the system running a log server. The system sends to the default syslog port 514. The port cannot be changed.

    You can enter multiple syslog hosts by separating the IP addresses with a space. Entering multiple host names or IP addresses causes syslog messages to be sent to each of the specified systemssystem.

    You must configure at least one remote syslog host to use MOS scoring.

    Syslog Filter

    Specifies the logging level for the syslog service on the system. The priorities are:

    Debug—Lowest priority, logs all levels. Default.







    Emergency—Highest priority, logs onlyEmergency level

    Choosing a higher priority excludes lower-level syslog messages.

    Remote MOS Filter Settings

    Remote MOS filter settings to allow the the

    to send mean opinion score (MOS) filtered syslog records to an individually defined syslog server that is separate from the server where regular system syslog messages are sent.

    See Configuring Remote System Logging.

    Enable REMOTE MOS Filter

    Enables remote syslog MOS filtering.

    Remote MOS Filtered Syslog Hosts

    Specifies the IP address of the system running a system log server. Multiple IPs can be entered by separating them with spaces. The system sends to the default syslog port 514. The port cannot be changed.

    MOS filter facility

    Specifies the Syslog facility used to filter MOS records from the syslogs that are sent to the remote MOS filtered syslog hosts. Default The default is local2.

    Group Name

    Configure the

    group name this system will be a member of. The group name configured here must match the group name configured on the

    EMPath Management Server

    Configure valid IPv4, IPv6 or FQDN address for connecting to an

    version 15 or higher.

    IPv4 Management Source Address

    Changes the source IP address for management data that originates from the system. The default is the system's public WAN IP. This setting is generally left unchanged.

    IPv6 Management Source Address

    In configurations where the system is acting as a router, the public IP addresses may be assigned to the LAN interface, not the WAN interface. If this field is left blank, syslogSyslog, FTP, TFTP, ICMP, and other data that originates from the system uses use the non-routable WAN interface address by default.

    This Use this setting can be used to change the WAN address for the Public LAN IP , or another interface created by the system as the public IP interface. This setting accepts the LAN_IP token, which automatically uses the configured LAN address from the Network page.

    Current Hostname

    Displays the current hostname for this system.

    Set Hostname

    Sets the hostname for this system. By default, the hostname is the system type. Once set, this information appears on the Administration home page.

    A valid host must take the following form: “ABC_company_4500” or “ABC-company-4500”.

    You may enter multiple words to describe your system uniquely. However, you must separate them as shown in the example. Trailing characters must be alphanumeric. The system hostname is limited to 50 characters.

    See Managing Source Address Settings.

    Mean Opinion Score (MOS) Settings

    Configures voice quality settings. See Configuring Mean Opinion Score (MOS) Settings.

    Enable MOS Scoring

    Enables MOS scoring for media that is passing through the system. Disabling MOS scoring will improve system performance. By default, MOS scoring is Enabled.

    Current MOS Threshold

    Displays the current MOS threshold setting.
    MOS Threshold

    Sets the minimum allowable MOS for the system.

    MOS values below this value will cause system messages to be sent to the system log. By default, the value is 2.5.

    Enable realtime MOS ScoringEnable this option to calculate real-time MOS Score for each individual call leg while the call is active and stable.
    Realtime MOS collection interval(min)

    Time interval in which MOS is calculated for

    each call

    each call leg while the call is active and stable




    Default real-time MOS collection interval is 5 minutes.

    Analytics Settings

    See Configuring Analytics.

    Enable Analytics

    Select the checkbox to enable the feature. Prepares the system to gather SIP, Memory, and CPU utilization statistics. By default, analytics is Enabled. Statistics gathering is initiated after the system receives the first SNMP GET request is received by the system.

    Set Analytics Timeout

    Sets the timeout, in minutes, from the last SNMP GET request to disable statistics collection. Timeout values range from 2 to 1666666. By default, the value is 60 minutes.

    System Monitor Settings

    See Configuring System Monitor.

    Enable System Monitor

    Select the checkbox to enable the feature. Prepares the system to gather Poll Cycle Length, /var space usage threshold, /etc/config space usage threshold, RAM usage threshold, CPU usage (user) threshold, CPU usage (system) threshold, and CPU usage (overall) threshold. By default, the Enable System Monitor is Disabled.

  3. Click Submit to make your changes take effect.

  4. A message indicates that service will be temporarily interrupted. Click OK to confirm.


  1. To delete a Trap Destination, select checkboxes for the entries that you want to delete; click All to choose all entries or click None to clear your selections.

  2. Click Delete.

    A message indicates that service will be temporarily interrupted.

  3. Click OK to confirm.

  4. Click Hide Trap Destinations to remove the Trap Destinations window.


  1. Choose Admin> Services Configuration.
  2. Select the Enable SNMPv3 checkbox.

  3. In the SNMPv3 User Name field, enter the SNMPv3 username for the SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) and View-based Access Control Model (VACM) control.

  4. In the SNMPv3 Password field, enter a password to authenticate the user and encrypt the payload based on the SNMPv3 Security setting below. Minimum The minimum password length is 8 characters.

  5. Choose an SNMPv3 security level from the SNMPv3 Security drop-down list. This is used for user authentication and for encrypting synchronous requests and synchronous and asynchronous traps. Default The default is None.

  6. In the SNMPv3 Trap Context field, enter any string.

  7. In the SNMPv3 Trap Destination IP Address field, enter the IPv4 address to send SNMPv3 traps to. Specifying this address enables cold start, authentication, and linkUp/linkDown SNMPv3 traps.

  8. In the SNMPv3 Engine ID (10-32 chars of hex pairs) field, enter a string that contains between 10 and 32 characters of hexadecimal pairs. If an Engine ID is not entered, the system generates one automatically. The ID may be needed by some trap clients that enforce a strict version of SNMPv3 authentication.

  9. Proceed to Configuring SNMP Common Settings.


  1. Choose Admin > Services Configuration.
  2. Scroll to SNMP Common Configuration.

  3. In the System Location field, enter a comment string that can be used to indicate the location of the system. This field is blank by default, ; no value is set.

  4. In the System Contact field, enter administrative contact information for the system. This field is blank by default, ; no value is set.

  5. Leave the default SNMP port 161 in the Port field. The system monitors Port 161 to read and send SNMP data.

  6. Proceed to Configuring Remote System Logging.


  1. Choose Admin > Services Configuration.
  2. Select the Remote System Logging checkbox.

  3. In the Remote Syslog Host field, enter the IP address of the system running the system log server. Multiple IPs can be entered by separating IPs with a space. You can also enter a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The system sends to syslog port 514 by default.

  4. Choose a logging level for the syslog service from the Syslog Filter drop-down list. The default priority is Debug.

  5. Select the Enable REMOTE MOS Filter checkbox to enable remote syslog MOS filtering. This allows the 

    to send mean opinion score (MOS) filtered syslog records to an individually defined syslog server.

  6. In the Remote MOS Filtered Syslog Hosts field, enter the IP address of the system running the system log server. Enter multiple IPs by separating them with a space. The system sends to the default syslog port 514. The port cannot be changed.

  7. Choose a MOS filter facility type from the MOS filter facility drop-down list. This filters MOS records from the syslogs that are sent to the remote MOS-filtered syslog hosts. Default The default is local2.

Configuring an
Group Name


  1. Choose Admin > Services Configuration.
  2. Scroll to Management Source Address.
  3. In the Management Source Address field, enter the system public WAN IPv4 or IPv6 source address to manage data that originates from the system. This field is generally not changed. Default The default is the system's public WAN IP.

Managing Hostname Settings


  1. Choose Admin > Services Configuration.
  2. Scroll to hostname settings. The current hostname is displayed in the Current Hostname field.
  3. Enter a new hostname for the system in the Set Hostname field. The system hostname is limited to 50 characters and must observe the following format : “ABC_company_4500” or “ABC-company-4500.”

    Once set, this name becomes the Hostname on the Administration home page.


  1. Choose Admin > Services Configuration.
  2. Scroll to Enable MOS Scoring.

  3. Select the Enable MOS Scoring checkbox. MOS scoring is enabled by default. Disabling MOS scoring improves system performance.

  4. In the Set MOS Threshold field, enter the minimum MOS threshold allowed for the system. By default, the value is 2.5. MOS values set below this cause system messages to be sent to the system log. The Current MOS Threshold field shows the current MOS threshold for this system.

  5. Click Submit. The new value appears in the Current MOS Threshold.

  6. To save all settings on the page, click Submit All.


  1. Choose Admin > Services Configuration.
  2. Scroll to Enable Analytics.

  3. Select the Enable Analytics checkbox to prepare the system to gather SIP, Memory, and CPU utilization statistics. Statistics gathering is initiated after the system receives the first SNMP GET request is received by the system. Analytics is enabled by default. 

  4. Enter a value in the Set Analytics Timeout field to set the timeout, in minutes, from the last SNMP GET request to disable statistics collection. Timeout values range from 2 to 1666666. By default, the value is 60 minutes.