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Metadata list
||Product on coverpage|SBC Core|
||Product Release|10.x|
||Document Title|REST API Reference Guide - global|
||Document Number|<doc number>|
||Document Revision|<doc revision>|
||Filename|<doc #>_<doc revision>_<product name>_<release #>_<title>|

Resources | global

Image Modifiedglobal

Global objects that are applicable Node wide.


Image ModifiedlicenseO

License data.
Image ModifiedsystemO

Global system objects.
Image ModifiedcacO

Global CAC objects.
Image ModifiedcallRoutingO

Global call routing objects.
Image ModifiedqoeCallRoutingO

QOE based call routing.
Image ModifiedserversO

Global server objects.
Image ModifiedsignalingO

Global Signaling objects
Image ModifiedsipOodO

Out-Of-Dialog Message Config Data.
Image ModifiedsecurityO

Global security objects.
Image ModifiedpolicyServerO

Policy Server Statistics
Image ModifiedsaveRecentCallFlowsInMemoryO

Recent call flow storage
Image ModifiedcallQueuingO

call queuing.
Image ModifiedcallTraceO

Call Trace Group configuration for the Node.
Image ModifiedmonitorEndpointO

the monitor endpoint (MCT)
Image ModifiedmediaCaptureO

Image ModifiedsiprecO

Initiates Media Recording with siprec protocol.
Image ModifiedmonitorTargetO

the monitor target
Image ModifiedcarrierO

Carrier definitions.
Image ModifiedsipDomainO

SIP Domain.
Image ModifiedsubscriberO

Image ModifiedcountryO

Country definitions.
Image ModifiednpaNxxO

Npa Nxx.

Operational Data

Image ModifiedactiveRegistrationDumpStatusCurrent Status for the dump of activeRegistration
Image ModifieddeletedRegistrationDumpStatusCurrent Status for the dump of deletedRegistration
Image ModifiedgeneratedSubscriptionDumpStatusCurrent Status for the dump of generatedSubscription
Image ModifiedcallCountCurrentStatisticsThe global current call count statistics.
Image ModifiedcallCountIntervalStatisticsGlobal interval call count statistics.
Image ModifiedserviceAuthorisedCurStatsThe global current service authorisation statistics.
Image ModifiedserviceAuthorisedIntStatsGlobal interval service authorisation statistics.
Image ModifiedoodMessageCurrentStatisticsThe global current out-of-dialog message statistics.
Image ModifiedoodMessageIntervalStatisticsGlobal interval OOD message statistics.
Image ModifiedfacBlockingEntriesStatisticsThe global statistics shows how many number of packets dropped due to each existing blocking entry.
Image ModifiedfacCurrentblockingEntriesThe status command shows all current blocking entries.
Image ModifiedfacTotalBlockCountStatsThe stats shows total number of packets dropped due to all blocking entries. This count will be reset on restart of the SBC.
Image ModifiedfacFaultRecordsThe current list of fault Recods in the SBC.
Image ModifiedipGeneralGroupStatisticsThe collection of IP General Group information for the specified instance.
Image ModifiedicmpGeneralGroupStatisticsThe collection of ICMP General Group information for the specified instance.
Image ModifiedtcpGeneralGroupStatisticsThe collection of TCP General Group information for the specified instance.
Image ModifiedudpGeneralGroupStatisticsThe collection of UDP General Group information for the specified instance.
Image ModifiedcallSummaryStatusCall Summary status table.
Image ModifiedcallDetailStatusCall Detail status table.
Image ModifiedcallMediaStatusCall Media status table.
Image ModifiedcallResourceDetailStatusCall Resource Detail Status Table.
Image ModifiedcallRemoteMediaStatusCall Remote Media Status Table.
Image ModifiedcallCountStatusCall count statistics for the server.
Image ModifiedocsCallCountStatusCall count statistics for the server.
Image ModifiedsrvccCallCountStatussrvcc Call count statistics for the server.
Image ModifiedcallTraceStatusCall Trace detail status.
Image ModifiedglobalTrunkGroupStatusStatus for IP trunk groups in this zone.
Image ModifieddtlsSrtpStatisticsDTLS SRTP Handshake statistics.
Image ModifiedmonitorEndpointStatusThe status of the MCT setting.
Image ModifiedmonitorTargetStatusthe status of the monitor target
Image ModifiedSipRecStatusList of calls which are being recorded through siprec.
Image ModifiedscriptDefault scripts for call control.


Operation NameDescription
callCountResetset operation on this object resets all the statistics counts to zero
terminateCallterminates the call based on the gcid supplied
dnsClearCacheClear the Full Cache.
deleteAllFaultRecordsdelete all fault records.
dumpActiveRegistrationDump the active SIP registration status
dumpDeletedRegistrationDump the Deleted Registrations status
dumpGeneratedSubscriptionDump the Generated Subscription status


curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/config/global